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Chapter 553 The Arrival of Players

Chapter 553 The Arrival of Players
"Extraordinary! The alchemy bomb appeared in the alchemy store in the foggy area of ​​the city of sighs in the dead country!"

Da Liang edited an advertisement for Jin Bo No. 1 in extremely provocative language, which introduced in detail the various data of this alchemy bomb, as well as where to buy it, and then anonymously posted it to the game's website.

He believes that when players see the news, they will flock to it.

The arrival of a large number of players will increase Tokugawa Nobunaga's sense of urgency. If he wants to dominate the fog area, he can only use the advantage of being one step ahead to speed up the progress of the "story mission".This will shorten his thinking time, and then he will invest funds in the construction of the foggy area without hesitation.

Road construction is just the beginning. When Tokugawa Nobunaga started to build roads, the money invested made him unable to stop.

As long as Da Liang's identity is not exposed, Tokugawa Nobunaga will build workshops and shops here to contribute to the prosperity of the misty area in order not to waste his investment.

However, the pope in the misty area does not allow him to build any military buildings, nor does he allow his army to enter.

Tokugawa Nobunaga will not have a large-scale military force in the foggy area.

At the same time, he will also find that he has a competitor, the owner of Fate Manor and Snowfield Manor, the black hand behind the residents of the foggy area, a human named Eviscerate.

Only a very few people know the identity of the Pope of the Wugou Church in Daliang, and both the wizard and Mike are trustworthy people.

Da Liang will play the two rulers of the foggy area, one white and one black, in Tokugawa Nobunaga.

In Tokugawa Nobunaga's eyes, Eviscerate holds the alchemy material processing plant, the source of alchemy bombs, potions, and all the dirty work of cheating and abducting.

Tokugawa Nobunaga wanted to bring the foggy area into his sphere of influence, so he had to compete and confront Eviscerate.But Eviscerate is the local snake here, with extremely powerful heroes in his hands. If Tokugawa Nobunaga wants to gain a foothold in the foggy area, he must rely on the pope of the foggy area.

At that time, Da Liang will use Tokugawa Nobunaga's hand to fight against himself. will definitely be very interesting.

As for whether Tokugawa Nobunaga could win over the support of the residents in the foggy area, Da Liang didn't have too many worries.

Because he will soon grasp the source of food in the foggy area.

In the Forgotten Hills, there is a farm cultivated by elves led by Peter the Elf, and the first batch of accelerated growth food will be delivered soon.In the future, the supply of food will gradually meet the needs of everyone in the foggy area, and then the food will be diversified, and meat will also appear in the normal ingredients.

Da Liang never had the idea of ​​making money from food, and the food he sold would be almost the same as in the main world.

Tokugawa Nobunaga wanted to compete with Da Liang in terms of food, so he had to transfer it from the main world, and the cost of plane transfer would make his food uncompetitive.

Food is a necessity for survival. Residents in the misty area will never eat black bread after eating delicious food.

Between Eviscerate and Tokugawa Nobunaga, they knew who to choose.

Moreover, Da Liang also has the Knights of the Church and the Wizards Guild in his hands, and Tokugawa Nobunaga can't turn the tide in the foggy area.

Although it is a bit risky to lead Tokugawa Nobunaga out of the foggy area, Da Liang is confident that he has the ability to control him.The current fog zone is an important part of Da Liang's entire development system, and he can cope with the changes in the kingdom of death at any time by taking root here.

The construction of the foggy area is within the development plan of Daliang. A prosperous life will make the residents here have a sense of belonging. When foreign enemies come, these powerful heroes will fight to protect their homeland and their current life.

Now the infrastructure construction in the misty area can be handed over to Tokugawa Nobunaga, and Da Liang can spend all his funds on the military.

The Knights of the Church in the foggy area needs to be expanded, and the army of the Black Fire Lord will enter the Knights of the Church to control the foggy area by military means.Even if Tokugawa Nobunaga crossed the line, Da Liang still has enough strength to control the situation.

Even when it was time to get rid of Tokugawa Nobunaga, the army of the Black Fire Lord could pass through the Necromancer's Gate and directly attack his portal near the City of Sighs with a flying dragon on his face.

As for the location of Xuyang Ling's portal...

According to his material transportation route, it can be found out in reverse.

Da Liang seriously considered the plan for Tokugawa Nobunaga, the right time, the right place, the harmony of the people, all of them are taken by me, and he can also directly mobilize you through missions, there is no reason not to let this bully help his brother build the fog zone.

The appearance of Tokugawa Nobunaga allowed Da Liang to disclose the alchemy bomb in the fog area earlier, and a large number of players are about to arrive.

During this initial chaotic period, Da Liang did not follow up Kuka's attack group. He had to sit in the foggy area to control the situation. Rampant here is anti-customer.

The alchemy material processing factory began to produce alchemy materials after obtaining enough raw materials, and the alchemy laboratory also began to produce alchemy bombs and alchemy potions in large quantities.

These alchemy items were then transported to the alchemy shop.

The alchemy shop is located on an extremely desolate street. The entire road is full of low undead-style buildings, most of which are decayed and crumbling.

As the only alchemy shop with a relatively complete building on this street, it is particularly eye-catching.

At this time, Xuyang Ling had sent a group of players to guard the door of the alchemy store. They released soldiers in their soldiers to surround the door of the alchemy store heavily, and protected the secrets here according to Tokugawa Nobunaga's order.

But when Tokugawa Nobunaga thought that he could enjoy the alchemy products here exclusively, a post exposing this alchemy shop has quietly fermented on the website and the major hero world forums.

The alchemy bomb, which can be purchased by players freely, is very suitable for use in various situations regardless of its size and power. Whether it is true news or false news, it is necessary to confirm this kind of good thing.

So those players who had the ability to reach the kingdom of death teleported to the city of sighs, and then found the location of this alchemy shop in the mist according to the address given in the post.

When the players arrived at the alchemy shop, they found that the entrance to the alchemy shop had been blocked by the people from Xu Yang.

The actions of the Sunshine Territory in the Japanese game area are even more solid. There are alchemy fried eggs that can be purchased by players for sale.

The confrontation unfolded in the alchemy shop.

At the beginning, the players of Sunshine Leader could still block those sporadic players who came by relying on their large numbers, but when more and more players came, the players of Sunrise Leader began to lose control of the situation.They stood guard at the door of the store and became overwhelmed by the angry crowd and the fighting that broke out at any time.

"President, the alchemy shop has been exposed on the Internet, and now players from the kingdom of death have come to the fog zone, what should we do?"

Tokugawa Nobunaga did not expect that the alchemy bomb that was exposed so soon must have been leaked by the player who reached the foggy area before him.

At this time, the whole world knew about the alchemy bomb. If Sunrise Guild continued to block the door, it would not only fail to block it, but also reduce its international reputation.

"Forget it, you all evacuate and let those players into the store. All the personnel in the foggy area speed up your mission progress. Now that the foggy area has been discovered by players, we must maintain our advantage and control this city as soon as possible... "

(End of this chapter)

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