start an archangel

Chapter 666 No. 0

Chapter 666
Sergey reported his coordinates and began to wait.He wasn't sure if the player lord was within the city of ashes, and even if he was here, he didn't know if he would come.All Sergey can do is wait and use every opportunity to talk to the strongest player lord.

Time passed quickly, and when Sergey was about to lose hope and was about to leave, several portals opened around him, and then a group of high-level undead heroes surrounded him.

He can feel that these heroes are very powerful, and he has only felt this kind of pressure on the guards around the mourning monarch.Especially the terrifying knight hero ten meters in front of him, just looking at him, makes people not have the courage to fight him.

Could it be that they are wizards in the city of ashes...

Sergey thought he was discovered by the Wizarding Guild, and these heroes were the wizards who captured him, so he hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I'm just a wandering adventurer, because I was curious about this army, I just watched it for a while. Please don't get me wrong, I'm leaving here immediately."

The undead heroes did not move or respond, until a slightly hoarse voice sounded after the voice-changing treatment: "Number 2, you asked me to meet here on the regional channel, why are you going to leave without saying a word?"

After the words fell, Sergey saw a person covering his face go out from the portal behind the horror knight hero. He lowered his head and whispered to the horror knight hero, and the horror knight hero took All the heroes stepped back and set up a cordon at a distance of about 100 meters.

Sergey knew who the visitor was, and while he was happy, he was also frightened by the appearance, a guard team composed of senior heroes.

Could it be that the death army in Dark Light just a part of his military power!

Sergey felt that his brain was not enough, but he immediately realized that if he missed this opportunity to contact the strongest player, he would regret it for the rest of his life.He threw a ring over, and said: "This is the Ring of the Nameless Dead exclusive to our 'Shadow of Death'. After wearing it, you can communicate with other apostles, and you can enter and exit the Cathedral of Eternal Night City at will to receive exclusive missions." right.

You don't need to worry too much, we don't intend to force you to join our organization.Being the apostle of the 'Shadow of Death' is only an incidental attribute of this ring, and Mister can completely treat this attribute as non-existent. "

Da Liang received the Ring of the Unknown Dead. The ring was simple in style without any fancy decorations. A simple cloak pattern was engraved on a gray gemstone. The description of the ring was the same as what the other party said.Being an apostle in name does not mean fulfilling the duties of an apostle. Seeing that the other party's posture was low enough, Da Liang put this ring on his finger.

[Congratulations on becoming a member of the 'Shadow of Death'. From now on, you are an apostle who performs secret missions for the Monarch of Mourning. Please choose your code name. When the code name is activated, it will be your only identity. 】

Da Liang, who had fought against the other party, knew that the apostles of "Shadow of Death" were code-named by numbers. Since the one in front of him is number 2, there must be another number 1.Da Liang first opened the exclusive channel of "Shadow of Death", and found that there are a total of 12 people in this organization, code-named from 1 to 12.

Da Liang didn't show his specialness too much, he chose "0", and then a player named 0 appeared on the exclusive channel of "Shadow of Death".

Sergey didn't expect that the other party would use 0 as the code name, but since the other party also used the number as the code name to keep in harmony with other apostles, it means that he is not a difficult person to contact.

It should be easier to communicate with Da Liang.

"From now on, I will call you number 0," Shelter said in a timely manner: "I am number 2 of 'Shadow of Death'. It didn't work out. I couldn't be happier and more honored to see you here this time."

Da Liang couldn't help cursing in his heart: What other reason, isn't it just a complaint to cause estrangement?Sorry, it's the same person standing in front of you.

Of course, this matter cannot be said: "I saw the apostle of your 'Shadow of Death'. From the perspective of organizational structure, No. 1 should be your leader."

Sergey was a little disappointed that the other party didn't follow up with the topic of the meeting on the river, but he quickly replied: "Yes. No. 1 is the organizer of 'Shadow of Death' and the only one who can see the Lord of Mourning An apostle. He was commissioned by the Monarch of Mourning to form the 'Shadow of Death', the purpose of which was to fight against factions at the player level, so those who joined the organization were all the top undead players in the game.

However, the undead are a weak race in the player group, and our members are at the bottom of the whole camp in terms of level and strength.Now the kingdom of death is about to engage in a large-scale civil war, making our current situation even more unfavorable.

And our direct opponent is the very powerful elves. What is certain is that the flying sand and rocks are in the elves' camp confrontation organization, and the human race's camp confrontation organization may invade in this civil war.

That's why we urgently hope that a lord who can fight against flying sand and rocks will join us. "

I haven't heard from Shi Fei for a long time. He was very active and liked to show off. He has disappeared recently, and he probably has been doing tasks in the dreamland.

I don't know how terrifying his current strength is.

Da Liang didn't pay too much attention to flying sand and walking stones. Instead, he started to say: "Personally, I like to do tasks with the plot, and I don't have much interest in the confrontation between the player's camp. Return the Ring of the Nameless Dead to you."

"No, no, no, there is no need to return it." Sergey said quickly, and finally established a friendly relationship with the super lord, how dare he ask for this only contact tool: "You can accept this ring, we I'm already very happy. I guarantee that no one will interrupt you casually, nor will they ask you to do anything you don't want to do.

What we want to know most now is how No. 0 you plan to deal with this wizarding guild rebellion.You should serve the Lord of Sorrow, and we serve the Lord of Mourning, and the Wizarding Guild is our common enemy. "

Seeing the other party's sincere gift, Da Liang accepted the ring with peace of mind, and then said: "A war of this scale is beyond our ability to interfere directly. I plan to follow the plot of the City of Sighs. Anyway, the game environment is set here. No matter how large the wizarding guild's rebellion is, it is impossible to overthrow the death monarch's rule over the kingdom of death.

We are invincible by following the Lord of Death. If we follow the plot slowly and do tasks carefully, we will definitely gain a lot. "

(End of this chapter)

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