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Chapter 689 The Breakthrough

Chapter 689 The Breakthrough

Breakthrough: total payload: 3500
Large Creature Compartments: 4
Medium anti-magic device: 1 (resist magical attacks below level 3)
Steering force: 50-130 (50 on the water surface, 130 in the air)

Propulsion: 40-140 (40 on the surface, 140 in the air)

Standard Sailor: 600
Necessary sailors: 75
Max sailors: 1000

Battleship Skill: Balance (10% increase in accuracy of mobile shelling)

The Breakthrough is the space battleship that Manila City ordered from Osaka City this time. From the information given by Joyce, it can be seen that the Breakthrough belongs to a relatively ordinary space battleship.However, warships that can fly in the sky are the crystallization of alchemy and ship design. They are an aerial firepower platform with persistent attack power and have an overwhelming advantage over surface ships.

Now Da Liang has a lot of understanding of the ship construction in the game. The space battleship belongs to the battleship in terms of hull structure, and a master ship designer is required to design the hull specially.At the same time, aerospace battleships require a large amount of alchemy materials and equipment, and the entire hull needs to be built by hand, and cannot be directly produced in the shipyard.

The sales and complexity of construction limit the number of space battleships. If Da Liang can snatch this space battleship Breakthrough, he is guaranteed to become a well-known pirate on the most wanted list.

The roof of the warehouse where the Assault was stored in the Osaka Castle Alchemy Factory was opened, showing that the space battleship was about to leave.Da Liang also searched for information on the waters around Honshu Island in Japan through the marine information system of the University Alliance, and then found that two level 4 aerospace warships had entered the land area of ​​the Japanese game area from the southeast and were flying towards Osaka.

That must be the escort fleet of the Maritime Association.

Da Liang immediately put down all his work and came to the cave built by the Black Pearl.

At this time, the Black Pearl has completed all modifications, and the keel and shell have all been replaced with alchemy materials.This refit not only increased the strength of the Black Pearl's hull, but also increased the magic power recovery speed of the Black Pearl, reducing the consumption of rare resources...

As the provider of all the alchemy equipment on the Black Pearl and the alchemy instructor of the Black Pearl, Nicole introduced the improved ability of the Black Pearl to Da Liang: "Now that the Black Pearl has mastered the intermediate level of alchemy, as long as the hull is not seriously damaged, she can All of them can be repaired with the alchemy materials in stock. In addition, Black Pearl's hero level has reached level 15, and I estimate that when she reaches level 25, she will be able to achieve self-sufficiency in magic power in non-combat situations in the ship state."

"Ship status?" Da Liang looked at the black metallic warship in the water, and asked, "Is there a non-ship status for Black Pearl?"

Nicole said: "In theory, because all large creatures have the ability to shrink their bodies. The black pearl belongs to the construction creature, and it should also comprehend the transformation of shrinking in the future, just as the first ship class Constructed creatures, what the non-ship status of the Black Pearl looks like, we still can't guess."

Thinking of Heizhu's cute and shy voice, Da Liang felt really hopeful.

After Nicole introduced the changed performance of the Black Pearl, the Prophet said to Da Liang: "This should be the last actual combat test of the Black Pearl. If there are no problems, we will start to complete the comprehensive inspection of the hull when we come back this time." A voyage to find the Neptune's Treasure.

This is likely to be a relatively long journey, please be prepared for it, Mr. Earl. "

Finding the sea emperor's treasure is related to the fountain of life to save Julian, so Da Liang must go there himself.

Fortunately, the kingdom of death is dealing with the cyan coalition forces, and the sad monarch plans to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. Therefore, after the arrival of the hell garrison, the city of sighs should not undergo too many major changes.

The Fog Zone is on track.

There is a whole set of teams responsible for the development of the Judgment Territory, wars and territorial missions.

As for the territory construction task of the Black Fire Territory...

It just so happens that the Dark Cavalry is already in place, and the formation of the Black Flame Cavalry led by Red Copper with heavy tramplers as the core has taken shape, so let's practice cavalry tactics.If there is a major war, you can send additional troops, and with the help of the hell garrison, the territorial mission should not be too difficult to complete.

As long as the legion assembly flags are planted at a few key locations, Da Liang can still appear where he should appear when necessary during the treasure hunt.

"I see, Prophet! I understand your eagerness to find the treasure of the Sea Emperor, and I will definitely not delay everyone's trip."

In the end, Gies said to Da Liang: "The Prophet, Nicole, and I are planning a route to find the treasure of the Sea Emperor and preparing supplies. This sea trial will not be protected by the ship. Be careful and take good care of the black pearl."

"Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely treat Black Pearl like my sister."

After handing over the command of the battleship, Da Liang boarded the bridge of the Black Pearl.

Black Pearl's voice sounded: "The captain has entered the command position. The Black Pearl has completed all preparations for sailing. Please give the captain the next order."

"Hold up the anchor, dive down and set sail. Black Pearl, let's pick up our crew first, and then fight an air battle..."

In the alchemy factory of Osaka City, the fourth-level aerospace battleship Assault is slowly rising from the warehouse, and the brand-new ship board reflects the twilight of the setting sun.

For the safety of transportation, the Breakthrough will enter the route to Manila after dark, and the light at night can make it escape possible traces.Then, after changing the route many times, we arrived in Manila City in the evening of the second day, the whole day and night.

The sun was slowly setting, and the slowly rising sails of the Rush were reflected golden.When the last ray of sunlight disappeared below the horizon, the Dash entered the cruising altitude, and there was an aerospace battleship of the same level in front of it and behind it.

The three space battleships formed a marching formation, and then flew towards the south at the same time.

"Boss Da Liang, three space battleships have already flown away from Osaka City, and they have released the Silver Pegasus Knight and two Green Dragons to patrol the airspace... No, they found me, and a Silver Pegasus team flew over, please instruct."

Through the video provided by the intelligence personnel in front, Da Liang saw the departure process of the Dash, and also saw the flying creatures guarding the battleship formation.

"Okay, the monitoring is here, you can retreat now."

"Yes, Boss Daliang, I am very glad to serve you this time."

Before the Silver Pegasus Knight team caught up and got involved in the battle, the intelligence personnel directly used the return to the city to leave here.After the group of silver Pegasus knights lost their target, they returned to catch up with the fleet and continued to perform their escort duties.

Watching the last image disappear, Da Liang said to himself: "The defense is quite tight, but I have been prepared for a long time."

The Breakthrough sailed to Manila under strict protection, but no one knew that when the Breakaway just left the warehouse, a small bat had already hid in the crevice of the rudder.

(End of this chapter)

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