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Chapter 698 Advertising

Chapter 698 Advertising
How to keep it?
That's a big deal, and what the merchants want is this promise.

The Sunshine Plain offensive and defensive battle that is about to break out will be very influential, and advertising on the battlefield will definitely be effective.

If Da Liang insisted on resisting the attack of the eight lords and dragged the war for a month, the merchants who placed advertisements would not suffer.If Da Liang persisted for ten or eight days and then lost, he would have to fulfill the contract and refund the advertising fee, and the merchants would earn a lot of money.

It's a good deal.

Some merchants immediately joined the bidding for many advertising spaces, while another group of merchants had doubts: "Our products are very high-end. If the billboards are dirty or even smashed during the war, it will affect our Product image, are there any compensation measures for the ruling party?"

This question made Da Liang very unhappy, bro, are you going to take out a little bit of the meat you ate?
"War must destroy some things. It is inevitable that some advertisements will be damaged in the war. But some people say that this will affect the product image of the merchant. I strongly disagree. What is the merchant advertising for? To expand the popularity of the product , let more people remember.

So, which one is more eye-catching, a clean billboard or a billboard that has been through the vicissitudes of war?Everyone has seen too many gorgeous advertisements, which are nothing new and attractive.On the battlefield of blood and fire, an advertisement that is half hidden in the dust and gunpowder smoke and riddled with holes is really eye-catching.

This is a natural special effect without any traces of processing. I don't charge extra for the special effect, which is considered an extra technology gift.

Dare to ask for compensation?
It's unreasonable!
There are only so many advertising spaces, whether you want it or not! "

Brother Da Liang went into a rage, and immediately silenced all questions.

Thinking about it again, Big Brother Da Liang was right.If the advertisements on the high school are good-looking, it is good-looking, but if everyone’s advertisements are good-looking, it is mediocre.A flawed work of art can be shocking, and a unique advertisement can be easily remembered.

in this case……

This battlefield special effect must be added. If you can’t hit my billboard in battle, you have to add special effects if you pay extra. We are all big bosses who don’t care about the money.

"Big Brother, don't give me free special effects after taking pictures of the advertising space. The gift is too random, so I want to customize it, money is not a problem..."

For Da Liang, money is not a problem, nothing is really a problem.

Is there no reason not to give money?

Da Liang immediately went to the art designers of the Judgment Legion: "It's hard to turn down the kindness. After the auction of the advertising space is over, those merchants who pay for the special effects, you need to design the special effects of the battlefield.

First of all, the theme of the billboard is that it should not be severely damaged. No matter how badly it is played, the audience must be able to recognize who the product is at a glance.

Then there is nature, without traces of vandalism.

The last thing is to give a few more shots, after all, they paid for it.By the way, the matter of the live broadcast is out of your control. I will find the director of the live broadcast. You just need to do the first two things well. "

Da Liang communicated with the various departments of the Judgment Legion, taking advantage of the upcoming offensive and defensive battle in the Sunshine Plain to misappropriate money.

On the other side, the eight player lords marching towards the Sunshine Plain felt extremely uncomfortable.

It was agreed to hit Da Liang and the leader of the ruling, how did he start recruiting advertisers all over the world.Even with the gimmick of nine lords and millions of armies fighting, using our image to make money, have you asked us?Looking at the ever-increasing bidding numbers for those advertising spaces, the eight lords felt that the money should have nothing to do with them, and Da Liang would definitely not divide the accounts according to the nine lords and their investment ratio afterwards.

The eight lords felt a little taken advantage of at this time, and it was really irritating that Da Liang used his fame and military power to make money for nothing!

But no matter how angry they are, they can't withdraw their troops. They can only urge the troops to continue to the Sunshine Plain.

Stick to it for a month?

This time, you will definitely spit out all the money you eat.

The eight lords held frequent video conferences, and according to the ruling, they deployed defenses in the Sunshine Plain and supplemented the entire attack plan over and over again.

Our goal is to defeat Judgment Leader's garrison in the Sunshine Plain within ten days, remove all his billboards, and block his teleportation array...

At this moment, Da Liang really had no intention of sharing money with the other eight lords.During the whole propaganda process, he did use the names of the nine lords, and he also posted the information of the eight lords on the attacking side in the bulletin board of the Sunshine Plain Defense Network advertising space in detail.

Da Liang was able to attract competition from world-wide big merchants for advertising space on the battlefield. These eight star lords from different game areas and with huge influence within a certain range really contributed a lot.

The money... is all my brother's, all of it is my brother's.


In the past two days, Da Liang really got cramps from counting money.Not only the advertising space in the war zone was sold for a good price, Da Liang was inspired to put the live broadcast of the war, the broadcasting rights, and the naming rights of the troops all on the website for auction.

One-month launch period, as long as the war is not fought for less than one month, a full refund will be made.

Da Liang's acknowledgment and his chances of fulfilling his promise made it very free for merchants to compete for advertising space, and the bidding price rose steadily.

Gold coins, Da Liang's heart is full of seas of gold coins.

Then Boss Jin's message called Da Liang out of Changyou: "Brother Da Liang, I've been waiting for your news? You won't forget me, right?"

Da Liang replied: "Brother Jin, what news are you waiting for from me?"

"Advertising space... We have such a strong relationship, you must leave the best position to my brother? I have been waiting for good news from you for the past two days, why there is no movement."

Bad, I really forgot Boss Jin this time.

Da Liang patted his head.

This is Shu Xiao's elder, his hard-core ally, and the support funds for the army have never been second-guessed.It was a major mistake to advertise without thinking of Boss Jin's Jiuding Chamber of Commerce.

How to do?
All the advertising slots were put out to participate in the auction, and the competition for the best spots was the most intense.At this time, if you withdraw a position and say you can't sell it, isn't it a blow to your face?The advertising space that is being auctioned must not be moved, and Boss Jin cannot force a corner to chill this good brother.

Da Liang came up with an excellent location, he laughed and said to Boss Jin: "Yes, the best advertising space must be reserved by Brother Jin, it is guaranteed to be the most eye-catching place in the entire battlefield, and it is difficult for the audience to see it or not. I didn't tell Brother Jin in advance, I just wanted to give you a surprise..."

Hearing that Da Liang had reserved the best position for himself, Boss Jin laughed again in his hearty voice: "I knew that you are the most reliable brother, Da Liang, and you will never forget me. Don't tell me what position you are in. As you said, the surprise is left at the end.

How much is the advertising space, you can directly report the amount to me, and I will transfer the money to you now. "

Da Liang hurriedly said: "For such a small matter, what kind of money will Big Brother Jin talk to me about? When you supported me, didn't you also talk about money? This advertising space is just a little brother's kindness."

(End of this chapter)

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