start an archangel

Chapter 519 Surprise

Chapter 519 Surprise
Da Liang knew that Shu Xiao had coveted his Archangel Julian for a long time, so he said with a smile: "Since you don't want to ride the Frost Dragon, then hand it over to me."

Shu Xiao said unwillingly: "That's not acceptable. We ruled that the air fighters still expect thunderstorms to bring upgrades. Moreover, during air combat, thunderstorms can also accelerate us, and the fights are also very powerful."

"I'll give you an archangel and two angels, will you change them?"

"Ah?" Shu Xiao felt that the happiness came a bit too suddenly, she just said that she wanted an angel, but she didn't expect that Da Liang would give herself three, one big angel and two angels, "Master, aren't you kidding me again? "

"Master, when did I fool you about sending soldiers? I don't need one archangel and two angels for the time being, and I don't have much time to do the mission of the human territory, so I will leave it to you in the future. Three With two angels by your side, there should be a lot of benefits in the world of heroic spirits ruled by Cloud City. For those two angels, you should upgrade them as soon as possible, and when you have enough experience, I will find a way to upgrade you to an archangel."

"Three big angels!" Shu Xiao felt that he was going to faint from happiness.You must know that it is very difficult for the angel in the player's hand to upgrade to an archangel, because this involves a level 14 creature recruitment building, the Advanced Cloud City Projection, which is the top creature recruitment building only available in the main city of the human race. You can recruit The Archangel provided by Yunshang City can also upgrade the Angel promoted by qualification to Archangel.

Shangjiang City is the main city of the human race, and there is a projection of the high-level Cloud City in the sky. Da Liang feels that he is not qualified to recruit an archangel, but it should still be possible to promote an angel to an archangel.

Looking at Shu Xiao who was lost in imagination with red eyes, Da Liang urged: "Come with me quickly, he is already waiting for me."

Shu Xiao asked: "Who is it? A man, a woman?"

Da Liang laughed and said, "Man, shall I meet? Of course it's a woman, and she's a beautiful woman."

The smile on Shu Xiao's face disappeared immediately, and she said in a strange tone: "Wait for me for a while, I'll go back to my room and change clothes."

This... definitely not for a while.

Da Liang had already urged Shu Xiao eighty times outside Shu Xiao's bedroom, and the completely new Shu Xiao finally came out.

Seeing Shu Xiao in front of him, Da Liang couldn't help being stunned.

Normally, Shu Xiao doesn't shave half of her body. Because she often plays with the fitness equipment in various halls, she sweats so much that she doesn't wear much makeup, giving people a vibrant and natural beauty.Da Liang is also often hooked into fantasies, but when his straight long legs are kicked in a roundabout way, Da Liang hastily escaped to his room to play games.

At this moment, Shu Xiao made Da Liang, who had been waiting for more than an hour, feel... Brother must be blind!
"You, you, you, you actually wear skirts and high heels. I have lived with you for so long, and I didn't even know you still have such clothes! Will you lose your clothes when you kick people? Can you stand still when you kick people? ?"

Shu Xiao's face darkened: "Do you want to try?"

Da Liang hurriedly said: "No, no, no! I think it's good for you to wear it like this. Most people can't control the white skirt. Only your figure can complement the white skirt. High-heeled shoes show the shape of the legs, and the longer the straighter the legs, wear them High heels are also charming. To be honest, it’s a waste of your good condition not to wear them like this usually. The light makeup on this face is also beautiful, neither coquettish nor gaudy, elegant and refined...the body smells so good. By the way, I’m going to talk to someone, why do you Make yourself look like a movie star?"

Shu Xiao was praised by Da Liang with a smile: "It's so-so, just dress up casually, not as good as what you said, Master. Master, who are we going to see?"

Da Liang was shuddered by Shu Xiao's sweet voice: "Ban Yuemao, the intelligence director of the Juggernaut Legion. Just now she contacted me suddenly in the game, saying that she is in Shangjiang and still wants to see me? I don't know if she asked me because of flying sand and stones." , or she has some thoughts. In short, seeing this woman is a trouble, and if I don't see her, I'm afraid she will cause trouble.

I brought you with me just so that you can stop me from talking nonsense when she pours me ecstasy soup on me.Remember, keep your vigilance as a bodyguard, Banyuemao is a very powerful woman, your master and I are full of energy, if you can't hold it, don't let me ride in her car. "

Shu Xiao was even happier: "No problem, leave this to me, Master, don't worry. I'll go back and change my clothes. This skirt is easy to wear out when kicking people, and it's easy to fall when high-heeled shoes are kicking people."

Hearing that Shu Xiao wanted to change clothes again, Da Liang, who had been waiting for more than an hour, hurriedly stopped him: "This is good, I don't need to do anything today. Show off your charm and fight the half-moon cat. This meeting, Master, I will Steady."

Shu Xiao narrowed her eyes and said, "Don't worry, Master. Leave it to me, Master."

Seeing Shu Xiao's fighting spirit, Da Liang wondered if it was a bit too risky for him to take Shu Xiao to meet Ban Yue Mao?In case it is reported in the game that my brother committed a murder and hospitalized the seriously injured man who was beaten by Hua Banyue Mao, the leader of the legion, then this girl's famous name will be in the hands of this girl.

But looking at Shu Xiao's high spirits, if he doesn't let her go temporarily, will she kick the high heels in his face.


Take it with you, watch it closely, there should be no problem.

There has been news from Japan. Knowing that China has countermeasures, many Japanese game bosses who have been bombarded by Da Liang said that they will not extend the contradictions in the game to outside the game.Even Yagami, who suffered the most losses, said that he would not use immoral means of revenge after knowing what kind of revenge he would suffer if he dared to act outside the game.

In the security industry, the employer's personal bodyguard is only the last defense system. Only through checks and balances can the crisis be resolved before it occurs, so that the safety of the employer can be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

Da Liang's risk of encountering danger became lower, and this trip was not as exciting as the previous trip.

In a coffee shop, Da Liang and Shu Xiao saw the half-moon cat who had already been waiting here.

In the game, the role of the half-moon cat is a demon girl from hell who is famous for her seductiveness; outside the game, the half-moon cat is also a bright lady.

Influenced by Shi Fei's last entrustment, Ban Yuemao specially dressed up to meet Daliang. She knows that mature women are very tempting to boys like Daliang, but if they are too charming, they will also scare them. The young boy dared not go forward.

Half Moon Cat is dressed and groomed just right, seductive without being too casual.Especially on the chest, it seems to be exposed but not exposed, without the glaring feeling of white flowers, which can only be seen enough.

However, Ban Yuemao was very surprised that Da Liang was not here alone, especially after seeing that Shu Xiao's appearance was different from his own, he also thought of why Da Liang brought such a beautiful female companion.

"It's no wonder that Mr. Da Liang is able to thrive in the game. Just this thought is very admirable. It seems that I made a fool of myself today, but I also look forward to this meeting with Mr. Da Liang. The official self Let me introduce, I am Half Moon Cat."

Da Liang shook hands with Ban Yue Mao: "Da Liang."

Shu Xiao also smiled and stretched out her hand: "My name is Yaoque..."

(End of this chapter)

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