Chapter 550
Tokugawa Nobunaga said to Feng Moying: "This task must be followed no matter what, and the resources of the guild will fully cooperate with you. How much do you need now?"

"I promised to donate money to repair the church in the misty area. The pope here said that 100 million gold coins are needed..."

"One million gold coins? That's a lot!"

"It's not much, is it?" Feng Moying doesn't have a very intuitive concept of money at this age: "This church has been destroyed and can't be used. The restoration is basically to tear it down and rebuild it. It will definitely cost a lot of money. Maybe they still have money. Other things need to be built, and I don't see more priests and church knights here, it must cost money to recruit them."

To trigger the task stage, you need to invest 100 million gold coins first. Tokugawa Nobunaga still finds it a bit unbelievable: "Is this possible to be a scam? You must know that there are cheaters in the npc in this game."

Feng Moying looked at the Wugou Pope and the terrifying knight in front of him, and then said to Tokugawa Nobunaga: "This is the Wugou Church, and the priests here are all fanatics of Death. The undead stick to the evil order, and the chance of the undead to deceive people is very high." Small, it is impossible for the Pope of the Unsullied Holy See to deceive people.

President, this is the key to triggering the quest after I died twice. The Pope here has promised me that as long as I donate 100 million gold coins, I can become the most distinguished guest in the foggy area.

The promise given by the Pope of the Unstained Church can implicitly increase the overall favorability of the foggy area.

In such a big city, the most distinguished guest is only 100 million gold coins, not a loss..."

Tokugawa Nobunaga was surprised. He knew Feng Moying's strength. Even this agile master died twice during the triggering of this mission. The difficulty of this plot mission is high enough.


Da Liang was dazzled by the screen full of gold coins.

Little girl, it's against the rules for you to play cards like this!

Looking at the 100 million gold coins in front of him, Da Liang was really embarrassed.But I have to accept it, because I am acting as an NPC, since I asked for money, and the other party gave me the same amount of money, there is no reason not to accept it?

It seems that this little lolita is not easy, she can only take one step at a time.

Sigh... It's very uncomfortable to just open your mouth and someone will give you 100 million gold coins!

Da Liang said to Jonathan: "Pedro, have you seen it? Not all people who believe in and worship the God of Death need to dedicate themselves to the God of Death immediately. The development of the Wugou Vatican is inseparable from the reconstruction of our church. Contributions from believers, like this lady...

Ma'am, may I know your name?

The money you donated can completely rebuild this church and let the glory of death spread in the foggy area again. You will be my most honored guest. "

The plot began to be pushed back, and Feng Moying immediately replied respectfully: "Please call me Feng Moying, I am an adventurer. The atmosphere of the kingdom of death is deeply attracted, especially in the city of sighs. The peace that other planes cannot feel, so I want to stay here for a while.

When visiting this great city, I found that the misty area is very different from other urban areas. There are many non-dead creatures here. If I live in the misty area, I should be able to make many friends.

What makes me wonder is, what happened to this Unstained Church?
It looks like someone has hacked here. "

Da Liang realized that this girl named Feng Moying started to advance the plot through dialogue, and her language was careful to lead the topic to the direction of the task. This is a task master.

For a moment, Feng Moying made Da Liang feel as if he had met his match, and he replied: "Yes, our church was attacked. In the last attack, His Excellency Bishop Frank was unfortunately killed, and now only the church remains Me and Knight Pedro, head of the Knights of the Church. We both shoulder the important task of rebuilding the church, but we don't have the funds to repair the church.

Ms. Feng Moying's donation has helped us solve the most important troubles, and I think this church will soon have a new look. "

This time it really paid off.

Feng Moying didn't expect that the bishop of the church in the foggy area would die, and the Wugou Pope in front of him was the highest-ranking priest of the church, which meant that he was the most powerful person in the foggy area.

The social structure of the undead is centralized and authoritarian, with a very clear concept of hierarchy, and the superior has the power of life and death over the subordinate.

One million gold coins can make friends with the supreme leader of such a main city area...

It must have been earned.

Tokugawa Nobunaga also felt that he was too lucky.

Of course, Tokugawa Nobunaga was worried about the little kid Feng Moying for the mission of 100 million gold coins. After he transferred the gold coins, he asked Feng Moying to open the live video. He wanted to personally supervise the progress of this mission.

When Tokugawa Nobunaga realized who he had befriended, he immediately instructed Feng Moying: "This Pope must keep an eye on him, and all the tasks assigned by him must be completed and completed perfectly. You must do your best to keep up with this task." A line to support him to become the true bishop of the misty area.

This is the bishop of the main city, and the identity of the bishop of those territorial churches is not the same.There are only 13 districts in the entire City of Sighs, and these 13 bishops are all confidantes of the Sorrowful Monarch and belong to the senior leadership of the Vatican of Wugou.If the pope can become a bishop, and we maintain a good relationship with him, as long as we don't provoke the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs, we will basically go sideways.

remember!No matter what, you can't break this line. Xuyang Territory will fully support you. As long as you can show results, the places in the main army will be yours. "

"Yes, president! I have promised in the name of the Fengmo clan that I will never disappoint the president."

"I believe in your ability, and I will give you full responsibility for this plot mission. I am going to complete the territory mission now, let us work together! I am optimistic about you."

Tokugawa Nobunaga can see that this plot task has been slowly unfolded under the trigger of Feng Moying, and it is a plot task involving the death of an important bishop of Wugou Holy See. As long as you can follow the plot step by step, you will definitely be able to touch it The rulers of the city of sighs.

All doubts about the 100 million gold coins disappeared, and Tokugawa Nobunaga only felt that he was very lucky. After suffering a major setback in the war in the main world, the base camp plane suddenly burst into luck.

This is to develop!

Tokugawa Nobunaga entrusted the plot tasks to Feng Moying. Anyway, he is still unable to intervene in the plot, and he has to complete the territory construction tasks in person. If he is powerless, he can only trust the masters of these tasks.

Feng Moying has been authorized by Tokugawa Nobunaga, and with the support of the entire territory, she is ready to roll up her sleeves and do a big job.

(End of this chapter)

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