start an archangel

Chapter 665 Turmoil

Chapter 665 Turmoil
No. 1 and Sergey came to the outskirts of the city of ashes, and then they were dumbfounded.

In front of them is a dense and endless army of undead. Outside of this army of death, they can't even see the shadow of the city of ashes.The sky is full of ghost troops like dark clouds, vampires are flying back and forth like sandstorms, and bone dragons are flying higher in the sky.

Under the isolation of this three-dimensional army, there are no loopholes, and those who are not invited cannot enter.

If you can't enter the city of ashes, you can't prove that the wizards' guild is gathered here. All the speculations are guesses. The apostles can't just say that they are colluding with wizards to prepare for rebellion just because the death lord gathered an army.If you want to prove that the wizarding guild is gathered here, you must use the magic ball to shoot the magic image for the mourning monarch to see.Otherwise, if the death lords casually say that they want to enter the magical realm to fight elves, they will be able to delay time.

How to do?
This simple and effective defense method made No. 1 and Sergey helpless.

No. 1 took out the magic ball to record the army of death, and at the same time said to Sergey: "In any case, even if I can't get the key evidence, I will report the current situation of the city of ashes to the Monarch of Moaning. The gathering of an army of this size Even if they have a reasonable explanation, it is enough to arouse the vigilance of the mourning monarch. Even if you don't send troops to encircle and suppress the rebels in the city of ashes, Eternal Night City will make some war preparations."

Sergey said, "But what if Mishuka won't let you see the Monarch of Mourning?"

"Then I will force my way into the cathedral. And if Mishuka sees this large army, he probably won't dare to stop me. Otherwise, if something happens, he will completely lose the trust of the Monarch of Moaning.

You post a regional channel here to invite that player lord to meet. I think he is nearby now, and he is also blocked by this army of death. "

At this time, Da Liang had already left the city of ashes, and was flying to the periphery above the army of the dead.He and this army are not only in the same camp, but also have a relatively high status in the coalition army by virtue of their status, so no undead along the way blocked him.

Leaving the death army, Da Liang took out the oracle crown at the foot of a secluded hillside.

Crown of the Oracle (hero equipment): attack +6, defense +6, knowledge +6, intelligence +6, all magic effects increased by 7%, all magic resistance increased by 7%, skills: Holy Word (for mental impact Interrupt the opponent's release of skills and eliminate all buff magic effects of the opponent)
With such superb equipment, Da Liang immediately took off the crown of wisdom on his head, put on the crown of oracle, and then chose the hidden options unique to hero equipment.

The oracle crown disappeared from Da Liang's head, so that there is no need to worry about Will knowing that the oracle crown has changed hands to Da Liang.

Then Da Liang opened the space positioning scroll that Will gave him.

A portal opened beside Da Liang, and Will quickly rushed out of the portal with the missionary knights.

The Holy See knights formed a defensive formation around Da Liang, and then found that there seemed to be no enemies around.

Da Liang hurriedly said to Will, who was puzzled: "Captain Will, I am not in any danger. I called you here to let you know that I have successfully infiltrated into the city of the Wizarding Union, and then let you take a look at the city. The size of the rebel army, please follow me."

After finishing speaking, Da Liang took the lead and walked up the hillside.

Will asked the knights to stand guard on the spot, and followed them up, and then saw the army in front of him that made him unable to maintain his composure.

In Will's imagination, the Wizards Guild should be a group of bereaved dogs after the joint attack of the dead monarch.Even with the assistance of Cloud City, the Wizards Guild's rebellion should be extremely limited in scale.

But in front of Will's eyes, it is definitely not a limited army. They can already shake the rule of the Moaning Monarch on this land.

Thinking about the fact that Eternal Night City is still sleeping, I don’t know anything about it...

Will can judge that the Monarch of Moaning will be very passive in the face of this rebellion, even if he is driven out of Evernight City, it may not be impossible.

"What should we do? Do we need to notify the mourning monarch to prepare for battle?"

Will kept in mind the sorrowful monarch's instructions, and mainly dealt with the Wizards Guild by evisceration.

Da Liang said: "No need. It's too late for Monarch Mourning to know about this rebellion. According to what I know now, Boswell, the lord of the city of ashes, joined the rebellion with the Lord of Death in the south. Zhongcheng formed the Cyan Alliance. In terms of overall military strength, the Cyan Alliance should not be weaker than Eternal Night City, and three 16th-level heroes, Boswell, Lucas, and Supreme God Gabriel, are all in the alliance.

The Monarch of Mourning would definitely be very passive if he rushed to the battle. If he wanted to keep Eternal Night City, he would have to invite other Lords of Death.

If the mourning monarch recruits foreign troops because of the rebels in his own territory, then he is not qualified to be the first monarch of the kingdom of death. "

Will said: "The Eviscerate Pope means that the territory of the mourning monarch will be divided up by the dead monarch who came to help, and we should also take this opportunity to get a... a large piece of land?"

"No, Moaning City shouldn't join the war at this time, but..." Da Liang didn't reveal too much of his thoughts to Will, but instead said: "The Cyan Allied Forces will declare war on the Monarch of Moaning at any time, and the entire Eternal Night Territory is very It will soon enter a state of war. The mission here is very dangerous, and you must organize the city of sighs to prepare for the war as soon as possible. After you go back, immediately call the Holy See Knights, close the border passages and strengthen defenses to prevent the war from spreading to us, and at the same time defend The dreamland invaded while taking advantage of the chaos.

I am here to join the alliance, and I will go back after completing the mission of the monarch. "

Will looked at the army ahead again, full of worries about the future of the kingdom of death.In all the wars he had fought in, he had never been so uncertain about the future.

Who are our enemies?Who are my allies?
Now I can only follow the order of the sad monarch and fight until the last moment.

Will promised: "I will return to Eternal Night City and leave immediately with the mission. You must be more careful here, we will not be able to give you effective support after we leave."

"I see... just wait a minute."

Just when Da Liang was about to bid farewell to Will, a player message appeared on the originally quiet regional channel.

[No. 2: Hello friend from the lord of Dark Light City, I first apologize to you for our aggressive behavior.We don't mean any harm to you, just want to prove some guesses.We know that you are near the city of ashes, and that you are concerned about the endless army of the dead, and this problem also plagues us.

I suggest that we meet up and find a way to enter the city of ashes together.

If you don't want us to know your identity or name, we can provide you with an anonymity kit, like I do now. 】

Da Liang rejected Sergey's invitation outside the game, but he didn't expect these people to be lingering, and found him in the game, and guessed that he was near the city of ashes.

But have you guessed correctly? Brother, I don’t have any troubles with this army of death now. You can enter the city of ashes as you want. In this army of death, you can walk in whatever posture you want. There is no undead Dare to stop brother.

Da Liang originally planned to ignore this information, but the anonymous equipment aroused his interest.

Players can choose their own different names in the game, and the system will also distinguish them.The game name registered by Da Liang is Da Liang, which is also his main identity; when he comes to the kingdom of death, he will choose to use the name Eviscerate.

But these two identities are well-known, so it is not suitable for some secret activities. If he can have another identity, he will have a lot of freedom.

Just for this anonymous equipment, Da Liang decided to meet No. 2.

Of course... the B that should be installed still needs to be installed.

"Will, I need to meet someone now, take the knights with me."

(End of this chapter)

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