start an archangel

Chapter 828 The meeting is over

Chapter 828 The meeting is over
The words of the sad monarch undoubtedly put an end to this discussion.He wants to expand the territory of the City of Sighs, and he wants to be the first monarch of the kingdom of death. Wouldn't it be difficult for his own monarch to advocate supporting Evernight City at this time?
Next came the voting stage, and none of the councilors agreed to support Eternal Night City.

The basis of belief and the strategy of war have been determined, and the parliament has turned to the discussion of entering a state of full-scale war in the entire City of Sighs.

The core idea is to expand the army, use all methods to expand the army of each territory.

Then, according to the model of the foggy area, gradually open up some urban areas to actively carry out commercial cooperation with the main plane, accumulating military expenditures for war.

After the smooth production of various resolutions, the City of Sighs Council of All Members successfully concluded in a harmonious atmosphere.

The bishops and lords returned to their respective churches and territories, while Da Liang was left alone by the Sorrowful Monarch.

Speaker Yargu watched Da Liang follow the sad monarch to leave the parliament hall, and then returned to the church in his own shadow area with a sigh.He wants to complete the conversion of the church in the shadow area to the ultimate belief as soon as possible, but he doesn't know that the Eviscerate Bishop has almost converted him.

Back in his room, the Sad Sovereign looked extremely excited, he could feel the magnanimity in front of his eyes, and he was in a good mood.

And all of this is brought about by the talent he discovered himself.

Now that Protestantism has been established in the city of sighs, when the ultimate belief spreads throughout the area of ​​sighs, the war in the city of eternal night should also end.At that time, the army of the city of sighs that did not participate in the war could flood the territory of the city of eternal night like a tide.

The appeal of the monarch and the penetrating power of the ultimate belief can completely turn the occupied land into its own territory.

When the mourning monarch was beaten and fled away from Eternal Night City, the sad monarch who perfectly blocked the blue coalition army and the angel army will become the new leader of the kingdom of death!

"Will, Will..."

The Sorrowful Lord called Will to him, and said, "I ask you to be responsible for the battle against the Cyan Alliance in the territory of Eternal Night. Remember...don't fight recklessly when you encounter a strong enemy, just like Bishop Eviscerate said. , it doesn't matter how much the army loses, as long as my flag is there, we can recruit the lost army.

The kingdom of death lacks everything, except undead. "

Leading the army alone to fight against the cyan coalition with level 16 heroes, Will had no fear. He saluted the sad monarch and said: "Please rest assured, my lord, I know how to fight this war, and I will let the cyan coalition fall into an endless battle." In the confrontation of the low-ranking army."

Da Liang said at the side: "Although Yunshangcheng promised not to carry out large-scale location transmission in the kingdom of death, we can't pin our hopes on Yunshangcheng's promise.

I suggest that Hell's garrison in the City of Sighs cooperate with our military operations in the Eternal Night area. Once Cloud City uses large-scale positioning and teleportation, we can ask Hell to carry out positioning and teleportation support for us. "

The sad monarch approved Da Liang's suggestion.

Once Yunzhong City uses positioning teleportation to dispatch troops over a distance, the dead monarchs who can fight back are helpless, but hell has the same ability.Therefore, if Yunzhong City does not want the army of the evil camp to appear in its base camp, it must exercise restraint in the use of positioning teleportation.

Hell is also a mouse-thrower, and will not randomly use location teleportation on a large scale in plane wars.

With checks and balances on large-scale spatial transmission, the war in the Evernight area is a quagmire. As long as Will makes no mistakes, it will be difficult for the Cyan Allied Forces to get out of it.

Da Liang originally wanted to give Will the sixteen-character mantra of guerrilla warfare, but after thinking about it, forget it, it's too dramatic.

And although Will was a bit upright in the power struggle, the military commander would definitely beat him by eight blocks, so it's better not to command blindly.

Will led the order to go out to prepare the plans and armaments for the City of Sighs before entering the war. Only the Lord of Sorrow and Da Liang were left in the room.

The Sorrowful Monarch said to Da Liang: "I am very satisfied with your contribution to the spread and establishment of Protestantism, so I let you take charge of the Death God Institute and take full charge of the research on becoming a god.

But the Vatican of the City of Sighs has never conducted research on becoming a god, so you need to find the priests of the research institute. As long as all the priests of the City of Sighs are useful to you, I will give priority to transfer to the research institute.

In addition, what I can provide you is the research materials of the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild.

As I said, these wizards have found the crystal wall of the God Plane, but we lost key technologies during the annihilation of the city of sighs branch.But I believe that through the research and arrangement of existing materials, we can completely re-research this method.

Bishop Eviscerate, I entrust this task to you not only because of your loyalty, but also because you are the most capable bishop in the entire City of Sighs in my eyes.

Those bishops with shrunken brains can't keep up with my thoughts.

Only you can see the future.

We are too far behind in the study of becoming a god. We cannot study step by step. What we need is bold and forward-looking ideas. "

At this moment, Da Liang knew that he had officially become the confidant of the Sorrowful Monarch, and he had almost reached the limit that players could reach in the kingdom of death.

The Reaper God Institute is actually an alchemy laboratory under the City of Sighs.

The Monarch of Sorrow provides all the research materials of the original City of Sighs branch, while Da Liang has the remaining wizards of the original City of Sighs branch in his hands.

Although Da Liang didn't dare to arrange all the wizards into the Institute of the God of Death, it's no problem to put one or two in.In this way, the information of the Death God Institute is equivalent to one-way sharing with the Black Fire Alchemy Laboratory.

In other words, Da Liang's alchemy laboratory can also officially start research on becoming a god.

Da Liang assured the Sad Monarch: "Don't worry, Monarch, I will definitely let the God of Death Research Institute complete the research on becoming a god as soon as possible, so that the City of Sighs will have its own god-level creatures in future wars."

The Sad Monarch nodded and said: "We can't do without any support in the battle of Eternal Night City, it will only make us isolated by other dead monarchs.

I am going to let Yargu bring a bone dragon army to support Eternal Night City. After you complete the establishment of the Death God Institute, you will also secretly go to Eternal Night City.

I need a full picture of our enemy. "

"It is the monarch, and I will take care of this matter."

The sad monarch waved his hand: "Take the reward I gave you and go back... I will also summon the messengers of hell."

Da Liang received the reward from the sad monarch, and left the cathedral to go next door to the Holy See Knights to receive the rewarded army.

At this time, the Holy See Knights were in chaos, and Da Liang asked the duty officer who handed over the army to him: "What happened?"

The officer on duty sighed: "Commander Will just came back from the cathedral and found that his collection room was stolen, and now he is looking for the thief everywhere..."

(End of this chapter)

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