start an archangel

Chapter 549 Story Missions

Chapter 549 Story Missions
Da Liang didn't expect this player to come so fast, and before he was ready, the little girl had already returned to the church, making Da Liang unable to hide and avoid.

He was too aggressive, he was hacked to death twice, at the very least, he should step on the spot and carefully analyze the corresponding measures.You broke in so recklessly, brother was completely unprepared, at least you had to set up a small dark room for brother to hide in, so that you can pretend to be mysterious so that you can't see him.

Playing an NPC in front of a player so directly face to face, the difficulty has increased too much.

But the people have come, and the ducks are on the shelves, so we can only take one step at a time.

Da Liang pulled the hood so that his face was completely covered in the shadows, then looked outside the door, changed the language to Necromancer, and then said in a low voice to Feng Moying who was cheering on himself: "Who are you? This is the church of the Unstained Holy See, and foreign visitors are not welcome."

was discovered...

Feng Moying, who decided to make the last bet, walked in boldly: "Honorable Pope, I am an adventurer. When I passed by this church just now, I found that it seemed to be damaged, so I want to take Make a donation to your church.

As a church representing the Vatican, it should have its own appearance. "

After finishing speaking, Feng Moying felt uneasy.

This speech of hers did not directly mention her belief in the God of Death, but she revealed her closeness to the Wugou Holy See, and the focus of the entire speech was on donating property.

I'm here to send money, you have no reason to kill me, right?
However, the undead priest here cannot be measured according to common sense. If he is really killed, then this is an unsolvable task at this stage, and there must be some pre-requisite tasks that have not been completed.

Feng Moying waited for the two NPCs to respond.

But what she waited for was a short silence.

Donate money?Why doesn't this little girl play her cards according to the routine?

A set of emergency countermeasures was formulated just after Daliang.When the player expresses his respect and admiration for the god of death, he must of course praise her, and then criticize Jonathan from the side for not always sending all the believers to see the god of death.

"The belief in the god of death needs to be spread. If we all return to the embrace of the god of death, the world will soon not be illuminated by the god of death. The work of us servants of the gods is not only to persuade believers to return to the god of death, but also to spread the teachings of innocence... ..."

This speech can completely dispel the doubts that this player was killed twice in a row. If you want to die yourself, don't blame an innocent church knight for sending you to death.

In the end, my brother was using the power of the Pope of Foreign Affairs to send this little girl a random task, and he could easily send her away.

It's just a little girl, so easy to fool.

But Da Liang never expected that this player would not talk about ideals with him, but about money.

Brother, did you send your money for building the church?
And how to answer this question?

Promise her... instead of telling her: you've triggered a hidden quest?

Da Liang wanted players to come to the foggy area, but he didn't want them to find himself hiding behind the scenes.Snowfield Manor, Destiny Manor and Unstained Church are all forbidden to have in-depth contact with players.

Snowfield Manor and Destiny Manor are heavily guarded and can easily block players.As for the Wugou Church, since the Knights of the Church were first built, the church has not been protected, and the outer wall of the church is full of holes, which cannot stop the players for a while.As a result, before Da Liang could arrange the defense measures of the Wugou Church, all-pervasive players had already stretched their hands in.

But she didn't agree to her donation... The money sent to the door was pushed out. A normal church would not do this. It was simply telling the other party: I have a big secret here, so hurry up and find out.

Difficult to answer.

But, it's hard to say to ordinary players, will a quick-witted high-player like brother be stumped by this situation?

Da Liang kept a steady and low tone and said to Feng Moying: "On behalf of the Wugou Church in the Misty Area, I thank you for your donation, and I am also worried about repairing this church. If you are willing to donate 100 million gold coins to us, you Will be the most distinguished guest of honor in the Church of the Misty District."

100 million gold coins...

It's a huge sum of money for anyone, let alone a girl like you who looks like a teenage girl in her second stage.

Even if you are a rich second generation, it is impossible for you to donate so much money to an in-game church, or a church that believes in death.

How unlucky!

So, my brother promised your donation, but the money I asked for can make you retreat in spite of the difficulties.

Bet right!
Feng Moying cheered for herself in her heart!
As expected, I am a task genius. This task is not to use inertial thinking to talk about beliefs with these Death God believers. Once I express too much respect for Death God, I will be sent to meet Death God by these Death God believers.

The trigger point of this mission is to directly express my desire to donate to repair the church. Perhaps it is not enough to just express the meaning of donation. I express my closeness to the Wugou Holy See in cryptic words, which definitely adds a lot of points to this breakthrough.

Now there is finally a breakthrough in the task strategy here. As long as I can donate the money to this church, then I have successfully established contact with the Pope who is the Holy See of Wushen, and then I can trigger the task step by step. Complete the Raiders of the Fog Zone.

Feng Moying didn't have that much money, so she urgently contacted Nobunaga Tokugawa.

"President, I have been exposed to a plot mission in the church in the misty area, and now I urgently need financial support from the guild."

Drama mission!

Tokugawa Nobunaga did not expect that Feng Moying would trigger such a high-level task in such a short period of time, and he couldn't help but secretly praised his foresight.

There are many types of tasks in the hero world, which can be roughly divided into explicit tasks and hidden tasks.

The explicit task is to directly give the task goal, and the task reward has the player to choose whether to accept it.

Hidden tasks require players to trigger and then accept them.

Story missions are one of the hidden missions. They run through a completed story event. There will be no system prompts for the acceptance and rewards of the missions, and it depends entirely on the player's own ability to participate in the story.Moreover, plot missions are generally not single-line. They will continue to diverge and diverge according to the development of the plot. The mission period is generally long and will become more and more complicated. However, as long as the player has the ability, he can obtain far more than equipment, Level better rewards.

If a player has the opportunity to accept the plot mission and can grasp the opportunity, he may change from a native chicken to a phoenix overnight.

Looking at Da Liang in the Chinese game area, it is obvious that he received a mission in Shangjiang City to get in touch with the ruling class of Shangjiang, and then he changed from an ordinary student to a hot figure in the entire game world.

And subordinates are dealing with the plot mission of the Wugou Church in the main city of the Undead Base Camp. If you can follow this mission and keep contacting the high-level officials of the Wugou Holy See, and even the sad monarch...

At that time, I was also able to make the City of Sighs my own backyard. Since then, this city, which is several times larger than Shangjiang City and countless times more powerful, has become No. 1 in the game world.

The only regret is that I was not the one who triggered the mission, but I can let Feng Moying develop this mission first, and I will intervene in it when I have the opportunity to turn the guest into the main.

This mission must continue, no matter what the cost.

(End of this chapter)

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