start an archangel

Chapter 548 Come on, you can do it!

Chapter 548 Come on, you can do it!
Feng Moying came out from the resurrection point in the misty area.

She was in a very bad mood, and anyone who was killed for no reason would be upset.

What did I say wrong?Why did that horrible knight kill people directly without any explanation? This is absolutely unreasonable. The logic of my words is completely correct. The whole article is praising Death and the Holy See. situation...


I made a mistake, a mistake with different values ​​of undead creatures.

The doctrine of the Wugou Holy See is to believe in the god of death and encourages to dedicate myself to the god of death. If I say that I worship the god of death in front of a congregation of the Wugou Holy See, isn't that telling the other party that I want to die?
There was nothing wrong with that terrifying knight's behavior. What was wrong was that I applied the values ​​of a living being to the values ​​of an undead.

be warned,
If you want to arouse the goodwill of an undead, the goodwill of the congregation of the Unsullied Holy See, you must express your respect for the god of death without making them feel that they are eager to see the god of death. The scale must be well grasped.

Feng Moying came to the door of the church in the misty area again.

"Feng Moying, come on! Come on! You can do it..."

Feng Moying walked into the church again, and saw the terrifying knight again.

"Hello, I'm an adventurer. It's the first time I came to the kingdom of death, and the teachings of the Holy See of Immortality here attracted me deeply. It seems to explain everything in the world, but I can't fully understand it. Therefore, I decided to look at the glory of the God of Death every time I passed a church, to experience the mysteries he imparted to me, but I found that the more questions I got, the more questions I got. It seems that I can only find them by walking all over the kingdom of death. Answer.

It's just that something bad happened to this church. I would like to donate a sum of money to your church to thank the god of death for enlightening me. "

Full marks.

This speech not only expresses my respect for the god of death, but also expresses my desire to continue to understand the spirit of the god of death in the kingdom of death.This terrifying knight has absolutely no reason to kill people, so this mission level can pass and enter the next stage.

The terrifying knight said to Feng Moying: "Do you have many questions about the doctrine of the God of Death?"

Feng Moying replied: "Yes, I want to spend my whole life exploring."

"Why don't you just ask Death directly?"


Feng Moying walked out from the resurrection point wanting to cry but without tears.

Another level dropped.

What level of task is this? Just triggering it requires a gamble of life. If you make a wrong answer and even have no chance to argue, you will kill someone directly.

How to pass the level of the horror knight and get to the next stage of the mission?
Feng Moying played back the video of her communication with the terrifying knight, recalling every detail carefully, she did not give up on this mission just because she was killed twice.

There is obviously a hidden mission here, it is so difficult just to trigger it, and the difficulty of the whole mission can also be seen.This is definitely an extremely difficult task that we have never encountered before. Once it can be completed, the rewards must be unimaginable.

Compared with the rewards of tasks of this level, what is a few levels down?
The first thing that can be judged is that this terrifying knight is in a very bad mood.Yes, his own home was destroyed like this, and no one would be in a good mood, so he tended to use extreme means in dealing with things.

Secondly, this terrifying knight should be a fanatic of death.The congregation of the Wugou Holy See takes "persuading" believers to dedicate themselves to the god of death as their own responsibility, so if they express their worship to the god of death too much, he will directly "persuade" them personally.

In the end, this terrifying knight is really strong. I can say that I was careless when I was killed the first time, but I was prepared for the second time, and I still didn't escape being killed by one blow.

Therefore this task can only be outsmarted.

This time I didn't mention death to him, just said that I have too much money to spend on the church that I want to donate to him, so he probably has no reason to kill me.

Feng Moying was ready to take another gamble.

When Jonathan killed Feng Moying for the second time, Da Liang, who heard that a player came to the misty area, just returned to the church in the misty area.

"What? You killed someone?"

Brother still counts on the shops in the misty area to make money.

It is okay to deceive players, which can increase the popularity of the foggy area and attract more players to the foggy area.

But killing players casually is another matter. If you risk your life if you come to the misty area, who would dare to come if such a bad name spreads?
Jonathan flicked his saber and said: "Our base was destroyed by the Holy See of Wugou, Elder Quentin died, and many wizards were killed by them. When that man came in, he said that he admired the god of death. Get angry and kill people."

Da Liang cursed: "Jonathan...Pedro, you are a church knight of the Wugou Church now, isn't it just to tell others that you have a problem with your identity if you kill a believer of the God of Death? What is your duty? Yes Relying on your status as the head of the Knights of the Church in the Misty District, to protect the City of Sighs branch that we have finally rebuilt, your reckless behavior will harm everyone.

If the Holy See of Wugou finds us, are you worthy of the dead Elder Quentin and wizards?Are you sorry for those comrades in Minya who escaped with you?Are you worthy of what I have done for the City of Sighs branch? "

Da Liang's words made Jonathan realize the mistakes he had made, and put the Sighing City branch in danger. He said anxiously: "I'm sorry elder, hatred made me lose my mind, I promise you that next time I will definitely This mistake will not be made again.”

Jonathan admitted his mistake, but Da Liang didn't pursue it further.After all, Jonathan only killed the player, and that player would definitely not be reconciled to being killed twice.She will definitely come again to see why this terrifying knight violently killed people and what secrets he has.

This is the cheapness of players.

And Da Liang's task is to wipe Jonathan's ass and distract the players from his attention, otherwise he will be stared at by the players all the time, and it's hard not to be noticed by the players with Jonathan's rectum.

Of course, Da Liang couldn't use his identity as a player to solve this problem, it would only make them swarm like flies smelling shit, and things would become more and more troublesome.

It seems that he can only act as an npc.

The system npc has a specific set of procedures for treating players; it will automatically ignore some players' unique behaviors, such as going offline; the players' unique dialogues will be automatically filtered into normal in-game language, such as some modern The word; at the same time the player dies and resurrects, in the npc program it is "someone died, but not you".

Of course, the entire program for the player is more complicated.

In the eyes of the player, the behavior of the npc has not been modified at all, so it is not easy for the player to play an npc.

However, Da Liang has been in contact with npcs for a long time, if he acts as a character, he should...

is a challenge.

But Da Liang couldn't help but think about it, because he saw a certain popular anime ninja cosplay girl looking in from the door of the church.

At this time, Da Liang was wearing the sacred robe of the Pope of the Wugou Holy See, and the wide hood completely covered his appearance.

Feng Moying, who was visiting carefully, saw the terrifying knight who killed her twice in a row. At the same time, she also saw that there was another Wugou Pope in the church wearing the holy robe of Wugou, and the status of this pope seemed to be higher than that of the terrifying knight. higher.

Not good...the difficulty has actually increased!

A terrifying knight hero is already very tricky, and now adding a more powerful pope, this time is probably the last chance to trigger the mission.

"Come on, Feng Moying, you can do it. We're not talking about ideals this time, we're only talking about money."

(End of this chapter)

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