Chapter 675
Holy Bella replied: "Master Gabriel, when I was chasing Ergos, I found that he had joined Angela. My strength is not enough to catch them both. Then I got Mishu Stuck in the news of the kingdom of death, so I came to check.

The entire process of arresting Mishuka was planned and implemented by the Wizards Guild. I only helped a little at the end. In fact, without me, the wizards could seal Mishuka. "

Gabriel said in an appreciative tone: "The Wizards Guild is really a very powerful ally, and I also believe that you will be able to obtain your own land in the kingdom of death. But... Bella, you are willing to hand over Mishuka to me, Am I in charge of detaining him?"

Gabriel is a supreme angel with a high status. Even the holy Bella is Michael's holy right wing, she would not dare to disobey him in this matter. She said: "If Lord Gabriel is willing to bring Mishuka back to Yun Midtown, of course I won’t be unwilling.”

However, at this moment, Da Liang interjected: "Master Angels, I caught Mishuka, whoever I want to send him back to Cloud City, I don't need you two to appoint me?"

Da Liang could see that Gabriel came with bad intentions. Since he knew the identity and responsibility of the Holy Bella, why did he ask for Mishuka?Whoever sends Mishuka back to Cloudsdale is not a gift. Gabriel's identity doesn't need to compete with Holy Bella for this credit.

Mishuka was tricked and arrested by Da Liang, and he knew that Da Liang had two faces.If Gabriel took Mishuka away and let him go, and Mishuka ran back to the kingdom of death, wouldn't all his multiple identities be exposed?
No... Holy Bella is trustworthy, but her position is unreliable.Originally, she had sworn frankly that she would personally escort Mishuka to Yunzhongcheng, but she had nothing to do with the supreme angel. After all, she was the angel of Yunzhongcheng, and some things were beyond her control.

At this time, I can only rely on myself.

At this time, Holy Bella was also deeply blaming herself. She didn't know how many supreme angels participated in the entire plan of the plane war, or all of them participated.She wanted to try her best to capture the hell lord king and minimize the scale of the plane war.After all, Lucifer is more rational than the lords of hell who are murderous, fearing that the world will not be chaotic, harming others and benefiting themselves.

Thinking about it again, if Mishuka is released and Da Liang's identity is exposed, his entire management of the City of Sighs may be destroyed, and Holy Bella feels that she has tarnished the character of an angel.

But Da Liang dared not to give Mishuka to Gabriel, which was beyond the expectation of Holy Bella.

This is the supreme angel standing at the top of the entire world. His strength can be ranked in the top ten of all heroic creatures, and he is the strongest front-line commander of the Angel Legion.

Who dares to defy him...

How could he have such courage?
Not only Holy Bella, but all the heroes present couldn't believe that the words just said came from the mouth of the elder of the City of Sighs branch.

Whether it's status or strength, he and Gabriel are the difference between the valley and the peak.

Gabriel also showed an extremely surprised expression: "What did you just say?"

Now that he decided to hate Gabriel, Da Liang is already a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

Is the supreme angel amazing?Brother just entered the game, and the trumpet at the first level dared to hate Metatron. The guy with wings folded his wings has a higher status in Cloudsdale than you. "Angel Mentor", the second person under Michael, you just It's just a junior.

Do you need to be afraid?

Da Liang said: "Master Gabriel. I suddenly thought that Mishuka helped the death monarchs attack our wizard guild. He must know a lot of information about the death monarchs. As long as Mishuka is willing to speak out, it will make our attack more powerful." smoothly.

Therefore, I think our wizard guild will detain Mishuka for a period of time, and we will send him to Cloud City after the war here is over. "

Gabriel said: "Mishuka won't tell you anything, and even if he did, it wouldn't be credible. Handing him over to us for detention now is the most correct solution."

"But Mishuka has escaped from your hands once, will he escape again this time?"

Seeing that Gabriel insisted on taking Mishuka, Da Liang ignored Yunzhong City's face and exposed their scars.Regardless of whether Yunzhongcheng allowed the Lord of Hell to escape from prison intentionally or unintentionally, running five at a time would be a stain on Yunzhongcheng.

Mishuka, Da Liang can give it to Gabriel, but he needs a promise.

As long as Gabriel promises that Mishuka will never escape from Cloud City this time in front of Lucas and Boswell, two powerhouses of the same level, he will hand over Mishuka.

However, Gabriel replied: "Mishuka is the lord king of hell. In his heyday, even I can't guarantee that I can win him easily. Any seal and custody will have loopholes after all. I will not do anything to you." Any promises, but the chances of him escaping in our hands are definitely much smaller than the chances of escaping in your hands, very much."

Gabriel only said "we", not Cloudsdale, this kind of word play is simply telling Da Liang very straightforwardly, we will definitely make this probability 100%.

Da Liang didn't even dare to hand over Mishuka to Gabriel: "I will be imprisoned for 100 years. Yunzhong City has already imprisoned Wang Wannian, the lord of hell, so there should be no problem in imprisoning him for another 100 years."

But Gabriel ignored Da Liang, and said directly to Lucas: "Human life is too short, they don't know the horror of Mishuka at all. President Lucas, have you seen Mishuka before?" What kind of strength does it have, does the Wizards Guild have the ability to imprison him?"

Lucas knew that what Gabriel said was true, and it was indeed more appropriate for Mishuka to be handed over to Cloud City, so he was going to speak to persuade Da Liang.

At this time, Elder Anthony's voice sounded: "President, we have the ability to detain Mishuka."

At this time, Anthony has woken up from meditation. Although he missed the entire alliance, he heard about the fight for Mishuka.And in time, I thought of the information revealed by Holy Bella when Mishuka was captured.

"Remember! No matter which angel asks you to give Mishuka to him, you don't give it to him, you can only give it to me. want to see him again in the army of the dead monarch."

An angel will let Mishuka go...

Anthony didn't know why an angel would let their mortal enemy go, and he didn't know if Gabriel would do so, but in this case, he could only trust the elders of the City of Sighs branch.

He is very familiar with Holy Bella, and they both know a lot of things that wizards don't.If the elders of the City of Sighs branch don't hand over Mishuka, the Wizards Guild must support him if they don't want to see Mishuka again.

Lucas didn't know Da Liang very well, but he had great trust in Anthony, who had been his deputy since the establishment of the Wizards Guild.

"I'm sorry, Lord Gabriel. Mishuka seems to be of great use to our wizard guild, and we won't hand him over to you for the time being..."

(End of this chapter)

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