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Chapter 537 Script

Chapter 537 Script
Fantastic war love passion blockbuster!
Just listening to Ban Yue Mao's soft voice, Da Liang is already passionate.

Of course, Da Liang is still a bit sensible, and he didn't rashly go to see Ban Yue Mao alone. This woman is really good at seducing men. She knows that she has a purpose, but she will fall into her trap unconsciously.

Brother is a straight and straight man, he can stand her deliberate provocation there, and this time he has to take a person with him.

Shu Xiao?

Forget it, she stopped her brother from using the method is really too straightforward, brother's waist can't bear it...

Or call Xu Man.How can I say that this filming is the first cooperation between the North and South Lords Alliance in China, and it has great political significance. Xu Man, the leader of the Northern Lords Alliance, definitely needs to read the script and check it out by the way.

Moreover, Xu Man's inherent coercion is not for bragging, otherwise, in the trilateral negotiations, he would not be able to suppress so many big shots and predators from China, Japan and South Korea, and Ban Yuemao is not easy to catch.

Heh heh heh... little...

He told Xu Man a lot about meeting Ban Yue Mao.

Xu Man has long been familiar with the Ban Yue Mao who dominates the legion. These days, he often meets with Ban Yue Mao to discuss the truce with the Southern Lords Alliance, and he knows how powerful this woman is.Da Liang is now the foundation of the stability of the Northern Lords Alliance, and he must not be influenced by the half-moon cat in terms of position.

"The alliance of northern and southern lords co-produced a movie. Banyue Mao and I mentioned it when we met. This is a good thing for the Chinese game area. But we can't be led by the nose by the alliance of southern lords. The script, actors , Drama affairs can't have their final say.

You go to see Ban Yuemao first, and don't promise her anything about filming. I'll be there later, and we'll talk about the details when I get there. "

Xu Man is willing to come, and Da Liang is full of confidence when he sees the half-moon cat.

It was still the same coffee shop. Since it is now the peak period of passenger flow, there are a lot of people drinking coffee here this time.

Banyue Mao's glamorous appearance attracts both men and women, attracting customers and shop assistants frequently, and even a few people approached to strike up a conversation, asking for phone numbers, WeChat IDs and so on.

But the half-moon cat politely refused.

When the half-moon cat was harassing, Da Liang walked in from the door.

"I'm very sorry, the friend I was waiting for has arrived." After seeing Da Liang, Ban Yuemao smiled and rejected a young man's entanglement, and then waved to Da Liang, "I'm here..."

So, Da Liang sat across from the half-moon cat amidst a group of envious eyes.

"Miss Cat is always eye-catching no matter where she is."

Ban Yuemao ordered two cups of black coffee, and then faced Da Liang's compliment and said, "I'm just a bit pretty, not as popular and charming as Boss Da Liang. On the day when the Judgment Leader was established, Boss Da Liang finally let us know Where are you so powerful, you have strengthened our determination to make peace with the Northern Lords Alliance.

Why did Boss Daliang come here alone today, and didn't see the girl named 'Yaoque' who came with you that day? "

"Her..." Da Liang felt that the flesh on his waist was still aching, "There are some things that I can't come to today. Let's read the script first, my ruling collar has just been established, and there are too many things to take care of .”

Banyue Mao originally wanted to take this opportunity to learn more about the situation of "Yaoque" and "Broken Moon", but she didn't expect that Da Liang didn't bring her here this time, so she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.But she didn't show it, but took out a printed script from her handbag and handed it to Da Liang: "This is a script we wrote with the best screenwriter in China. It's about a human boy and a demon." It’s a love story against the background of a feud between the two clans, with Boss Da Liang playing the male lead and me playing the female lead.”

Da Liang took the script from Ban Yuemao, took a sip of coffee and read it.

Due to time constraints, movies generally do not design too complicated plots. This drama itself has relatively simple routines and old-fashioned stories.

It is about a world where the human race and the demon race are hostile to each other, and there are endless battles between the two races.However, during a war, an injured human boy accidentally broke into a demon girl's room.The girl saves the boy, and the two fall in love.

But this kind of evil love cannot be accepted by the human race and the demon race...

Of course, the two also rushed through all kinds of obstacles and pursuits, defeated the big villain, eliminated the hatred between the two races, and finally lived happily together.

When Da Liang was reading the script, Ban Yuemao narrated the love story in it eloquently. The originally boring script was substituted into the characters in it by what she narrated.In particular, the cuteness of the demon girl and the deep affection for the hero make Da Liang unconsciously overlap the heroine with the half-moon cat in front of him.

At this time, the half-moon cat was slowly stirring the coffee cup with a small spoon in its hand, and looked at Da Liang with innocent eyes, which made Da Liang's heart seem to be electrified.

Then Da Liang saw a person sitting beside Ban Yue Mao suddenly.

"Hey, Da Liang. How about reading the script? Is it worth filming?"

It was Xu Man. Da Liang, who came back to his senses, let out a sigh of relief, and accidentally fell for the cat again.

Then, Da Liang felt someone sitting next to him.

Looking back, it turned out to be Gu Tao.

Xu Man even brought her here, this is to demonstrate to Ban Yue Mao!

Brother likes it.

Da Liang happily said to Gu Tao, "Junior Sister Tao Zi is here too, and Sister Man is here too, so you can order whatever you want to drink. Sister Mao is treating you today."

Gu Tao casually ordered a cup of coffee, and then said: "You talk about things, don't worry about me."

Da Liang said to Xu Man: "Sister Man, I read the script. To be honest, it's all routine, without any creativity or highlights."

Banyue Mao didn't expect that Da Liang would call for backup in advance. Not only did Xu Man come, but she also brought a beautiful girl who was different from the "Broken Moon" that day.She greeted Xu Man first, and when she was about to get to know Gu Tao, she heard Daliang's dissatisfaction with the script.

Ban Yuemao explained: "Boss Da Liang, although the stories are simple, they are all well-tested routines. The plot is very coherent, well-regulated and has no obvious flaws. It is a good story. The rest is the ability of the director and the reputation of the actors. , The grandeur of the scene and the dazzling special effects, generally speaking, it is whether the money is spent in place.

For our Northern and Southern Lords Alliance, the funding for filming is no problem at all.

At the same time, the plot in the story is more in line with the current situation of our two families. The original hostility came together because of a common enemy.

And I also believe in the appeal of Boss Da Liang in the game. As long as we can make a big-budget movie, there will be no problem with the box office. "

But Da Liang said: "There is a problem, there is a big problem."

(End of this chapter)

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