Chapter 552
This girl turned out to be Tokugawa Nobunaga's person...


Da Liang originally felt a little guilty about defrauding Feng Moying of 100 million gold coins, but now...

The kingdom of death is so big, where is the best place for you to go, but you come to the foggy area, and you want to attack brother?These things are left over from my brother's play.

Since you want to enter the fog zone, I will let you in.

If you have money and no place to spend it, I will help you spend some.

Da Liang pretended to think for a while, and said to Feng Moying: "As an undead, most of the time I don't know what the residents who are not undead are thinking, and I don't know why they can't feel the warmth of death. Since the way we preach We can't get those people to believe in death, maybe we should try something else.

Are you sure that if you make life easier for the non-dead inhabitants, they will listen to my teachings of the Unsullied? "

For Feng Moying, this is a plot mission, and the follow-up mission does not know how far it can be derived. Therefore, the problem in principle is that the key npc must not be deceived.

Feng Moying replied: "I'm not sure. But what is certain is that the relationship between non-dead residents and Wugou Church will be greatly improved. If they feel your friendliness, maybe they will be willing to listen to Wugou's teachings.

Anyway, the situation can't be worse than it is now, why not give it a try? "

In order to increase her persuasiveness, Feng Moying pointed to this dilapidated church that seemed to collapse at any moment.

Da Liang felt that the time had come, so he said: "You didn't deceive me with random promises, you are an honest person, I am willing to try your method.

I will now seal you as an apprentice knight of the church knights in the foggy area. If you are willing to invest in the construction of the foggy area, you can start by repairing the roads here. The smooth bluestone paved road can make our goods transport faster. "

The apprentice knights of the Knights of the Church in the foggy area, this is considered to have obtained an official position in the City of Sighs. Although they belong to the lowest level of the Holy See congregation, they belong to the governing body that has officially entered the City of Sighs. Can be promoted, the future is bright.

Feng Moying immediately reported the good news to Tokugawa Nobunaga.

"What! You promised that Pope to repair all the roads in the foggy area, and the roads are paved with bluestone!"

"Yeah... I also think the road here is too difficult to walk. There are pits everywhere, and there are still undead lying in the pits. If the road is not repaired, I will build a workshop here. The raw materials cannot be brought in, and the goods cannot be transported. Get out. This undead pope is a bit knowledgeable, knowing that if he wants to get rich, he must first build roads.

President, this is the first task I take on, so don't mess it up.I am still an apprentice knight now, as long as the road is repaired, I can definitely be promoted to an official church knight. "

Tokugawa Nobunaga only felt a mouthful of old blood in his throat and wanted to spurt it out.

If you want to get rich, build roads first, this is true.But shouldn't this kind of infrastructure be built by attracting capital?How to let investors build roads?

In civil engineering, there is a saying of Jinqiaoyin Road. One means that building bridges and roads is highly profitable, and the other means that building roads is really expensive, because road construction is not a matter of a few meters, but a few kilometers or even tens of kilometers. .

In front of the misty area is already equivalent to a small city, repairing all the roads and paving with bluestone, this is to steal my property.

A child who doesn't understand anything, an undead who doesn't understand anything, if you open your mouth, I will empty your pockets to build roads for you. I really don't treat other people's money as money.

Will this road be repaired?

I have already seized the opportunity in the foggy area. As long as the road is repaired, I can use this place as my rear.Build a workshop, attract all the high-level heroes here to my control range, and then slowly recruit them.

Follow up this plot mission, increase the favorability of the church in the misty area, and enter the ruling layer of the City of Sighs.

At that time, I will be able to firmly control the city from top to bottom.

Therefore, this road is actually built for myself. I tighten my belt now to make a lot of money in the future.

This is the reluctance that children cannot be caught by wolves, and how can we see rainbows without going through wind and rain.

After thinking about it, Tokugawa Nobunaga praised Feng Moying greatly: "Good job, we have entered the Holy See of Wugou so quickly, we are already a step ahead of the others in the task progress of the base camp. I will immediately send skeleton soldiers to labor To build a quarry around the city of sighs, the material and manpower of the entire territory will be tilted towards the foggy area, and we will strive to repair the road as soon as possible to enter the next stage of the plot mission."

At this time, Feng Moying had already come out of the church in the misty area: "Great! President, you hurry up and build the road. I have already accepted a few small tasks here to improve the contribution of the misty area. Wait a minute Long, my people found something in the foggy area... It's an alchemy bomb, it's a portable alchemy bomb, and there are also alchemy potions for sale... There is no limit... President, the alchemy bombs here can be bought and sold freely!"

The alchemy bomb is powerful and easy to operate, and it belongs to the control weapon of the system city. It is difficult for players to buy this powerful weapon from the system city through formal channels.

Tokugawa Nobunaga did not expect that there would be alchemy bombs for sale in this foggy area, and players could actually buy them.

Soon a picture of the alchemy bomb was sent to Tokugawa Nobunaga.

This alchemy bomb is very different from the alchemy bomb thrown by a trebuchet. It is much smaller and can be thrown by one person with one hand, and its power will also be reduced.Tokugawa Nobunaga's doubts have been explained. The real alchemy bomb is still under control. This kind of alchemy grenade should be called an alchemy grenade, and it is a special product in the foggy area.

But... Even the grenade-type alchemy bomb is still a good individual support weapon. Using this weapon to deal with monsters and players with high magic resistance or forbidden magic is definitely a sharp weapon that can achieve miraculous effects once used.

Of course, the price of 500 gold is also worthy of the system's usual style of monopolizing weapons.

"Send someone to test the power of this alchemy bomb called Jin Bo No. 1. If the effect is satisfactory, all the survival in that alchemy store will be taken away. I think someone should want to sell it for 700 gold in the main world."

Sigh... After agreeing to build roads in the misty area, I feel like my body has been hollowed out. Fortunately, I have the unexpected surprise of the alchemy bomb. As long as I can control the source of this supply, reselling the alchemy bomb can be regarded as a good source of income.

Thinking of this, Tokugawa Nobunaga immediately sent someone to the foggy area: "You guys take good care of the shop that sells alchemy bombs, and use all your methods to prevent other players from approaching there. Remember that before I completely control the foggy area, you are not allowed to This important information leaked out.

Everyone who knows, give the password. "

"Yes, President."

(End of this chapter)

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