start an archangel

Chapter 536 Preparations before departure

Chapter 536 Preparations before departure
Da Liang spent the whole night in the captain's room of the Black Pearl, learning the design skills of the two-masted battleship with Geese, and by the way, tested the proficiency of the intermediate ship designer.

The Ship Design Master Medal that Da Liang obtained from the North Star City Ship Designers Association, in addition to bringing Da Liang a 10% success rate in drawing drawings, also allowed Da Liang to have a 5% chance of showing a boutique-level battleship blueprint when designing a battleship.

The battleships produced by the boutique-level battleship blueprints all have ship skills, which may be partly enhanced in firepower, may be faster, or may only have some small incentives for the crew.

One-on-one, the boutique-class warships have a great advantage, and once the boutique-class warships form a scale, they will definitely be an elite sea force.

These days, Da Liang makes some blueprints of two-masted battleships every day, and has accumulated more than 20 blueprints of boutique-level warships.He entrusted Pudong Shipyard with the blueprints of these boutique-class battleships to build them. After the construction was completed, they were used to equip the Black Fire Fleet, and the two-masted battleships eliminated by the Black Fire Fleet were used to expand the Judgment Fleet.

The next morning, Da Liang obtained a bottle of recovery potion from the Prophet, and then Da Liang borrowed the Black Pearl to transport the four dragon corpses to Hei Huo Ling.

Now Blackfire has its own skeleton conversion field, which can transform creatures of other races into skeleton soldiers, and dragon creatures into bone dragons.

The 20000 magic babies sent to Da Liang by hell are on their way.The Black Fire Collar transport fleet can transport 10000 soldiers at a time, and it takes four days to travel to and from the Black Fire Collar. In addition to loading and unloading cargo, it will take about 20000 days for Da Liang to obtain 8 skeleton soldiers.

Therefore, Da Liang first used the recovery potion and the four dragon corpses obtained from Yashen'an to make four bone dragons, and then sent the four bone dragons to the evil prison.

The Bone Dragon transforms into a Frost Wyrm in blood-red flames.

The first bone dragon turned into fly ash.


Immediately afterwards, Da Liang's character suddenly exploded. After the first bone dragon failed to transform, the three bone dragons sent in succeeded consecutively.

An archangel corpse, four dragon corpses, and three level 14 frost dragons in exchange for something for nothing, is really a huge profit!

Wa hahaha……

In the past few days, my brother has been traveling all the way, he is majestic, he will come whatever he wants, and he will come if he doesn't want to. The future of money is bright.

To commemorate this meaningful moment, the three of you will be called Ah Fu, Ah Lu and Ah Shou.

In addition to the thunderstorm that was transferred from Judgment Legion, this time Da Liang brought another four Frost Dragons to the army of the Death Kingdom.Counting Julian, Astro, Roar and Hurricane, Da Liang can use 8 ultimate creatures.

Let the four frost dragons go through the portal to the Boneyard Fortress in the Kingdom of the Dead. Astro, who is in charge of guarding the Boneyard, will take Fu, Lu, and Shou to kill some undead around and improve the three newborns. The level of the frost wyrm.

Level 14 creatures are only level 1 heroes, and the current Fu Lu Shou is just a slightly more powerful unit.

At the same time, Da Liang can also evaluate the potential of the three upgraded attributes and combat skills.

The Frost Dragon was added to the Boneyard, and then Da Liang dispatched some supplies to the Kingdom of the Dead to strengthen the defenses of the Boneyard Fortress and the forward fortress in the Dreamland.

An army of demon spirits and an army of magic mages follow Da Liang to mobilize an army of 15000 skeleton soldiers and plague crawlers to enter the kingdom of death together.

The Black Fire Leader gave Daliang a blood transfusion in the territory of the death kingdom, and he returned to Shangjiang City through the portal of the Black Fire Leader.

At this time, the Judgment Land has completed all the front buildings required for the territory to be promoted to the second level. Da Liang directly chooses to upgrade the territory, and then appoints Shu Xiao as the deputy lord of the Judgment Land.

After Shu Xiao found out that he was appointed as the deputy lord of the Judgment, he immediately called to Da Liang: "Master, you let me be the deputy lord, this task is too difficult!"

"As a teacher and apprentice, don't always make a fuss. Are you afraid of this challenge, a 'Tanya' who has fought in Israel and can explode?"

"Master, I was only trained in the defense project in Israel. I have never fought in a war. Uncle Jin can't let me go to war. I haven't even killed a chicken. During the two years of training in Israel, I killed a few bison That's all."

This...why does it sound so awkward?

"Don't talk nonsense, your master and I have too many things to do, and the task is too difficult. If you don't share the worries for the teacher at this important moment, who will share the worries for the teacher. Don't worry, it's just developing a territory, why worry? People's hearts are much lower Build service buildings; if the security is low, build more patrol houses and outposts; if the happiness index is low, add more types of goods to the market.

Now I don't expect the ruling to make money. I don't want to build so many factories. If I want to build them, I will stay away from residential buildings.There is a special person in charge of urban planning. If you don’t understand, you can check the strategy on the Internet. If it doesn’t work, you can ask me.

Now that there are no external enemies and the interior is stable, you should use all your strength to upgrade your territory.When the territory is upgraded to level 6, you can go to the plane of heroic spirits. It is best not to enter the plane of heroic spirits through the judgment collar when the army is less than [-]. You can first go to the plane of heroic spirits through the plane portal of Shangjiang City to investigate there. In the case of the situation, choose a generally safe place for the exit of the territory portal.

You can figure out the rest by yourself. With archangels and angels in hand, there is nothing to be afraid of. I am optimistic about you. "

Shu Xiao was motivated by Da Liang: "Yes, Master! Look at mine, Master!"

There is no problem in handing over the ruling to Shu Xiao.

There is no urgent matter to be resolved in Shangjiang City for the time being, so Da Liang took the time to go offline to discuss with Boss Jin, Xu Man, and Twelve Nose Rings about establishing a maritime company together.

The four parties jointly invested in the establishment of Yingshi Judgment Maritime Trading Company. Da Liang, as the main investor, holds 51% of the new company's shares, Jiuding Chamber of Commerce uses 20% of the shares, Shangjiang University Alliance owns 20% of the shares, and Runaway Niutou's shares are 9%.

Yingshi Judgment Maritime Trading Company, You Daliang provided a piece of land for a shop in the Maritime Trading Center. At the same time, he used his influence to allow Judgment Maritime Company to obtain high-profit goods from the Jiading City Goods Distribution Center, and to provide a piece of land for Judgment Maritime Trading. They provide official protection.

Jiuding Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the company's operation, procurement and sales to maximize profits.

The Shangjiang University Alliance is responsible for maritime transportation and provides escort for maritime merchants to prevent pirates and players from robbing.

Runaway Bull Head is responsible for protecting the land shops and cargo warehouses of Judgment Maritime Company.

Da Liang is very unprofessional about doing business. Based on the principle that those who can do more work, they directly act as the shopkeeper, and let Boss Jin and Xu Man be responsible for the establishment and operation of the entire company.

Things outside of the game were dealt with, and Da Liang was about to enter the game and go to the kingdom of death.

At this moment, Ban Yuemao called again: "Boss Da Liang, I have the script of the movie in my hands. Where are you? I'll go find you... Let's talk about how to make this fantasy war love passion blockbuster."

(End of this chapter)

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