start an archangel

Chapter 664 Evidence

Chapter 664 Evidence
After being obstructed by Da Liang, Anthony also realized that it is really not suitable to ask more questions about the internal affairs of Cloud City.He bid farewell to Da Liang and Sacred Bella, quickly flew into the air, and chased in the direction where the ghost dragon was flying.

Everything returned to calm, and only Da Liang and Sacred Bella remained in this abandoned undead town.

Da Liang said: "Anthony will take Mishuka to the city of ashes, why don't you join me in the meeting of the Wizards Guild. In this way, after the meeting is over, you can directly take Mishuka back to Cloud City. "

Holy Bella's affairs in the kingdom of death have all been resolved, and what is waiting now is the handover of Mishuka, joining the alliance of the Wizards Guild, and taking Mishuka away as soon as possible.As long as Mishuka is brought into Cloud City, no matter what the supreme angels think, Mishuka will be locked up properly.

The Lord Lord of Hell's escape from prison for the first time can be classified as a mistake. If he can't see it anymore, it will be a problem with Yunzhongcheng's ability.As the leader of the good faction, Yunzhongcheng, the crippled Hell Lord King escaped one after another, which would affect the confidence and morale of the entire camp in victory.

Holy Bella's task is to ensure that there are no mistakes along the way, so she must participate in the Columbarium League, but she does not intend to reveal her identity as a holy angel.

Pulling up the hood on the back of her neck, the holy Bella covered her appearance, and then said to Da Liang: "This time I will join the alliance as your follower. If it is not necessary, I will not show up."

"Understood, let's go."

Da Liang and Sacred Bella stood on the teleportation array together, and the teleportation magic was activated. After Da Liang and Sacred Bella left, a set self-destruct magic blew up the entire battle area upside down.

In this way, Mishuka mysteriously disappeared in Eternal Night City.

After passing through the space passage, Da Liang returned to the city of ashes.

When he entered the pyramid, Da Liang received a notification from the Wizards Guild, "The Southern Death Lord and the important branches of the Wizards Guild have all arrived, and the alliance will officially start tomorrow morning."

The alliance is finally about to start, and the plane war will also kick off tomorrow. All forces will compete in the kingdom of death.Cloud City wants to open a breakthrough here. Once the kingdom of death is captured by the cyan coalition forces, this victory will definitely trigger a full-scale attack from the good camp against the evil camp.

As the defender, the evil camp is in the most unfavorable period in history. The escape of the Lord Lord of Hell involved most of the energy of Hell. Centrifugation occurred.

Therefore, the civil war in the kingdom of death is not just a war of one plane, all planes will be irreversibly pulled into the chariot whether they like it or not.

The alliance is imminent, and the representatives of Lucas, Boswell, and Gabriel are urgently discussing various matters during the alliance. This time is not suitable for Lucas to report the arrest of Mishuka alone.

Da Liang took Holy Bella to the residence of the City of Sighs branch, a slightly spacious tomb.

The wizards didn't know that Da Liang went out this time and did something that was enough to shock the whole world. They saluted Da Liang and continued to stand against the corner of the wall after getting to know Bella.

The behavior of the undead is so simple and direct.

Holy Bella is very familiar with the undead. In order not to attract the attention of the wizard, she also stood in the corner in a similar manner, giving the impression that she was Da Liang's follower.

On the contrary, Da Liang, who has been busy all the time, is a little unaccustomed to being suddenly free.

Yes... the crown of the oracle.

After Da Liang got the oracle crown, he put it directly into the package in order not to attract the attention of the wizards present. He never looked at the attributes of this important angel equipment.

It is obviously not suitable to look at this piece of equipment in this tomb, Da Liang does not want the wizards of the city of sighs to know that he is collecting six pieces of angel equipment.

Then go out of town and see...

Sergey left Shangjiang with nothing. Not only did he fail to invite that key member to join the "Shadow of Death" this time, he caused the organization to suffer a great loss.

Not only were most of the apostles dead and downgraded, they also lost several vampire heroes.

Sergey told No. 1 the process of his meeting with Da Liang: "We invited that player lord, which obviously touched Da Liang's interests, and he refused to establish contact with the player lord for us, which is very great for both of us. Loss."

No. 1 listened carefully to Sergey's narration, and then said: "Da Liang said that the development direction of him and that player lord will be transferred to Songjiang Dungeon in the main plane. Do you think what he said is true?"

"This is definitely a deception," Sergey said with certainty, "Whether it's Da Liang or the player lord. They can play the game to the current level, and they can definitely see a level 10 dungeon in the main world and a dungeon. Which one is more important in the plane battle.

The army of the player lord is in the City of Sighs, which means that he is relying on the Lord of Sorrow to develop. His mission progress in the City of Sighs must be higher than ours in the City of Eternal Night. We have all been exposed to battles at the plane level. come into contact with.However, we are based on the strongest moaning monarch in the kingdom of death. In the later stage of the mission, we must extend more and have more opportunities than the sad monarch. "

No. 1 admitted: "Your analysis is correct, and we can't give up fighting for this player's undead lord just because of one failure. Everyone belongs to the camp of the dead lord. If he doesn't join us, just cooperation can make everyone It's a win-win situation. And as the quest chain unfolds, the open late stage on our side is enough to attract the opponent into the 'shadow of death'."

Sergey said: "I also think that we can't easily give up the fight for that player lord. It's just that Da Liang is between us. I'm afraid he won't agree to our cooperation with that player lord."

No. 1 said very confidently: "Since we know that the player lord is in the kingdom of death, we will find him.

According to our tracking of the death lords in the south during this period, we found that they are gathering in the city of ashes.It can be judged that the wizard guild has united with the southern death lord to prepare for the rebellion.This big plot will soon spread among the players. Players with some strength in the kingdom of death will come here to pursue this plot and do war missions. The player lord must be here.

We directly invited him out to meet. "

Direct invitation, this is indeed a way.

Sergey nodded, but when he mentioned the rebellion of the Wizards Guild in the City of Ashes, he asked a little worried: "Does the Monarch Mourning still not believe the information about the rebellion of the Wizards Guild?"

Speaking of this, No. 1 couldn't help but feel a little frustrated: "Now Mishuka is in full charge of everything about the Wizards' Guild in Eternal Night City. We don't have direct evidence of the Wizards' Guild's rebellion, so we can't convince him to let us meet the Mourning Monarch.

But since the wizard guild gathered openly in the city of ashes, we went directly to the city to collect evidence..."

(End of this chapter)

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