start an archangel

Chapter 660 Imprisonment

Chapter 660 Imprisonment
Mishuka easily got rid of the inertia of teleportation magic, retreated from the teleportation channel, and then prepared to enter the subspace to leave here and return to Eternal Night City.

But he immediately discovered that he couldn't enter the secondary space.

Space confinement!

This is an ambush circle.

By the time Mishuka realized that he was being ambushed, it was already too late.

The space confinement magic circle hidden under the teleportation magic circle had been activated when the teleportation started, and when Mishuka returned from the transmission channel, he was in a space confinement hood with a diameter of 20 meters.

Da Liang had seen Angela's spatial confinement in the third floor of the sewers of the City of Sighs. The space inside the barrier is completely isolated from the outside world. It seems that there is only a light mask separating the inside and outside. In fact, the space inside has been stripped from the upper space. There is a dislocation of time and space between the inner and outer spaces.

It is impossible to escape through the barrier of confinement with normal movement methods. Even if you use space magic, there is no correction data for space-time dislocation, that is, space-time beacons. If you want to escape, you can only rely on your own space magic ability, a little bit. Find out where you really are.

Of course, there is another direct method, which is to use force to directly impact the confinement enchantment. When the impact force is enough to destroy the balance of the space confinement, the stripped space will return to its original position, and the space confinement will also become invalid.

Mishuka has a certain space magic ability, but is not good at space skills.Therefore, when he found himself imprisoned by space, he immediately used all his strength to charge towards the barrier of imprisonment.


With a loud noise, the bubble-shaped confinement barrier began to shake violently under the impact of Mishuka, as if it would burst at any time.

At this time, Anthony appeared on the outside of the enchantment. He quickly instilled magic power into the enchantment to stabilize the balance of space magic, and then shouted to the other wizards who appeared: "Hurry up and strengthen the magic of space imprisonment, Mishuka's The strength is really strong, we must not let him rush out. The sealing team, set up the sealing magic circle immediately..."


Mishuka hit the barrier with all his strength again, and the destructive power contained in it made Anthony feel the terror of level 16 creatures again. Even though Mishuka's strength was greatly weakened, it was still powerful and frightening.

If he escapes from space imprisonment, we will definitely die a lot of wizards if we want to win him.

He must not be allowed to escape.

Anthony once again increased the output speed of magic power.

Among the wizards who appeared together, some of them stood with Anthony on the periphery of the space confinement enchantment, replenishing magic power for the space magic to maintain the balance of the space; the other part of the wizards began to set up a sealing magic circle on the periphery of the space confinement.

Both space confinement magic and space teleportation magic belong to space magic. Setting the space confinement magic circle under the teleportation circle can play an effective hiding role.Da Liang and the vampire entered the teleportation array immediately after they landed. If Mishuka wanted to follow up in time, he would not have time to carefully appreciate the little bit of abnormality.

However, sealing magic and space magic belong to a completely different system. If it is deployed in advance, Mishuka will easily detect it.

Therefore, the sealing magic can only be cast after Mishuka enters the ambush circle. During the whole process of magic deployment, the space confinement is responsible for trapping Mishuka here firmly.

Mishuka, who was confined by the space, hit the barrier desperately. He had already seen the actions of the wizards, and a large sealing magic circle was being quickly deployed.His strength is still far from the complete victory period. If this sealing magic is activated, he will have no hope of escaping.

After 1 years in prison, Mishuka absolutely does not want to experience it again.

At the juncture of life and death, Mishuka no longer retained any strength, he stimulated all his potential, and pushed his strength to the extreme, which was another violent impact against the barrier of imprisonment.This time he didn't stop any longer, rebounded and fell back to hit the same position again.

Once, twice, three times...

The junction point that was attacked continuously by Mishuka trembled violently, and there was a phenomenon of spatial instability.

The wizard in charge of maintaining the barrier in that direction felt the unbearable pressure, and he immediately asked Anthony for help: "Elder Anthony, I have been hit hard here, Mishuka may rush out at any time."

"Hold on, I'm modifying the transmission path of the teleportation circle inside the enchantment..." Anthony handed over the work of maintaining the enchantment to his companion, and he began to control the teleportation circle. Some magic symbols on the circle went out, and some magic symbols The symbol lights up.Then, he saw Mishuka attack again, quickly changing the entry point and exit point of the portal.

Inside the space prison, when Mishuka was about to knock down the barrier, a portal opened in front of him.Mishuka rammed into it, and then rushed out from the portal that opened in the other direction.

Mishuka stopped his body that almost hit the ground, and then looked at the wizards outside the barrier. At this time, the portal that sent him out had closed above his head.

He could see that this was a carefully arranged ambush circle.The entire kingdom of death wanted to catch him, and the only one who had the ability to summon so many powerful spell-casting professional undeads in a short period of time was the Wizards Guild.

Who is Eviscerate?

A series of question marks appeared in Mishuka's mind.

The cronies of the sad monarch of the City of Sighs... the servants of Ergus... these are not his real identity, his real identity is actually a wizard of the Wizards Guild.

Damn human, I was fooled by such a weak creature.

Mishuka let out a roar to vent his anger, and the flames of hell on his body suddenly rose and then went out.At this time, you must not be impatient. Any hunter hopes that the trap he has set is a prey who has lost his mind.

Obviously, this is a double magic circle.The teleportation array not only effectively hides the characteristics of space confinement magic, but also protects the space confinement magic barrier.

Those who control the space are all high-level wizards, and the wizard who controls the teleportation array is stronger, and the reckless collision will only be slipped by the other party pinching his nose, thus falling into the infinite loop of the portal, and he can't even touch the edge of the space confinement. arrive.

However, as a top level 16 hero, Mishuka also has good attainments in space magic.Now that the teleportation array set up by the opponent is inside the space confinement barrier, if they want to control the teleportation array from the outside, they must use the space dislocation to let the magic power from outside come in.

Is it possible that as long as he uses the teleportation array a few more times, I can find the dislocation fault, know my true position, and break through this space confinement.

(End of this chapter)

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