start an archangel

Chapter 830 Arson Demon

Chapter 830 Arson Demon

Miniya thought for a while and said, "If we can win, we can mobilize the power of the entire kingdom of death and continue our research."

Da Liang shook his head: "Minia, you don't understand what I mean. If this war has been going on between the Wizards Guild and the Death Monarch, it will just keep going on. Countless years later, when the land of the Kingdom of Death is no longer It ends when the undead cannot be dug up.

At that time, even if the Wizards Guild wins, what can we gain?
On the one hand, we have to bow our heads to the city of Yunzhong, and on the other hand, we have to endure the robbery of the dreamland.It was precisely because President Lucas saw the future of this war that he opposed it until it broke out.

At the end of this war... there is no winner.

No, there is only one loser in this war, and that is the kingdom of death. "

Miniya heard the thoughts revealed by Da Liang, and she became a little excited: " you want us to give up our hatred like this?"

"Hate!" Da Liang drank the red wine in his hand: "Minia, you can imagine the picture of the future kingdom of death. When the tomb is covered with shrubs, when the cemetery is covered with forests, when the angels dispel the fog over the city, when that When the day does come, what is the hatred now?"

"But..." Miniya wanted to argue, but she didn't know what to say.If the land of the dead kingdom no longer produces undead, then it will become a paradise for the living.

Da Liang shook the empty wine glass in his hand, asked Miniya to pour himself another glass of red wine, and then said: "You may not understand what I have done, but believe that everything I do is for the kingdom of death.

Don't believe any promises made by Cloud City to the Wizards Guild. If the Wizards Guild defeats the Lord of Death, Cloud City City will definitely not let the wizards continue to study... God. "

Although Miniya couldn't figure out many things, she decided to trust her elders: "Elder, I will obey your orders, and I hope you can lead the kingdom of death to a brand new future."

"I will do my best..." Da Liang did not promise anything to Minya, but instead said: "Now the Monarch of Sadness has established the Death God Institute and appointed me as the head of the institute. After the establishment of the institute is completed , The Sorrowful Monarch will hand over to me all the materials previously taken from the City of Sighs branch.

With these materials, our research can be resumed quickly, and at the same time, we can also use the research results of the Death God Institute to speed up our own research.

I'm going to send two wizards into the research institute, you count one, and then you pick one. "

Although studying the path to becoming a god with the enemy made Miniya very uncomfortable.However, the research materials of the former City of Sighs branch can indeed quickly restore the research progress of the wizards.

So Miniya agreed to Da Liang's assignment...

With the wizard's work done, Da Liang started to set up the Institute of the God of Death.

He first placed this alchemy laboratory in the church in the misty area, so that it is convenient to know the progress of the research nearby, and it is also convenient for wizards to enter and exit.Then there is the selection of priests for the research institute. Through the green channel promised by the sad monarch, Da Liang searched for the priests directly under the Wugou Holy See in the entire City of Sighs.A total of ten masters in various fields and more than 100 advanced skill masters have been convened to form the core research team of the Death God Institute.

At the same time, Da Liang also requested through the Wugou Holy See Council that all the churches in the City of Sighs must build at least one alchemy laboratory dedicated to the research of becoming a god, and unilaterally share the research results with the Death God Institute.

In the end, Da Liang opened a direct train for the Death God Institute to the Sad Monarch, so that the Sad Monarch can keep abreast of the progress of the research and at the same time give guidance on the progress and direction of the research.

A large-scale research network was quickly launched in the City of Sighs, which was larger and more detailed than the underground research conducted by the City of Sighs branch.The research results of all branches into the God Alchemy Laboratory will be collected to the Death God Research Institute located in the mist area, and then transferred to the alchemy experiment in the Fate Manor in the Black Fire Territory through Minia.

While Da Liang was busy with the establishment of the Death God Institute, Astro of the Boneyard reported through the lord channel that the death army from the City of Sighs had already completed the acceptance.

Time for the Prison of Evil Transformation.

With the increasing expansion of the army of the Black Fire Territory, Da Liang ordered the heroes who stayed behind in the Black Fire Territory to be responsible for the transformation of most of the undead.After the conversion and reorganization of the new troops are completed, they will be delivered to the garrisons everywhere.

However, Da Liang still has to personally check the transformation of new arms and important arms.

In the army of the dead rewarded by the Sorrowful Monarch this time, a new high-level undead unit—the Lich, and a new ultimate creature after the evolution of the undead—the ghost dragon have been added.

What kind of creatures they can transform aroused great expectations from Da Liang.

Da Liang quickly returned to the Black Fire Collar, entered the upgraded level 7 meeting hall, and reached the evil prison at the bottom.

A bunch of liches are already on standby here, waiting for their lord to throw them into prison.

Lich (Undead Level 9)
Attack: 13
Defense: 10
Killing: 110-130
Blood volume: 300
Troop characteristics: Archer, Plague Cloud (forms a poisonous mist of death around the attack target, causing damage to creatures)

Lich is the only long-range unit of the undead tribe, and because it belongs to the category of advanced units, the undead in the early stage cannot recruit the lich, so the long-range attack of the undead army is very weak.If you are not willing to spend huge sums of money to equip the undead army with ballistas and other long-range war equipment, you can only use the skeleton sea to cooperate with the vampire sneak attack tactics.

However, when the Lich appears in the sequence of the undead army, the range attack ability of the Lich gives the undead very powerful long-range support.

A Lich walked into the evil prison under Da Liang's order.

Fail, sacrifice.

Fail, sacrifice.

When a Lich survived in the refining flames, a brand new unit appeared before Da Liang's eyes.

A withered corpse was wearing the burial clothes of his lifetime, holding a staff in his hand, and the top of the staff was a mass of burning fire.

Arson demon (level 11 half-dead half-hell creature)
Attack: 15
Defense: 11
Killing: 160-200
Blood volume: 670
Troop characteristics: shooter, arson (burning continuously for ten seconds, causing fire damage to passing creatures. There is a damage bonus to buildings.)
At first glance, the attributes and skills of the arson demon are very ordinary.

But thinking carefully...

The description of arson means that the attack of the arson monster is continuous. A large number of arson monsters attacking together can easily form a sea of ​​​​fire on the battlefield, and ordinary creatures will kneel if they cannot get out.

Moreover, arson has a damage bonus to buildings, and it is definitely a siege weapon that can be used flexibly.

Very good, whether it is bombing the enemy in a large area or using flames to divide and control the enemy, the Arson Demon has added a tactical heavy fire support point for the Blackfire leader.

(End of this chapter)

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