start an archangel

Chapter 700 Sunshine Plain Offensive and Defensive Battle

Chapter 700 Sunshine Plain Offensive and Defensive Battle

The eight lords led their respective air troops to surround the periphery of the battlefield. If the ruling leader didn't use their ultimate creatures and air power, they were also willing to watch the attack on the ground from the air.

Compared with ground troops, any air unit is a very precious military force for a territory.Once the war is fought in the air, the flying arms will definitely suffer the heaviest losses. Therefore, when a battle occurs, both sides of the war will try to delay the time for the flying arms to enter the battlefield to save this precious army.

And ultimate creatures.

The ultimate creatures brought by the eight lords this time are definitely superior to the Judgment Lord in terms of quantity.But Da Liang and his Judgment Legion were the first to have the ultimate creatures in the game. Archangel Julian had a strong record. In the first ultimate creature showdown in the game, he killed the golden dragon flying sand and rocks.The performance in the subsequent battles is also very eye-catching. In the Battle of the Sea of ​​Japan, beating the Archangel of Yagami is like beating a child.

In the ultimate biological rating of flying sand and stones, Archangel Julian was recognized as A-level, and the eye of insight ranked first in the ultimate biological combat power list.

After such a long time, Archangel Julian's hero level is already very high, and he must lose a few archangels if he wants to defeat her.

The loss of too many archangels in this war is a bit beyond the tolerance of the lords who are sure of winning.

As the lord of the strongest human territory, Braveheart became the commander of the eight-territory coalition.His Scottish Fort is responsible for attacking the Judgment from the north. According to the current battle situation, his army is also the direction where the attack is strongest.

As the core force under Braveheart, the Scottish Fort Legion has already made a gap in the outermost defensive circle of the Judgment Territory.It's just that the situation in the defense network of the Sunshine Field is too complicated. The ditches and ridges as well as the independent arrow towers and forts made the Scottish Fort Legion not eager to make a deep breakthrough, but to consolidate the foothold on the spot.

Braveheart was very satisfied with the fighting power of his army. Seeing that the attacks from other directions had not achieved good results, he said to the other seven lords through a video conference: "It seems that Da Liang also knows that a decisive battle in the air will hurt the ruling leader. Since he does not use air combat troops, we will maintain this tacit understanding and only use ground troops to attack.

Now that my army has broken through the first line of defense in the Judgment Territory, their defensive strength will definitely lean towards me. Hurry up and increase your attack power. Today we must push the front line to their second defense circle. "

Under the urging of the brave heart, other lords also invested their elite main army one after another. The outer trenches of the Judgment leader's defense were broken one after another, and the battle was glued between the fourth and third lines of defense. Stronghold, every tunnel.

Arrows, stone balls, cannonballs, and magic draw parabolas in the air and fall on the enemy's army. Explosions, fire, ice bursts, and lightning come and go.The front line is fighting, the teeth are intertwined, there is me in you, and you in me.

A magnificent ground position offensive and defensive battle was presented in front of audiences all over the world.

It would be even more perfect if there were no advertisements with a strong sense of presence.

In the war zone, the originally beautiful billboards were all dilapidated, some were burning in the fire, some were dilapidated, and some were buried in the sand.But they are still strong and appear in the live broadcast at any time.

With the sound of the starting gun, the Sunshine Plain Deadly Parkour Grand Prix began.

Hundreds of parkour enthusiasts started from the starting point and rushed into the battle zone.They have to pass the most intense battle along the planned route. During the game, they not only have to face various obstacles, but also avoid various attacks.

The film and television crews have already turned on their phones to record the most exciting moments.

Amid the applause of the guests and the sound of fighting, the bride and groom stepped onto the stage.

The concert entered a small climax, the fans sang in unison and shouted frantically.

It's really crazy.

In the chaotic battlefield, the coalition forces of the eight lords can be said to be advancing triumphantly.The Sunshine Plain is really good for attacking. The command of the army is convenient, and the troops can be mobilized quickly. Once the defensive omissions in the Judgment Territory are discovered, enough superior troops can be quickly mobilized to make a fixed-point breakthrough.

The strongholds controlled by the Judgment Territory were constantly cut off, besieged, and lost. The sporadic armies of the Eight Lords Alliance had already reached the third defensive circle.

All the viewers watching this battle know that the form of the Judgment Territory is very bad. If they don't put the air force into the defense of the battlefield, the ground defenders alone will definitely not last for three days and they will all fall.

The battle situation on the ground is extremely favorable for the Allied Forces of the Eight Lords. They can also see whether the Judgment Leader can defend for a few more days.

"Where is Daliang's Angel Ji? Where is his space battleship?"

There are lords who ask Braveheart their questions.

The deterrent power of the Archangel Julian and the black space battleship is too great. If there is a decisive battle in the air, they will all have to face the eight lords.

Braveheart is also looking for Daliang's angel princess and space battleship.

However, there is no trace showing that these two big killers are on the Sunshine Plain.

He analyzed:

"Archangel Julian and the space battleship are the last cards for Da Liang. Now his defeat in the Sunshine Plain is certain. If he loses Julian and the space battleship again, it is estimated that without us, flying sand and rocks will rush to destroy the ruling leader." , to unify the Chinese game area.

Therefore, Da Liang wanted to preserve his own strength. His interests were at sea, and he didn't feel sorry for the death of ground troops. Air troops, space battleships and ultimate creatures were the foundation of his foothold.He will not fight us with these troops.

He collected so much advertising money before the war, probably because he planned to hire a large number of player mercenaries and let them resist us for a month.And even if they are defeated, they have persisted for so long with a weak enemy and a strong one, so they won't lose too much reputation.

By the way, is there any new trend in the main world of Judgment Leader? I heard that the university alliance in the Chinese game area has helped them recruit mercenaries of about 10 players. "

A human lord in the Japanese game area replied: "My intelligence personnel have been staring at the Chinese game area. The 10 mercenaries recruited before the ruling leader have been assembled and can reach the Sunshine Plain battlefield through the teleportation array of the ruling leader at any time.

However, we did not find that the Judgment Territory and the Chinese Game Zone University Alliance recruited mercenaries again, and their northern lord allies did not report any news of war mobilization.

I can't guess what Da Liang wants to do?
Based on his current military strength, he will definitely not be able to hold it for a month, and it will be very difficult for five days. "

(End of this chapter)

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