Chapter 686 Dialogue
While listening to Da Liang's explanation, Macaulay flipped through the newly edited Wugou Doctrine, facing the proposal and explanation of the ultimate belief in the doctrinal doctrine, he was only incomparably shocked and admiring the strategy of the sad monarch.

The doctrine of Wugou remains unchanged in the kingdom of death forever, and it is the foundation of the rule of the death monarch.In order to quell the rebellion of the wizards' guild, the sad monarch did not use force to kill them, but proposed a more advanced belief to assimilate the wizards.

This alone can show the great talent of the sad monarch.

I didn't expect that there would be such a far-sighted death monarch among the undead known for their rigidity. Why didn't they find it before?
It must be that the sad monarch ranks too low among the dead monarchs, and the flashes are all blocked by other dead monarchs. Now that the other dead monarchs are in trouble, the sad monarch's talent has been highlighted.

Hell needs such allies, not those dead monarchs who are unwilling to ask Hell for help after being beaten to the door by Cloud City.The sad monarch needs key support. If the sad monarch can become the first monarch of the kingdom of death, a death army capable of conscripting and fighting is the force that hell can rely on.

Holding the newly edited Unstained Doctrine written by the Sorrowful Monarch in his hand, Macaulay made up his mind to persuade Lucifer that the strategy of Hell in the Kingdom of Death must be dominated by the Sorrowful Monarch. If the interests of the Sad Monarch conflict with other Death Monarchs , giving priority to the Sorrowed Monarch.

"Originally we were very pessimistic about the civil war in the kingdom of death, thinking that Cloud City would achieve their strategic goal and eliminate nearly a quarter of our evil camp's power in one fell swoop. But this time I met you, Lord Earl, and I saw something With the birth of a new hero, the Sorrowful Monarch will surely expel Cloudsdale and become the ruler of the kingdom of death.

I will try my best to persuade Sir Lucifer to provide the best support for the sad monarch in dealing with the kingdom of death.

I believe that with the wisdom of Master Lucifer, he must know who is a friend worthy of help. "

Da Liang said: "Master Macaulay, don't be too anxious, I will try my best to persuade the Lord of Sadness to cooperate with Hell more comprehensively.

By the way, the main world positioning portal you gave me is very useful, but the free teleportation of three times a day is too small and not enough at all.

Give me up to 8 people per day. "

"Okay, just do as the Earl wants."

Cooperation with the Lord of Sorrow is really important to Hell, far more meaningful than the last time Hell entered Shangjiang City.Moreover, the Monarch of Sorrow has shown the potential to rule the kingdom of death. If the fallen angels can gain the support of the entire kingdom of death, then even if the hell lords return to hell, the fallen angels will not be completely isolated.

Therefore, Macaulay did not bargain with Da Liang on this small request, and agreed very readily.

Of course, Da Liang would not be satisfied with this small benefit, he continued: "As for the new doctrine of innocence, before the new Holy See is formally established in the City of Sighs, the Sorrowful Monarch will not admit that this doctrine was written by him.

Therefore, you are not allowed to reveal the existence of the ultimate belief to anyone under any circumstances. I proposed and promoted the establishment of the new church.

I need the full support of your garrison in the realm of death, and provide military support when necessary. "

Macaulay did not rush to agree to Da Liang on this point, and he kept the precautions he should have on big issues.So far, all he knew was what Da Liang told him, and many things had not been confirmed, especially whether the monarch really supported Protestantism.He asked: "The biggest obstacle to Protestantism should be the Council of the Innocent Holy See in the City of Sighs. If we cannot be sure that the Sorrowful Monarch supports Protestantism, we cannot rashly attack the Council of the City of Sighs."

Da Liang shook his head: "I will deal with the affairs of the City Council of Sighs, and I will not allow the army of hell to enter our main city. What I need when promoting the establishment of Protestantism is your solidarity, and after the establishment of Protestantism in City of Sighs, , Hell can use force to support the spread of Protestantism in the kingdom of death..."

In this way, the opponent of hell is not the Holy See Council of the City of Sighs, but the dead monarchs who oppose Protestantism.

But other death monarchs don't like fallen angels, and hell doesn't need to take care of them too much.As long as the Monarch of Sorrow establishes a new religion in the City of Sighs, facing the pressure of the old religion, the City of Sighs will have to pour all its strength into the hell of maintaining a good cooperative relationship.

The spread of Protestantism in the kingdom of death is only good for hell and not bad for it.

Macaulay said: "I can't decide on this matter without authorization. I will ask Lord Lucifer for instructions. But this issue is very beneficial to our alliance, and I think Lord Lucifer will agree."

Da Liang took advantage of the situation to say his ultimate goal: "I have a personal request at the end. I own a territory of the undead. Recently, I have upgraded tasks in the territory. Fighting wars takes up too much of my time and will affect the construction of Protestantism. Therefore, I hope that hell will be stationed The army in the city of sighs can provide me with some military assistance in these wars.

This will also increase the influence of hell in the kingdom of the dead, after all, the undead are very unfamiliar with the former allies of hell. "

The weather in the snow field is getting warmer, and Kuka's army is already preparing for war to open up the river.And the Black Fire Territory will soon complete the upgrade to level 7. When the territory missions are issued, Da Liang may not have soldiers available for a period of time.

In order not to affect the progress of the territory's upgrade, Da Liang directly called Hell's attention to the troops stationed in the City of Sighs.

If attacking the dead monarch is acceptable to them, then this kind of small war will have no psychological barriers for them.

Macaulay knew that Da Liang was cheating on public affairs again.But hell does need to expand its influence in the kingdom of death, and war is definitely the fastest way.But the Lord of Sorrow does not allow the garrison of hell to attack the cyan coalition army, so practicing with some small battles can also make the army of hell adapt to the war environment of the kingdom of death.

Moreover, being able to please the important ministers around the sad monarch will help the development of more cooperation between Hell and the City of Sighs.

"I can directly promise the earl about this small matter. Hell's garrison in the City of Sighs is very willing to serve you. I also hope that the earl will allow us to send more troops, which will facilitate our deployment and mobilization."

Da Liang said, "I'll increase the number of ultimate creatures to 1000 for you."

"Thank you, Lord Earl, for your care."

Da Liang and Macaulay toasted together. The relationship between the death kingdom and the ten-thousand-year-old hell finally completed an ice-breaking dialogue at this moment. Both parties got what they wanted in this meeting. A crucial step has been taken.

(End of this chapter)

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