start an archangel

Chapter 661 Trapped Beast

Chapter 661 Trapped Beast
Mishuka once again looked at the wizards who were setting up the sealing magic circle outside the space confinement. The materials were complete, and the wizard's movements were also very skillful and fast. There was not much time for him to break the space confinement.

Then let's see who is faster.

Mishuka applied the attack acceleration state to herself, then squatted to charge up, and then rushed forward like an arrow leaving the string.

When Mishuka was about to hit the barrier, a portal opened in front of him, and he rushed out from another direction.However, Mishuka didn't stop this time, he maintained his speed and continued to rush forward. Before hitting the barrier, Anthony opened a portal in front of him again.

In this way, Mishuka is like a bull who has lost his mind, bursting out with all his speed and rushing straight into the space confinement.Anthony kept opening and closing the portal to block Mishuka's impact on the space prison, and the entire prison was filled with afterimages of Mishuka coming out from all directions.

Mishuka wanted to go crazy, and Anthony certainly didn't think that a hell lord king would lose his mind so easily. He quickly figured out Mishuka's purpose.Mishuka is constantly passing through the teleportation circle, making the entire magic circle in a fully loaded state. As long as he can figure out the real coordinates of the space inside the space prison, he can cross the space barrier at any time.

It's too passive, but Anthony can't stop using the teleportation array to block Mishuka.

Space confinement is the key barrier to restrict Mishuka, but in order to hide the space confinement magic circle, the wizards have simplified the space confinement magic circle, so that the space confinement is not very stable, requiring the peripheral wizards to use their own The magic power maintains the balance of the space.

However, the strength of a single wizard and Mishuka is too different. If Mishuka makes multiple attacks from one direction, the wizard in that direction may not be able to support the balance, causing the collapse of the space confinement.

Knowing Mishuka's thoughts, Anthony slowed down the use of the teleportation array, letting the space confinement share the impact of Mishuka. When the wizards couldn't bear it, Anthony used the teleportation array to buy time for the wizards to rebalance the space confinement.

But this is not the solution. Every time Mishuka passes through the teleportation array, it means that he may come out of the space confinement next time.

"The sealing team hurry up and set up the sealing circle! Moto is about to enter the space imprisonment, you must stop Mishuka until the sealing is completed."

Moto took out his dagger and nodded at Anthony, then a portal opened and closed quickly in front of him, and he got in at this moment.

Mishuka, who was still hitting the portal, felt the threat rushing out from the opened portal in front of him.He quickly changed direction to avoid the frontal attack, and then threw a ball of flames in one direction.

Moto emerged from his invisibility, and when he saw Mishuka rushing towards him, he stepped back. At this moment, a teleportation door was accurately opened, and Moto stepped back and attacked Mishuka from another direction.

A top assassin entered the space confinement to interfere with Mishuka. His unpredictable body shape and the cooperation of Anthony's portal finally restrained Mishuka's impact.

However, Mishuka is too powerful and has rich combat experience. After adapting to Moto's fighting style, Mishuka immediately gained the upper hand.

While the wizards were fighting with Mishuka, Da Liang had already teleported back from the city of ashes.

He spread his fallen angel wings and suspended in the air, watching the battle below, and could feel that the ambush didn't seem to be going well.

Motuo was in danger from Mishuka's attack, but he was still struggling to gain time, and Da Liang wanted to go up to help, but he knew that going up by himself would be a drag in a battle of this level.

"Hey... I didn't expect you to trap Mishuka. It seems that you still have a chance to catch him."

A voice suddenly sounded from behind Da Liang, the familiar tone made Da Liang turn around happily, he looked at a person dressed as a wanderer in front of him, flew forward and said: "Holy Lord Bella, I can see you here , is really great."

It was Sacred Bella who came. She hadn't shown up since she left Fate Manor. Da Liang didn't think that he would see her again at this time and this place. With Sacred Bella, Mishuka is a turtle in the urn.

Holy Bella looked at the battle below and said: "After coming to the kingdom of death, I have been tracking Mishuka, and followed his trail to the city of Eternal Night. But he has been under the protection of the mourning monarch, and I have not found him. The opportunity to capture him. And after being out of prison for so long, the strength of the Lord Lord of Hell has improved, and I am not sure of catching him alone.

But today I don’t know why Mishuka left the cathedral. I followed him here, only to find out that you lured him out and organized the wizard to arrest him.

The first hell lord king who was arrested was actually caught by you, which is really beyond my imagination. "

Da Liang apologized and said with a smile: "Master Sacred Bella really praised me. We did successfully ambush Mishuka, but it was really difficult to catch him. But since Lord Sacred Bella is here, today Mishuka is our circle Ants, take care of it casually.

My lord, let's do it quickly, Mo Tuo seems to be a little bit unable to hold on. "

Moto's situation is very bad. One of his assassins needs a fighter who can effectively cooperate with him in the face of a strong enemy.Moreover, the space in the prison is small. Even with Anthony's cooperation, Moto would sometimes have to fight head-to-head in order to stop Mishuka. Therefore, the battle in this environment made Moto extremely disadvantaged. If it wasn't for Anthony After several timely rescues, Moto was killed inside.

It will take a little time to seal the magic circle, and Motuo seems to be unable to hold it anymore. Just when Anthony was considering which wizard to send in to replace Motuo, Da Liang fell by his side.

At the same time, Anthony saw another person beside Da Liang.

A familiar face, blond hair, eyes that ignore everything.A legend that fought for the Wizards Guild at the beginning of their establishment.

Bella, who used to work for the Wizards Guild, is a very, very strong fighter. She stands at the peak of the 15th level, only one step away from the 16th level. She once used her sword to protect the Wizards Guild through the worst period. Hard years, then gone...

Anthony is one of the few wizards who knows Bella's true identity.

Holy Bella, belonging to Cloudsdale.She has fought all the way from an ordinary angel to a holy angel, and has a very high reputation among the front-line angel legions.He was once sent to the Kingdom of Death by Cloud City to assist the wizards in forming the wizard guild, and returned to Cloud City after the wizard guild stabilized.

The divine right wing of the current Archangel Michael.

Why is she in the kingdom of death?And why are you with Elder Eviscerate?
(End of this chapter)

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