start an archangel

Chapter 667 Show Your Strength

Chapter 667 Show Your Strength
It's true, but it's like not saying it.This is a game, and everyone knows that if the game does not crash, there must be a balance between the two camps of good and evil.During the game, no matter how strong the good camp is, it is impossible to destroy the evil camp.

In particular, the civil war in the kingdom of death is an epic prologue battle. When the evil camp is already weak, it is even more impossible for an important member of this evil camp to subvert the regime and change its color.Otherwise, if the good camp fights five times and three, and hell can't concentrate all its strength, there will be nothing to pay attention to in this plane war.

In short, the game is for the players, this purpose remains unchanged, and some results can be predicted.

Of course, Sergey knew that no matter how strong the rebels were, they would not shake the foundation of the Wugou Holy See. The final outcome was probably that the Wizards Guild would acquire a large piece of land in the Kingdom of Death.The kingdom of death is divided, and the strength of the good camp has been strengthened, but the evil camp is definitely not defenseless.

Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with following the policy of the dead monarch to do plot tasks.

However, "Shadow of Death" is not satisfied with this straightforward mission process. If you want to gain more benefits in this big plot, you must seize the opportunity to go ahead of the plot. However, this requires the support of strength, otherwise you will suffer. loss.


At present, the strength of No. 0 has surpassed the current players by several levels. Sergey looked at the hero guard guarding in the distance. If he can get the assistance of an army of this strength, he can do many tasks that he can't even imagine.

This is the gap.

Sergey can hear the voice-over of No. 0: There is too much difference in strength between us, you can’t go where I can go, you can’t do what I can do, you can’t help me at all, why should I take you to play... …

Now is the time to show sincerity and strength. Sergey said to Da Liang: "Number 0, you are very right. In this environment, it is most appropriate to follow the plot of the dead monarch. Last time we secretly When we met in Guangcheng, I found that you seem to be unable to carry heroes with you, I wonder if you are interested in our hero order?"

As the player's level increases, the player can get a soldier card every five levels, which can be used to carry soldiers or mounts with him, but hero units cannot be carried with him.

But on the battlefield of Dark Light City, Da Liang clearly saw that the apostles summoned hero units, so he knew that they must have special props.Hearing Sergey talk about the Hero Order this time, he couldn't help arousing Da Liang's great curiosity.

"Of course I'm interested. Is that a special item? How can I get it?"

"The acquisition of the Hero Order must have a special identity. After going through a complicated task process, a lot of manpower and material resources must be invested during the period, which cannot be achieved by a single player and a single guild. Although there are only 12 apostles in 'Shadow of Death', we have another identity They are all players who have a certain influence in a certain area. The combination of these forces is enough to solve many problems.

Heroes allow a player to only carry one, so we still have a few pieces in stock that can be exchanged for something of equivalent value if needed by number 0.

It can be equipment, skills, materials, heroes, everything is fine, even if it is your promise, you can exchange a piece of hero token. "

Da Liang knew that what Sergey really wanted was his promise, but he would never promise anything, so Da Liang sent Sergey a hero attribute map.

Claire: Vampire Sword Guard (Level 9)
Attack: 14
Defense: 10
Killing: 120-160
Blood volume: 700
Troop characteristics: bat-like, blood-sucking (attacks have a blood-sucking effect, can supplement their own blood loss, can revive the same family, but cannot revive hero units)

Hero Unit: Level 1

Attack: 3
Defense: 2
Intelligence: 2
Knowledge: 3
Specialty: Ice Magic Ring (the effect of the ice magic ring is increased by 5%, the effect of water magic is increased by 5%, and the resistance of leading the army to water magic is increased by 10%)

Special skill: Intermediate water magic

Skills: Frost Arrow, Frost Oculus

Kuka has led the army of the Black Fire Lord to move to Snowfield City.At this time, the weather in Siberia began to warm up. Although it was still covered with heavy snow, the undead army could already move.Since the blood-sucking sword guards are half-demon and half-dead creatures, the climate of the snow field can no longer affect their actions.Therefore, in the battle against the monsters around Xueyuan City, Kuka first invested in his own blood-sucking sword guard troops.

After the blood sacrifice, Da Liang also obtained the first batch of blood-sucking sword guard heroes.

Claire is one of these blood-sucking sword guard heroes.

Since the blood sacrifice has been completed, the blood sacrifice attribute in the unit's special effects disappears. The hero of the 9th-level unit represents that Claire has a high growth rate, and has the ability to transform and fly, making Claire a very practical hero, and the super survivability brought by blood sucking.

Just the level of the unit and the special skills of the unit can make Claire's combat effectiveness no less than that of some ultimate creatures after he grows up.

Not to mention his special skill is the Frozen Oculus.

The Ice Oculus is a very powerful area-of-effect attack magic. Claire's specialties have accumulatively brought a 10% power bonus to this magic. In addition to the mid-level water magic that comes with it, it is very suitable for spawning monsters. The level can be quickly improved and Become a magic fort.

Combined with the vampire sword guard's superb flying skills, it becomes an agile magic fort.Even if the enemy breaks through melee combat, Claire can still let the opponent know how shameless blood sucking skills are. Combined, when Claire grows up, she will be an agile magic fort with strong self-defense capabilities.

It's simply a super hero who can't be rejected.

Even though Sergey's goal was actually Da Liang's promise, why couldn't he open his mouth and say "no" in front of this hero.

"No. 0, do you really want to exchange this hero? From your perspective, you should be able to see that this hero is very trainable, and you can completely build a campaign-type magic attack team around this hero. "

Da Liang nonchalantly swept around the guarding knights of the Holy See: "There are too many good heroes that I can train and have already cultivated. The role and position of this hero are somewhat repetitive in my army. It's a pity that you can't be the main force and enter the second and third line armies. If you can be trained in your hands, it's not like burying such a good hero."

Of course, this is not the main reason.

The hero is a good hero, but it is a pity that he is a male vampire sword guard, and the most important thing is that he is too fucking handsome.The vampire sword guard's self-contained aloofness will be very interesting when displayed on a woman, but if a man with appearance and looks is so aloof, it will attract hatred.

Looks are everything.Therefore, Da Liang said that Claire could not be the main force in his army, and it was a pity that it was a pity in the second and third line armies.There are quite a few vampire sword guard heroes like Claire. After all, the overall appearance of the vampire sword guard is a bit high...

(End of this chapter)

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