Chapter 690
With more and more blood-sucking sword guards successfully completing the blood sacrifice, Da Liang finally has a group of outstanding heroes with their own specialties, instead of picking generals from the ordinary heroes in the tavern, or using the high-level heroes in his hands to do it. Some threatening missions.

The person in charge of tracking the Breakthrough is a vampire sword guard who specializes in hiding. He restrains his breath like a real bat. He escapes the detection magic on the space battleship and hides in a dark corner. He can pass through the territory channel at any time. Report the location of the Breakthrough to Da Liang.

And Da Liang had already brought his own crew, driving the Black Pearl to the location of the ambush.

Looking at Sophia standing next to Da Liang, and looking at the guards standing on standby on the deck, Shu Xiao on the bridge secretly poked Da Liang next to him, and whispered, "Master, where did you get this?" A group of such good-looking guards are all beauties in black, and it is more than enough to form a girl group, so it is really no problem to open a harem so blatantly."

Da Liang corrected: "What about opening a harem, don't talk nonsense. Master, I only look at strength and not appearance. You think they are good-looking because the blood-sucking sword guards are a good-looking race like elves. I There is no way."

"Then why are they all women?"

" just a coincidence." Da Liang argued strongly: "There are also male blood-sucking sword guards, but I sent them out to perform missions."

Shu Xiao expressed his disbelief, and wanted to dig deeper to find out the veterans of guards like Da Liang, but Gu Tao who was at the side asked at this time: "Brother, this time I have brought out all your space battleships. , who are we going to fight?"

"That's a good question." Da Liang sincerely thanked Gu Tao for his understanding of the general situation and the overall situation, unlike Shu Xiao who was curious about everything.Brother, as a normal male, isn't it normal to make Konoe look prettier?Could it be that getting a group of good-looking male blood-sucking sword guards is not a pleasure for yourself?

Taking the opportunity to brightly change the topic: "Let's go to the captain's room first, and let's discuss how to fight this battle."

Shu Xiao did not ask about the reality of this blood-sucking sword guard, although he was unwilling, he followed Daliang into the captain's room.

"Black Pearl, release the chart of the ambush area."

Da Liang walked to the tactical sand table. The alchemy equipment made by Nicole immediately released a three-dimensional map of a sea area. Looking at the displayed sea map and coordinates, this sea area should be located in the northeast of TW Island.

After the three-dimensional sea chart appeared, Da Liang stepped forward to use the data provided by the ocean detection system to add on the chart the movement of ships in this sea area, as well as the wind direction and some hydrological conditions.

Gu Tao, who boarded the Black Pearl for the first time, asked Shu Xiao, "Who is the Black Pearl? Is she in this room? Why can't I see her?"

Shu Xiao replied: "Our space battleship is called the Black Pearl, and the Black Pearl is the ship spirit of this battleship. So, this battleship is actually a construct creature and a hero unit just like the Titan. I listen to Master Said that Black Pearl can talk, but she never talked to me, she only talked to Master."

Gu Tao looked around in fear: "You mean... we are now in the belly of a hero."

"That's right! Why didn't I think of it..." Shu Xiao suddenly realized that what Gu Tao said was very correct, they were indeed in Heizhu's stomach: "Do you think the wall of the ship will suddenly turn into wriggling internal organs? Tentacles and slime coming out?"

Thinking about the scene described by Shu Xiao, Gu Tao was even more frightened. She unconsciously leaned towards Da Liang, and then she saw that there was really mucus seeping in from the gap in the bulkhead, looking at the bubbles gushing out. , Gu Tao hugged Chu Daliang's arm: "Brother, your boat is going to eat us."

Da Liang came back to his senses, saw Gu Tao who was trembling in fright, and Shu Xiao who drew out his sword to be on guard, and quickly said, "Heizhuzhu, you scared them."

The mucus receded immediately.

Da Liang smiled and said, "Okay, don't worry. Black Pearl is just playing a joke on you. It seems that she still likes you more."

Seeing the mucus retreat obediently, Gu Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then realized that his behavior was really ambiguous, so he immediately let go of Da Liang's arm, and looked at Shu Xiao again.It is completely relieved to find that Shu Xiao didn't notice it, or didn't care about it.

Shu Xiao took back his sword and said to Da Liang: "Master, this space battleship is too high-end, so get me one too."

Da Liang put away the rippling in his heart because of Gu Tao's hug, and then replied: "Don't want every good thing you see... Do you think that this kind of high-end space battleship can be bought casually? Tell you Well, I'm just borrowing the Black Pearl, and I have to return it when it's used up.

But we came out this time to ambush an air and space battleship formation. As long as we fight smoothly, we can grab an air and space battleship.Although it is not as good as the Black Pearl, it is still a Tier [-] space battleship, the top alchemy weapon in the player's hands. If you like it, you can play with it for a few days. "

"How many days have you played?"

"Satisfy... You are good at air combat. Without sailing skills, you cannot use the full strength of the space battleship. I have other arrangements for this space battleship, and I will give it to you in the future."

Shu Xiao also knew that it was a waste of an air battleship in his hands, so he said, "Okay, just a few days. When will we start the raid? In the world of heroic spirits, the eight invading lord armies are marching very fast. Quickly, we must hurry back.”

Da Liang looked at the time and said: "I estimate that the target fleet will enter the ambush circle early tomorrow morning, and we will launch an attack at that time.

Now let me tell you about my plan..."

Da Liang told Shu Xiao and Gu Tao about the situation of the ambush target fleet this time: "This time we are going to face a powerful air force with full firepower, ultimate creatures and enough air combat units. According to what I have so far Situation, the target fleet has three Tier 3 space battleships, which are immune to magical attacks below Level [-]. Taozi’s teleportation can’t send us to the deck of the opponent’s warship, but it can send us to the Dash Airdrop is being carried out from above.”

Shu Xiao said at this time: "Just like the last time we were attacked by a group of unknown players in the Sea of ​​Japan, they also carried out an airborne landing from above the Black Pearl, and the group was wiped out in the end."

Da Liang said: "The player team should be the Sun Attendants in the American game area. This tactic also inspired me. We are responsible for attracting the attention of the target fleet. I arranged an eight-member commando over the Judgment Leader , as long as there is a chance, they will conduct an airborne operation on the Dajin, and then Gu Tao will send us in, and use the fastest time to seize the ship..."

(End of this chapter)

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