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Chapter 547 I'll Take You To See Him

Chapter 547 I'll Take You To See Him

Fuma used to be a well-known ninja family in Japanese history, and their legendary stories have influenced generations of Japanese.Coupled with the continuous exaggerated interpretation of ninjas in Japanese animation culture, those teenagers in the second stage of middle school crazily worship those ninjas who can "fly into the sky and escape from the ground".

Feng Moying is a girl who has been deeply poisoned by Japanese ninja culture. She can still maintain the appearance of a girl outside the game, but she is caught in role-playing in the game.

Not only did she play ninja role-playing by herself, but she also made a group of friends to play together, and finally she played some tricks.

The Fumo Squad is an organization of quest-oriented players led by Feng Moying who specialize in solving various missions. The members are all Japanese junior high school students.They established a strict system based on ninja knowledge collected from anime and peacetime.

The team has 35 members, and the division of labor is extremely fine. Those who specialize in analyzing and triggering missions, those who specialize in gathering intelligence, those who specialize in combat, and those who specialize in tracking... Any mission is given to them, and all members immediately follow up the mission according to their responsibilities. process until the task is finally completed.

our target is……

Call more companions to join us, and finally build your own ninja village.

After Tokugawa Nobunaga heard about their deeds, he immediately recruited them and promised to support them in forming a legion and build a legion station for them.

"Call the village whatever you want.

After joining the Sunshine Leader, the Fengma team got the support of the Sunrise Guild's data background, and completed tasks more efficiently, and soon became Tokugawa Nobunaga's task force.

This time Tokugawa Nobunaga came to the kingdom of death, and also brought the Fuma team so that he could quickly gain a foothold in the foggy area.

"Now the territory's funds are very loose, and I have the ability to establish a second main army. It's just that many people are staring at this quota, and those second-tier armies want to turn themselves into the main army. If your Fengmo team wants to get this quota , and performed well in the kingdom of death.

You also know the resource quotas of the main army and the second-tier army. If you can't get the quota to become the main army, I can only temporarily give you a second-tier army. "

Tokugawa Nobunaga's words echoed in Feng Moying's ears, but Feng Moying believed that they should do their best, and a second-tier army could never fulfill their dreams.

At this time, Feng Moying was standing at the door of the church in the dilapidated misty area.She chose an elf family, a ranger by profession, a green vest over a tight soft leather armor, and a homemade forehead protector on her head, half covering her face.

After her Fengma team arrived in the foggy area, the residents of the foggy area were returning from outside the city one after another. Just like the information they had obtained before, most of the residents in the foggy area were non-dead races.Moreover, when the residents of these foggy areas came back, they all carried big bags and small bags, and they were all in good spirits, as if they had picked up money when they went out.

The members of the Wind Demon Squad have already dispersed in the foggy area. Based on their experience in clearing missions, they will first try to contact the residents of the foggy area, then analyze the communication process, find out the clues to trigger the mission from the details, and finally trigger the mission to complete the strategy. .

Feng Moying handed over the matter of increasing intimacy with the residents of the misty area to her team members, and she chose to come to the church in the misty area in person.

This church representing the Holy See of Wugou turned out to be like this. It was obvious that something important happened here. A church in the hinterland of the City of Sighs was attacked. There must be a large and difficult mission hidden inside.

Feng Moying likes to challenge herself with difficult tasks, "If I can trigger and complete a task that can be rated as S-level, I will become the first person to be promoted to Jonin."

The Fuma team has complex settings for their role-playing. They have detailed standards to rate tasks. At the same time, completing tasks of different levels can get different points to improve their self-made ninja levels, such as low ninja, middle ninja and high ninja. Tolerate.

In the eyes of outsiders, these are children's tricks, but the members of the Fengma team are all doing their best to build the world of their dreams.

"Feng Moying, come on! Come on!"

After cheering herself up, Feng Moying walked into the church.

There are all large and small holes and broken walls between the entrances. Although the debris on the ground has been cleaned up, it is still possible to see from these remaining traces how fierce battles took place here.

Feng Moying walked into the main hall of the church, where half of the ceiling was lifted.And there seemed to be no missionaries here. She walked all the way from outside the gate, but she didn't see a single undead until a voice sounded behind her.

"This is the church in the misty area. We do not welcome any outsiders to visit. Please leave immediately."

Feng Moying turned around vigilantly, and at some point a terrifying knight hero stood not far behind her. He wrapped himself in a jet-black full-body armor like a tin can, and only the eyes of the closed helmet shot out. Penetrating red light.

This is a hero with extremely terrifying strength. Feng Moying quickly made her own judgment. She carefully looked at the saber in the hands of the terrifying knight, and then quickly organized appropriate words: "Hello, respected knight. I am a Adventurer, determined to travel to every place in the world. After arriving in the kingdom of death, I was immediately attracted by the teachings of the Vatican, and felt the greatness and fraternity of the god of death. Therefore, I set a goal for myself, that is, every The place is to go to the church to admire the glory of the god of death.

But here, I found that this supposedly magnificent and solemn church seemed to have encountered some bad things.

But no matter what, the Temple of the God of Death should not look like this. I am willing to spend money to help you repair it and restore it to its proper brilliance. "

After finishing speaking, Feng Moying gave her speech full marks.This terrifying knight knew at a glance that he had a very high status in this church, and he even praised and donated money, which would definitely increase his favorability.

As long as I can spend this money, I will be considered as the connection I have established with the church in the foggy area, and then slowly figure out what happened here, and finally complete the task and successfully establish a close relationship with the church in the foggy area root.

Just when Feng Moying was thinking about how to further increase the intimacy, the terrifying knight said to her: "You...revere the God of Death very much?"

Feng Moying replied: "No, it's worship!"

"Then... I'll send you to see him."

(End of this chapter)

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