start an archangel

Chapter 831 Shadow Dragon Demon

Chapter 831 Shadow Dragon Demon

Putting the arson demon aside for now, Da Liang let all 10 ghost dragons enter the lower floor of the meeting hall and line up outside the evil prison.

Ghost Dragon (Level 14 Undead)
Attack: 19
Defense: 17
Killing: 250-500
Blood volume: 2000
Troop stunt: Flying enemy morale -1 aging (chance to reduce the enemy's blood volume by half, the rate is related to the attack and defense attributes, and can be dispelled by the healing technique.)
Compared with the bone dragon, the ghost dragon's body is already somewhat blurred, and the white dead air covers the translucent skeleton, making the originally thin body a little plump.

As the ultimate unit of a race, the ghost dragon's attributes are hardly worthy of the word ultimate.The offensive and defensive attributes are very average, and even the defensive attribute is not as good as a terrifying knight with 18.Therefore, if the bonus brought by the hero unit to the ghost dragon is not counted, the horror knight can cut down the ghost dragon with a few more fatal blows in a battle based on biological attributes.

The aging in the unit's stunt seems to be very awesome. No matter how much blood you have, as long as the aging is triggered, it will be forcibly reduced by half. It is a skill specially designed to deal with enemies with high blood and high defense.But aging not only has a low trigger rate, but also can be cured, which greatly reduces the power of this skill.

In short, the ghost dragon is the bottom of many ultimate creatures, which greatly reduces the overall strength of the undead.Of course, if ghost dragons are as powerful as angels and demons, who else in this world is an opponent of the undead?
Da Liang, who had the Frost Dragon in his hand, really looked down upon the ghost dragon, who was also level 14, and he had to transform them all.


According to the rule that the transformed creatures of the evil prison can be upgraded by at least one level, will these ten ghost dragons bring themselves a few level 15 creatures?

With full expectation, Da Liang ordered a ghost dragon to enter the evil prison.

However, when this ghost dragon was about to enter the evil prison, the nightmare unicorn Gale stood at the door of the evil prison.

Gai Feng said to Da Liang: "My lord, when the ghost dragon transforms in the evil prison, it needs to consume extremely evil energy, and the extremely evil energy in the prison has been consumed when you transformed into a destructive knight last time."

"Have you run out of energy?" Da Liang asked, "But after the Destroyer Knights were transformed, I transformed a lot of troops, and it didn't seem to be affected."

Gale replied: "My lord, there are two kinds of energy in this prison, one is evil energy, and the other is extremely evil energy. Ordinary creatures, even bone dragons at level 13 can use evil energy to transform, while Evil energy is generated in the prison every day, enough for your consumption.

However, the transformation of ultimate creatures above level 14 and some creatures with special energy requires the consumption of extremely evil energy, and these energy have been exhausted.

Of course, the ultimate creatures with weak comprehensive strength like ghost dragons can barely use evil energy to strengthen them, but it can only strengthen their strength once, far from reaching a qualitative improvement. "

The ghost dragon was once again despised. Sure enough, as a former hostile race, the elves also looked down on the ghost dragon very much.

But extremely evil energy...

Isn't it something that can be obtained by killing purgatory monsters in purgatory?Moreover, Jones is carrying the extremely evil aura that the knights of destruction are collecting the evolution needs in purgatory. I don't know if they have any stock there.

Da Liang asked Gai Feng: "How much evil energy do I need to transform a ghost dragon?"

Haifeng replied: "Failure to convert does not consume extreme evil energy, but successful transformation requires consumption of 100 points of extreme evil energy."

"So many!" Killing a purgatory creature can only get 1-10 points of extreme evil spirit, and purgatory creatures are hard to find and fight, 100 points of extreme evil spirit is really not a small amount.Da Liang immediately turned to contact Jones through the lord channel: "Do you have any evil energy stored there?"

Jones led the Destruction Knights to walk in Purgatory, and the Judgment Legion had a dedicated team of hell race players to cooperate with them.The destruction knights kill the hell monsters here and take the players to level up to do tasks, and the players help them find the purgatory monsters.

After receiving Da Liang's message, Jones replied: "I have absorbed 86 points of extreme evil spirit, and I can advance to the destruction knight when I reach 100 points. Other destruction knights have almost this much evil spirit. If adults need to use extremely evil spirit If there are evil spirits, we can transfer these extremely evil spirits to the adults."

It was really too difficult to collect the evil spirit, and Da Liang didn't want to disrupt the advancement progress of the knights.

Transform a ghost dragon first, and see what can be produced.

So Da Liang said to Jones: "You pooled up 100 points of extreme evil spirit and gave it to me... No! Since the extreme evil spirit can be raised, why don't you concentrate the extreme evil spirit to advance to one or two destruction knights first? Wouldn't it be faster for you to collect extremely evil spirits when your strength increases?"

"My lord, we are not four Destruction Knights or four Destruction Knights, which will affect the effect of Death's Chest."

Since Purgatory is too far away, the Destruction Knights are basically in a free range state, and Da Liang doesn't know much about their situation.Since the destruction knights had their own plans, Da Liang didn't interfere too much with them.

"I am in the evil prison of the territory, and I am collecting the extremely evil spirit so that the adventurer can bring it to me."


Jones stopped his horse, asked the other destruction knights for a part of the extreme evil spirit, and then gave the 100 points of extreme evil spirit to a Judgment Legion player.

The player returned to the city and returned to Shangjiang, and then handed it over to Da Liang who was waiting here.

After a transit, Da Liang returned to the evil prison with 100 points of extreme evil spirit.

After putting all the extremely evil spirits into the prison, Da Liang let the ghost dragon who was waiting outside the prison walk in.

The bloody flames burned violently after a new sacrifice came in.The ghost dragon's originally illusory body became more and more solid under the calcination of the flames with extremely evil energy.The dead air attached to the outside of the keel gradually turned white, making the whole ghost dragon look like a piece of fine porcelain.But the calcination didn't end, the ghost dragon's color tone gradually deepened, from pure white to dark, and then turned into jet black.

In the end, the flame suddenly and violently covered the ghost dragon's body, and then quickly weakened.

The ghost dragon is gone?

In the entire prison, except for the blast in the depths, the transformed ghost dragon just disappeared.

Could it be that the conversion failed?
But why there is no hint of failure!

And just when Da Liang was about to ask Gai Feng, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a huge thing standing in front of him.

Guessing something, Da Liang touched the front...

Nothing was touched, but a prompt was received:
Shadow Dragon Demon (level 15 purgatory creature)
Attack: 40
Defense: 37
Killing: 550-650
Blood volume: 5500
Racial characteristics: Enemy morale -2 Invisible (cannot attack or be attacked in the intangible state), shadow attack (in 30 seconds after the invisible state is removed, the speed increases by 30%, and the damage increases by 30%)

Hero Unit: Level 1

Attack: 17
Defense: 17
Intelligence: 16
Knowledge: 16
Hero specialties: Orbit of time and space (enhanced space skills, time skills. Time and space return: return to the state before a certain time, time flow is affected by intelligence)

Hero stunts: master air magic, master water magic...

Branch stunts: master-level air magic branch-space science (advanced after strengthening), master-level water magic branch-time flow (high-level after strengthening).

Skills and magic: gates of different dimensions, teleportation, space confinement, space-time interference...

After seeing this string of attributes, Da Liang shuddered all over.

It turns out that this is the strength of a natural level 15 creature!Comes with two master-level skills, as well as branch skills after the master level.

In such a comparison, Juliet's real strength at level 15 is actually reduced a lot because she is an incomplete body.And the 15th level led by Lie Yan... because his own strength is too sloppy, he was cut even more.

(End of this chapter)

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