Chapter 674 The Arrival of Gabriel

Da Liang's words immediately silenced the meeting place that was still discussing in low voices. If the City of Sighs branch said this at the beginning of the meeting, it would definitely attract laughter.But now, although many heroes don't know where the confidence of the City of Sighs branch comes from, they dare not express any words. They don't know whether the elders of the City of Sighs branch dare to say this because of arrogance or other reasons.

We must know that the Sighing City branch was almost wiped out by the Sorrowful Monarch not long ago, do they have the ability to contain the Sighing City army now?
Boswell said to Da Liang: "The elders of the City of Sighs branch, we have no intention of underestimating the City of Sighs branch by providing you with support. We just want to share your pressure. The honor you have will not be lost in any way. The contribution of the Cyan Alliance is remembered by all our heroes."

Da Liang replied: "Lord Boswell, the City of Sighs branch really doesn't need any support, we are capable of fulfilling our due responsibilities. It's just the battle of Eternal Night City... I'm afraid we won't be able to provide military help to the Cyan coalition forces. "

"Eternal Night City can be handed over to us, don't you really need reinforcements, Elder?"

When Boswell was about to continue persuading Da Liang, Lucas said: "I am very clear about the current strength of the City of Sighs branch. If their elders say that they don't need support, then they really have the power to contain the City of Sighs." .

We should respect the City of Sighs branch in this matter. Since they are willing to share the pressure for the coalition forces, we should trust them. "

The coffin that sealed Mishuka was erected there, and the City of Sighs branch possessed unexpected power. Since Lucas said so, Boswell did not continue to insist on sending reinforcements to the City of Sighs.

The alliance continued, and the unprecedentedly united death army quickly passed one bill after another.

At last the meeting ended and all the death lords and wizard elders left the pyramid.Immediately afterwards, groups of wizards flew up from the city of ashes, and they flew in all directions under the leadership of their respective elders.The death army outside the city also moved, raising dust to cover the sky and the sun, and the marching footsteps made the ground tremble.

The large dark clouds formed by bone dragons, vampires, and ghosts in the sky also split into small black clouds and floated in all directions.

The background music configured by the system for this large-scale event began to turn into heavy drumbeats, and the entire land and sky were full of chilling colors.

And in the higher sky, a crack several kilometers long appeared, and a floating fortress in the shape of a cross slowly floated out of the crack.The sacred movement catered to the sound of military drums all over the sky, and clusters of angel squads flew around the fortress.

The Angel Legion arrives.

When the cross floating fortress completely appeared above the city of ashes, the whole space was filled with the cheers of the cyan coalition forces for the angel allies to join the battle. The coercion like a mountain descending from the angel's body.

"It's the supreme angel Gabriel!"

Just relying on this momentum, Da Liang guessed the identity of the flying angel.

At the top of the pyramid, most of the heroes of the alliance had already left. Da Liang wanted to slip away with an excuse, but was stopped by the holy Brandon and asked about the details of the capture of Mishuka.As a result, after a little delay, Gabriel came over.

At this time, only the wizards of the City of Sighs, Lucas, Boswell, Holy Brandon, and Holy Bella were still at the venue.

The flying one hundred archangels, led by the five holy angels, scattered in the airspace around the pyramid, and Gabriel landed in the middle of the venue.

Gabriel ranks third among the seven supreme angels in Cloud City, but his strength is second only to Michael.Since Michael is the commander-in-chief of all the angels and spends most of his time in Cloud City, Gabriel is responsible for commanding the angel legion in front-line wars, and he has very rich experience in war.

In order to achieve the strategic goal of the civil war in the kingdom of death initiated by Cloud City, Cloud City directly sent Gabriel to take command in person.

Gabriel is an exceptionally beautiful angel with six blazing wings. Although his gender is male, he has a face that makes all women jealous. Even though he has short golden hair and a crown, he is still only I can describe him as beautiful.

The moment Gabriel fell down, Da Liang involuntarily left a photo and added a collection to his library.

oops!Why do I feel like bending.

However, Da Liang still didn't delete Gabriel's photo from his beauty gallery collection, Gabriel's looks are evident.

Of course, Gabriel didn't know about Da Liang's obscene thoughts. After landing, he saluted Lucas and Boswell first, and then got straight to the point: "I heard that the Wizards Guild has caught Mishuka, so I came here to make sure."

Holy Brandon pointed to the coffin beside him and said, "Lord Gabriel, Mishuka is sealed inside."

Gabriel said to Lucas, "Can I take a look?"

Lucas did not refuse: "Of course."

The coffin containing Mishuka was opened again, without the obstruction of the dead man Senmu, the aura of the Lord Lord of Hell came out violently.As an enemy who has fought for an unknown number of years, Gabriel is very familiar with Mishuka.

That's right, it's him!

Gabriel said directly: "Mishuka is useless to you, and you don't have the ability to detain him for a long time. I hope you hand him over to me, and Cloud City will take care of it."

Lucas said: "I didn't catch Mishuka, and I don't own it. I have no right to dispose of Mishuka's ownership. You can ask my disciple, the elder of the City of Sighs branch, he is in Here, excuse me for not being able to say his name."

Following Lucas' introduction, Gabriel looked at Da Liang.He didn't expect that there would be a human race in the wizard guild, and his ordinary strength didn't seem to be capable of catching Mishuka, but Gabriel still said to Da Liang: "Although I'm very curious about how you caught Mishuka. It’s stuck, but you should know that handing him over to Cloudsdale is the most correct choice.”

Da Liang said: "Lord Gabriel, of course I will hand over Mishuka to Yunzhongcheng for detention. But I have promised another angel that she will bring Mishuka back to Yunzhongcheng."

Another angel.

Gabriel immediately looked at Holy Bella, it was obvious that this angel was not brought by himself.

Holy Bella knew that she could no longer conceal her identity, so she removed the outer gown, revealed her appearance and spread her wings to salute Gabriel: "The holy angel Bella has seen the supreme angel, Lord Gabriel."

Gabriel saw the expression of enlightenment on the Holy Bella: "It turns out that it is the Holy Right Wing. You can indeed catch Mishuka if you make a move. After all, his current strength is far from his name. It's just that you are not in charge. Is the world chasing Ergos? How did it appear in the realm of the dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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