start an archangel

Chapter 685 Core Issues

Chapter 685 Core Issues
Sophia was the first batch of vampires. After completing the transformation into a vampire sword guard, Da Liang personally selected a member of the personal guard reserve team, and then handed it over to Kuka to be trained on the battlefield.After many battles around Xueyuan City, Sophia became the first vampire sword guard to complete the blood sacrifice.

Flax-colored short hair that reaches the ears, emerald green diamond-shaped earrings are worn under the faintly exposed earlobes, and the slightly pale skin highlights the bright red lips.Sophia's eyes didn't have much energy, and she looked at everything like a walking corpse. In the inner circle of her black pupils, there was a light blue dead soul fire, giving people an extremely cold feeling.

Sophia wore the iconic black windbreaker of the Vampire Sword Guard on the outside, and the black tight-fitting soft leather armor on the inside. The saber hung obliquely on the right side of the waist, and the lines outlined were smooth and uneven, which was simply perfect.

Of course, Da Liang chose Sophia as his valet not entirely because of her beauty, style, and seductiveness.

Sophia's strength and potential are the most important...

As the ancestor hero of a race, Sophia is endowed with a lot of potential beyond ordinary vampire sword guard heroes.The increase in attributes and rebirth make Sophia extremely valuable for cultivation, and the first embrace allows Sophia to establish a blood clan with absolute dominance.

Strength and beauty coexist, indifferent to others and warm to the master, the perfect maid.

Sophia walked out of the room under Da Liang's order, and brought Macaulay in after a while, poured red wine for the guests and hosts, and then stood behind Da Liang.

He has a generous demeanor and face, and his level of knowing and employing people is still very high.

Before Da Liang could speak, Macaulay said impatiently: "Dear Earl Da Liang, I have been authorized by Lord Lucifer to start this dialogue between the kingdom of death and hell with you.

Before that, on behalf of Lord Lucifer, I would like to express my gratitude to you for facilitating the cooperation between the City of Sighs and Hell. The army of Hell can enter the Kingdom of Death at any time to assist the Lords of Death in destroying the rebellious Wizards Guild. "

Da Liang said: "Master Macaulay, please express my admiration to Lord Lucifer on my behalf. In addition... I hope you will not place too high expectations on the results of this meeting. I can only represent the sad monarch. Cannot represent other dead monarchs.

The Lord of Sorrow still doesn't trust the fallen angels, and only after my persuasion did he agree to cooperate with Hell to a limited extent. "

Macaulay hurriedly said: "I understand that the death monarchs have always thought of us fallen angels, but some things we have to do are helpless. Lord Lucifer attaches great importance to this high-level dialogue, and we also have Sincerely restore the trust of the death monarchs bit by bit, and re-establish the alliance between the kingdom of death and hell.

Now Lord Lucifer is very concerned about the wizard rebellion in the kingdom of death, and the mastermind behind this war is Cloud City.Those angels are preparing to start a new war of planes. After ten thousand years of peace, the scale of this war will be larger than the previous wars.

The evil camp must put aside all barriers as soon as possible, and unite together to compete against the hypocritical camp. "

"What you are worried about is exactly what the sad monarch is thinking about, otherwise he would not follow my persuasion, and we would not discuss this matter here." Da Liang showed a diplomat's appearance, while thanking the CTV in his heart, while The official rhetoric said: "The Lord of Sorrow allows the army of hell to enter the territory of the City of Sighs, but he also has a few requirements:

The size of hell's army cannot exceed 300, the number of ultimate creatures cannot exceed 5000, and the number of heroes cannot exceed [-]. If you need to increase troops if you are attacked, you need the permission of the sad monarch.

You can be stationed at the border between the City of Sighs and the City of Eternal Night, and we will give you an abandoned undead city as your base, but without the permission of the Sorrowful Monarch, you are not allowed to fight across the border.

The last item is military expenses. "

"No problem," for Hell, no matter how many troops enter the kingdom of death, being able to enter is a step of success.Macaulay readily agreed to Da Liang's request, and then raised his own question: "I would like to ask... It seems that the sad monarch does not want to suppress the rebellion of the Wizarding Guild earlier. Can we know why? This is related to what happens if other The Lord of Death asks hell for help, how do we respond."

Da Liang thought for a while and said: "The root cause of the wizard's guild's rebellion is the conflict of beliefs with the Wugou Church. As long as the problem of belief cannot be resolved, even if we suppress the rebellion this time, the wizard's guild will continue with the help of Yunzhongcheng." Develop strength, then rebel again.

The current predicament of the Kingdom of Death cannot be solved purely from the military level. The Wizards Guild is also a member of the Kingdom of Death. The harder we fight, the ultimate beneficiary will be Cloud City.

Therefore, the Sorrowful Monarch had no intention of actively participating in this war.The basic strategy of the City of Sighs facing the Cyan Alliance is: stay alert, keep a distance, develop yourself, and make allies.When both sides are exhausted from fighting, intervene in the war and basically end the war. "

Macaulay couldn't help admiring the sad monarch: "The sad monarch's vision really makes me deeply admired. When all of us are confused by the chaos of the death kingdom, the sad monarch is already fighting to end the war." plan.

I think Lord Lucifer will be even happier after knowing that the sad monarch is so talented. "

They are not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. As veterans of war, the fallen angels certainly know how lucky it is to have a smart and farsighted ally.

If the Monarch of Sadness really has a complete plan to solve the troubles of the kingdom of death, then gaining the trust of the Monarch of Sadness is far more important than gaining the trust of other dead monarchs.

In order to confirm that Da Liang and the Sad Monarch were not lying, Macaulay continued to ask: "Can I know some general strategies of the Sad Monarch? We know that the Wizards Guild and the Holy See of Wugou are absolutely opposite in terms of trust. resolve disputes."

Resolving the dispute between the Wizards Guild and the Holy See of Wugou in terms of faith is just an idea of ​​Da Liang for the time being, and it needs to wait until the Protestantism is established to persuade the sad monarch.But it doesn't prevent you from coaxing the fallen angels first, and getting hell's full support for the City of Sighs.

Da Liang knew that he was still a humble person in terms of plane disputes, so he directly placed this plan on the head of the sad monarch. In order to increase his persuasion, he also took out the "New Wugou Doctrine" written by the sad monarch himself : "The Sorrowful Monarch already has a higher belief in the God of Death, which we call the Ultimate Faith, which sublimates the belief in the God of Death to a whole new level.

Serving Death as a god...

This does not conflict with the wizard guild's research on how to become a god. As long as they declare that they are the queen of gods and are lower-level gods under the death god system, they can get the understanding of the New Wugou Holy See.

The Wizarding Guild can coexist peacefully with Protestantism, and even hold the position of the other party.

Once the core problem is solved, Cloud City will not be able to be classified as a kingdom of death. "

 Recommend a new book "The World of Card Gods" for newcomers.


(End of this chapter)

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