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Chapter 518 The Half Moon Cat's Invitation

Chapter 518 The Half Moon Cat's Invitation

When Daliang got a territory, five gold merchants congratulated him one after another, and one of them gave Daliang a red envelope of 10 gold.Other famous figures in the Chinese game area also sent congratulatory messages on the national frequency. For a while, everyone was talking about Da Liang's territory, thinking that Da Liang, who was originally a bull in the sky, would definitely be like a second kicker after the development of the territory. Go up again.

He happily received congratulations and red envelopes from friends from all walks of life, and replied one by one with invitation letters for the establishment ceremony of the territory. After finishing his work, Da Liang contacted the propaganda department of the Judgment Legion.

"Immediately make a tentative map of the territory based on the terrain around the Judgment Legion. Remember, the function of the territory is as sound as it is. There are only unexpected things that are not in the territory; as brilliant as the territory is, you can make it as brilliant as possible. Referring to the Forbidden City, the Louvre, and the Kremlin, it is necessary to make people feel tall at a glance; the design should be as high as the wall is high, and the design should be as thick as the wall. The sense of security is the most important.

The other is the player market outside the city.Reserve the land for future expansion of the territory and build westward.The first phase is designed according to an area of ​​1000 mu, and each piece is divided into pieces. The road connects to Shangjiang Shanggang in the north and the cargo distribution center in Jiading City in the west.

All the good positions are reserved for me, and the remaining land is marked with a number, and the commander of the army will sell the land tomorrow. "

The personnel from the propaganda department recorded Da Liang's request and asked questions at the same time: "League commander, the design drawings are all easy to handle, but according to you, the player's sea business market is all outside the territory. Can Jiangcheng let us do this?"

Da Liang said kindly: "I don't care if I will handle the Shangjiang urban management, what are you worrying about? Time is tight, let the brothers work overtime at night, and try to upload the planning map to the army website at noon tomorrow. This is a beautiful job, and the bonus is definitely indispensable. Yours.

Remember that your design purpose is to exaggerate far. "

"Understood the Legion Commander."

After Da Liang arranged for the staff from the Propaganda Department to make the territory design blueprints, he asked the Judgment Legion to arrange the ceremony venue needed tomorrow, and at the same time sent his subordinates to send invitation letters to the city lords and important ministers of Shangjiang City one by one. The bosses also received invitation emails from Da Liang himself.

Hahahaha... everything is ready, just wait for the gold collection tomorrow.

Just when Da Liang was calculating how much he could charge for selling land and advertising space tomorrow, Ban Yuemao sent a communication request.

Half Moon Cat!What is she contacting brother for?
As Shi Fei's opponent, Da Liang certainly knew this important figure who ruled the army.Banyue Mao is the intelligence leader of the Juggernaut Legion, Shi Fei's right-hand man, and most importantly, a beautiful woman.

Da Liang once thought that the half-moon cat who had been with Shi Fei in the early days was his future wife.However, according to the insider report of the University Alliance on the development of the Legion, Shi Fei and Banyue Mao have no life transactions, and there are no ambiguous actions or words. Moreover, Banyue Mao is a very shrewd, sophisticated and goblin woman, dealing with both at home and abroad. Between the major forces with ease.

Obviously, Ban Yuemao is like many elite players under Shi Fei such as Wumengzhiyi. In Shi Fei's previous life, he should have been extremely outstanding in all aspects, and then he was recruited by Shi Fei before these people became famous in this life.

Rebirth is really too buggy, you can walk ahead of all players in everything, unlike my brother who can only fight for character.

Really envious and jealous.

Fortunately, my brother's character has always been strong, otherwise Shi Fei would have really put him down.

No matter what the purpose of Banyuemao contacting brother is, let's listen to what she wants to do first.

"Oh! It turned out to be the famous Sister Cat. I don't know why my luck is so good today. First I got a territory, and then I was contacted by Sister Cat. It's really a double blessing. If I can have a cup of coffee with Sister Cat, It’s really refreshing today.”

Ban Yuemao's voice was not fast, with a charming charm and a penetrating power to the soul, but what he said was startled: "It's not easy for Da Liang to see me, I'm in Shangjiang City, together Have a cup of coffee. I'm also very interested in you, the boss of the Judgment Legion who can make our flying boss slump..."

"Hehehe," Da Liang didn't expect Banyuemao to come to Shangjiang City to find him, so he couldn't help guessing about her purpose in many ways. This intelligence expert's ability is well-known, what does she want to do?However, brother is a big man, are you afraid that she will eat him up?See you soon... "Great, where is Miss Cat? I'll pick you up right away."

Ban Yuemao reported the address of a coffee shop and said, "I'm here waiting for the arrival of Commander Da Liang."

Da Liang wrote down the address and logged off.

Then after thinking about it, he was afraid that Ban Yuemao would seduce him, and he couldn't help being dragged into a room, so he pulled Shu Xiao out of the game again.

"Master, you are awesome! You have obtained such a scarce territory, and it is still the territory of the human race. In the future, when you open the teleportation array connecting the world of heroic spirits, you must bring me with you when you do territory tasks. I heard that territory tasks are easy to recruit When it comes to the ultimate creature of this race, I have to bring an angel with me no matter what. Now that I have angel wings, I don’t need to ride a frost dragon, it’s only majestic to have an angel flying with me.”

Shu Xiao seemed to be even happier than Da Liang for getting a territory of the human race.She has always wanted an angel in her heart, and she always drools with envy whenever she sees Julian.

"It's not easy to want an angel."

Da Liang thought about his future development direction. The Black Fire Territory has developed very well in the kingdom of death, and has a super-rich sulfur mine; the gate of the dead that can deploy large-scale troops remotely. Doing low-level war missions in the kingdom of death can basically be flattened; after controlling the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs and getting enough food, his rule in the foggy area is really hard to shake.

Therefore, in the two territories, Da Liang decided to give priority to the development of the Black Fire Territory with his military and material resources, and to increase the influence and circle of influence of the Kingdom of Death as soon as possible.

If there is no breakthrough in the Human Race Territory, the development of the Judgment Territory will be in the position of assisting and blood transfusion to the Black Fire Territory.

In addition, under the rule of Yunzhong City, the world order of Heroic Spirits is stable, and there should not be too many loopholes to exploit.All territory tasks are carried out step by step, as long as you pay attention, there will not be too much danger, but there will be no big gains.Unlike in the kingdom of the undead, where the Lord of Death, the Lord of Hell, Hell, Cloud City, and the Wizards Guild, multiple powers intersect and intersect, with great dangers and great opportunities.

Based on a comprehensive judgment, Da Liang decided to focus on the task of the kingdom of death, and leave the task of the world of heroic spirits to Shu Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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