start an archangel

Chapter 829 Summon Minya

Chapter 829 Summon Minya

Da Liang didn't ask too much about the theft of Will's collection room. He planned the treasure theft very well. The two dungeon guards were enough to prove that he was in the dungeon of the cathedral.

Moreover, all the lost angel equipment was produced by Cloudsdale. Will first suspected that it was also Cloudsdale. As for the is impossible.

Now only the Prophet sword in Will's hand is left.

Careful planning is required.

Da Liang brought out the army rewarded to him from the Knights of the Holy See, and after confirming that the ownership was in his hands, he ordered the ghost dragons to lead the team, and the whole army moved to the Boneyard.

Then Da Liang returned to Destiny Manor to summon Minya.

Miniya's job in Destiny Manor is to preside over the Black Fire Collar Alchemy Laboratory set up by Da Liang here. While researching and developing alchemy technology, she organizes the wizards to restart the research on becoming a god.

Recently, Miniya discovered an extremely strange thing. The research speed of alchemy technology has suddenly skyrocketed, and even some technologies that they have not started researching have suddenly become developed.

This situation can only show that there is another alchemy laboratory and the Destiny Manor Alchemy Laboratory, which has shared alchemy technology.

Miniya confirmed that her elder had built a new alchemy laboratory, and this alchemy laboratory was presided over by a master alchemist.

Master Alchemist!

It is the same level as Elder Quentin.

Miniya was very excited. She wanted to meet this master alchemist. If she could invite him into the Wizards Guild, the City of Sighs branch would be able to quickly restore the research progress of God.

It's just that Da Liang came and went in a hurry, and Minya never had a chance to talk to Da Liang about this matter.

Therefore, when Da Liang sent the summoning order this time, Miniya rushed over immediately, and asked eagerly before Da Liang opened his mouth: "Elder, do you still have an alchemy laboratory? And there is also a master alchemist, I hope you Can arrange a meeting between me and this master, we now have many problems that need to be answered by this master."

Da Liang knew that Miniya was talking about Nicole, he said: "This master likes to study alone, but I can help you convey your request, and the master will decide whether to meet or not."

Miniya immediately said: "Thank you elder, knowing that there is a master alchemist studying alchemy technology with us, I am indeed a little out of control."

After finishing speaking, Miniya poured a glass of red wine for Da Liang, and then stood aside.

Also blood-sucking creatures.

A brightly designed maid outfit made Miniya look cute and cute, and formed a strong visual difference with the cold Sofia on the other side.

Da Liang took a sip of the red wine, and said to Minia: "Now I am the Bishop of the Misty District, and this district really belongs to our City of Sighs branch."

Obtaining the ownership of a district in the City of Sighs is definitely a major victory for the Wizards Guild.Under the cover of the bishop of the misty area, the degree of freedom of wizards in the misty area has been greatly improved.

"At the same time, I was appointed by the Sorrowful Monarch as the vice-chairman of the Holy See Council of the City of Sighs."

Another big news.

The deputy chairman of the Holy See Council of the City of Sighs is already one of the decision-makers of the City of Sighs.The Wizards Guild can know all the major decisions of the City of Sighs, actively avoid risks, and develop rapidly in places that the Wugou Holy See cannot see.

Miniya said happily: "Now we have sufficient funds for the Sighing City branch, but the number of wizards makes our research progress very slow. I suggest speeding up the absorption of wizards."

Da Liang asked, "How many wizards do we have now?"

"In the last war, there were 16 wizards who survived. We followed the advice of the elders and were very cautious in recruiting wizards. Up to now, 13 wizards have joined us."

In other words, including Da Liang himself, there are only 30 wizards in the Sighing City Branch of the Wizards Guild.

It is indeed less, but Da Liang doesn't want Sighing City to expand too much.At least until the conflict between the Death Lord and the Wizards Guild is resolved, the City of Sighs branch must be extremely careful in its development.

Da Liang said to Miniya: "Although I am now the vice-chairman of the Innocent Holy See Council in the City of Sighs, the Misty District is still in a state of being rejected by other parishes. Therefore, the City of Sighs branch will maintain the status quo. New wizards... we only need technical For those that are useful for research, the defense work can be handed over to Jonathan and his Church Knights.

In addition, I already have a solution to the problem of slow progress in the study of becoming a god. "

Miniya asked curiously: "What way? Will that master alchemist also join in?"

After Miniya's suggestion, Da Liang felt that it was indeed a good idea to bring Nicole into the study of becoming a god.There is also the magic stick of the prophet, his master divination can definitely save a lot of detours in the study of becoming a god.Then there is the prophet's wife, who must be a great hero, and all of them are drawn to study God.

Da Liang does not believe that there is a hero who can resist the temptation to become a god.

"Elder, elder..." Seeing Da Liang who was deep in thought, Miniya asked in a low voice.

"Oh," Da Liang came back to his senses, and said, "That master alchemist might be interested, but that's not what I'm talking about. Miniya, what I'm going to say next, you have to keep it strictly confidential."

Miniya said seriously: "Elder, don't worry, I won't tell anyone, even if the president asks, I won't tell."

Da Liang still trusts Miniya very much, he said: "At the just-concluded meeting of all councilors of the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs, the resolution of the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs to fully convert to the ultimate belief was passed, and serving the God of Death as a god was rejected. The Sorrowful Sovereign approves. That is to say, the obstacles to the research of the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs to become a god have been removed, and the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs has begun the formal study of becoming a god."

This news definitely surprised Minya more than the previous two appointments.

The Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs began to study becoming a god!
Not long ago, this group of Wugou believers massacred wizards because of the research of the wizard guild to become gods.Now the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighing has begun to study and become a god. Are they sick!

Miniya felt extremely wronged. She and all the wizards fought endlessly with the Vatican for the sake of becoming a god for countless years.

Many wizards died, and so did Elder Quentin.

Now I have been told that the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs has begun to study and become a god.

Could it be more ironic than that?
So many companions, if they all died in vain, what's the point?
"We should immediately tell the other death monarchs about the fact that the Wugou Holy See of the City of Sighs has researched it into a god. In this way...we can start the internal fighting among the death monarchs, and the cyan coalition forces can gain the upper hand in this war."

Da Liang asked back, "What's next?"

(End of this chapter)

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