Chapter 699 Eight Lords Alliance

Da Liang originally just wanted to earn some military expenses with an idea, but he didn't expect it to get out of hand.

The advertising auction and broadcast rights auction here have just arranged for someone to handle it, and then some film and television companies came to the door.

The fight here is about to start, what is your film and television company involved in?
Still want to film on the war?

Please... let's be serious about the war, okay?Once you fight, you will be blinded by swords and guns, and your entire crew will be wiped out if you don't pay attention.

"Now I'm shooting a film and television drama in the game. Don't you have any casualties? Don't worry? Mr. Liang, we are responsible for all losses during the war. We just borrowed your venue and war scenes to add some magnificence to our movies. war footage.

Rental fees are not an issue. "

Money is no problem, nothing is really a problem.

I want to shoot a movie in Sunshine Plains Battle... yes, I will arrange a venue for you.

I want to hold a wedding on the battlefield... Yes, I will arrange a venue for you.

I want to have a deadly parkour competition during the war... yes, I will draw a route for you and run casually.


As soon as the opening was opened, all kinds of local tyrants who wanted to find excitement and coquettish in the war came to the ruling leader one after another, demanding to experience this super war up close on the spot.

Now Da Liang is looking away, anyway, a sheep is chasing a herd of sheep.As long as you give money without affecting the battle, you can do whatever you want on the battlefield.

Sunshine Plain became even busier.

And when the eight lords led the army to surround and enter the Sunshine Plain from all directions, they couldn't connect the scene they saw with the war.

A circle of billboards was erected along the inner edges of the four trenches, with a total of 200 long advertising spaces on all four sides, belonging to the most conspicuous positions on the entire battlefield.At the last moment of the auction, it was divided up by 200 multinational groups. Naidi, Ake, Lw, various luxury cars, luxury watches, and beautiful print advertisements are all familiar well-known brands.

In the war zone, there are billboards everywhere on the ground, advertising banners in the sky, and various advertising slogans are painted on the outer wall of the fort stronghold.

"The so-and-so group congratulates the start of the Sunshine Plain War."

"So-and-so company sends hello to friends all over the world."

"Mom and Dad don't have to worry about my studies anymore."

"I wish *** and *** get married and have a happy marriage for a hundred years..."


Not only these, the flags of the participating troops in the ruling are also filled with various name advertisements.

Kang Shuaifu Spearman Vanguard Army, Qianda Archer Long-distance Battalion, Qi Neng Griffin Air Control Regiment, Brother Haier's First Swordsman Commando.

Anyway, any flag on the Sunshine Plain was contracted by the merchants.

Other film and television crews, wedding venues, competition routes, all kinds of strange audiences... are scattered in various places in the defensive position.

There is even a well-known singer holding a "Roar of War" concert here. The battle here has not yet started, and the fans are already shouting for the singer's appearance.

The wedding symphony also echoed over the Sunshine Plain at this time.

"Dear guests, relatives and friends of the bride and groom, the sun is shining today..."

Looking at the beautiful and colorful Sunshine Plain defense position within a few kilometers, the eight lords who have already encircled this place just want to withdraw their troops.

In the case of a global live broadcast, our eight lords attack here...

It's really embarrassing.

But the army has already come here to complete the deployment, and it is definitely impossible to retreat, so... let's fight.


On the open plain, the armies of eight lords attacked the defense line of Judgment Land simultaneously from eight directions.

Accompanied by the opening music of the concert and the gorgeous rhetoric of the wedding host, the sound of war drums reverberated in the sky of Sunshine Plain.

Hundreds of thousands of troops marched side by side, the spearmen in the front were stabbing spears like a forest, and the army array of npcs in the back and the players were covering each other.Later, the assembled catapult and the ballista accompanying the army were pushed to the firing position.

In the sky, 16 archangels and 23 angels commanded the army of griffins, forming a ring-shaped cloud to surround the sky above the Sunshine Plain position.

The ruling leader reacted quickly.

Hundreds of filming personnel located in the entire defensive position serving the live broadcast of the battlefield started at the same time under the order of the on-site director.After playing the opening commercial for tens of seconds, the Judgment Leader began to broadcast the grand war to the entire game world.

In the distance is the army of the eight major lords who are impenetrable and surrounded in all directions, and in the middle is the army of the ruling leader waiting in full battle.If it weren't for the ubiquitous advertisements, and those melon-eating people who obviously don't belong to the defenders, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield would definitely be murderous, but now...

The eyes are full of forced advertisements, and the audience can't get into the show at all. The key is that the video screen shows a close-up shot of a certain advertisement from time to time, which doesn't take care of the audience's senses and emotions at all.

Is it already so shameless to make money?The eight lords on the offensive side also have live broadcasts, why should we endure this kind of advertising bombardment.

Many viewers immediately shifted to the live broadcast of the battlefield given by the eight lords.

Then I found out... It's better to read the verdict.

As the attacker, in addition to taking pictures of one's own military strength, it must also focus on taking more shots of the place where the battle took place.Now the coalition forces of the eight lords are approaching the first line of defense of the Judgment Territory, and at a glance, there are layers of advertisements, which are dizzying and dazzling.

Moreover, the live broadcast crews of the eight lords all move with the army, and the viewing experience is far inferior to that of the ruling leader whose most of the shots are fixed shooting points. The screen is stable and comfortable to watch.

The battlefield is here, and it is impossible to filter out the advertisements. Most of the viewers have returned to the live video of Judgment Leader.

The front lines of the eight lords kept approaching the first defensive circle of the Judgment Territory, and the catapults of both sides were already throwing stones at each other, with a small amount of alchemy bombs mixed in.

As the cannon fodder, the spearmen continued to move forward, and the players and mage heroes in the rear released their status magic to the spearmen walking in the front.

No matter how close the distance was, the archers and elf archers of the Judgment Leader stood up from behind the billboards in the trench, and shot a hail of arrows at the enemy spearmen rushing towards them.

The two sides of the battle have already started a tentative contact battle on the first line of defense. The Judgment leader uses long-range arms to block the enemy's approach, while the eight major lords' allied forces stepped forward to exert pressure, looking for the defensive loopholes of the Judgment leader to make a fixed-point breakthrough.

The battle gradually became fierce, and the two sides had already started to shoot each other with magic.

Compared with the already lively ground battle, the air was quiet, with two hostile air forces confronting each other at a distance of a thousand meters.

In the sky above the Judgment Territory, angels and dragons are mixed, and the ultimate power is eye-catching.But the ultimate power of the eight lords is even more luxurious, all archangels and angels.

Faced with such a military force, can the ruling leader hold on for a month?
Can you hold it for ten days?

(End of this chapter)

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