start an archangel

Chapter 836 Fire and Ice

Chapter 836 Fire and Ice

One side is the elite krypton gold hero army, and the other side is the lowest-level monsters. The hobgoblin's charge is not only death, but also meager experience.It wasn't until the snow mountain giant joined the battle that the one-sided massacre improved.

The physical strength of the snow mountain giants is very strong. They can easily pull out the roots of the big trees, and then use the trunks as weapons to attack. In addition, they also have the ability to throw from a long distance. Cooperating with the harassment of the hobgoblins can be regarded as creating some troubles for the vampire sword guards .

But it's just some trouble.

If you want to deal with the vampire sword guard, you must have a very subtle tactical cooperation. The first thing is to focus on the fire attack, and don't give the vampire sword guard a chance to suck blood to kill it in seconds.If it is an ordinary blood-sucking sword guard, the corpse needs to be isolated or completely destroyed to prevent the blood-sucking sword guard from being revived by other sword guards.

But monsters are not intelligent races, their actions have great limitations, and they cannot play complex tactical coordination.

Therefore, the snow mountain giant's fighting style is more dependent on instinct, and its threat is not as good as that of the rocs.

Under the leadership of Sophia, the vampire sword guards dealt with a snow mountain giant in twos, one attracted the giant's attention while using magic to weaken and control it, and the other waited for an opportunity to attack.The sword guards dexterously relied on the trees to jump, and left wounds on the snow mountain giants with their sabers. Those originally strong giants could only hug the trees like clowns and beat them around, and then their lives were harvested and fell to the ground.

The team beheaded all the way to the mountain.Gradually, the number of hobgoblins decreased, the number of snow mountain giants increased, and some elite giants also began to appear sporadically.

In order to speed up, Da Liang, Ye Shi and Julian also joined in the work of killing monsters.

All three of them turned into large-scale battle forms, and the snow mountain giants who looked tough at first suddenly looked like half-grown children in front of them.Overwhelmed by force, Da Liang easily poked a giant over, threw a string of fireballs and burned several giants to death, and then observed Ye Shi's attack method in dragon form.

The dragon form in the night is an exquisite work of art, like a black porcelain product that seems to shatter when touched.However, the Shadow Dragon Demon's body is extremely hard, and the night will not breathe dragon's breath, and her attack methods are not limited to biting. Her wings are very sharp, and the shape of the end of her tail is a three-edged sword.

Therefore, the night's attack method in the dragon form is more of a raid back and forth through high-speed flying, using its wings and tail sword to cause damage to the enemy.

So far, Da Liang has a rough judgment on the race of Shadow Dragon Demon.

In terms of occupation, the characteristics of the Shadow Dragon Demon are closer to that of a thief.Head-to-head attack and defense is not the strong point of the Shadow Dragon Demon. Its defensive ability is not as good as that of a level 15 holy angel, and its attack power is not as good as that of a hell angel. Shadow Dragon Demon has a headache.

In short, the shadow dragon monsters are not suitable for the kind of frontal offensive and defensive battles where every inch of mountains and rivers is full of blood, and every inch of land must be fought. Using them in surprise attacks on the enemy's important generals and important strongholds can play an unexpected role.

If it can cooperate with the Hell Angels, it will definitely be a very efficient surprise attack team.

Hells Angels...Da Liang thought of Juliet, and other semi-finished Hells Angels who were locked up.

In this way, the monster leveling all the way, the night hero level reached level 14, and the team reached the peak of Gem Mountain.

The boss was right in front of him, and the white-haired Snow Mountain Giant King roared at the intruders. The ice covered the top of the mountain, and the temperature plummeted. In this summer, large flakes of snow fell down.Then clusters of several feet long ice swords pierced out from the ground centered on the giant king, and hundreds of ice elements were summoned.

Ice elementals (element level 8 creatures) are advanced bodies of water elementals. They retain the melee ability of water elementals, and also master the magic thunderbolt ice as a long-range attack method.

Da Liang and his personal guards flew into the air when the ice sword stabbed out, and then unceremoniously released meteor fire rain to cover the entire mountaintop within the attack range of magic.

Red clouds of fire and blue ice shine.

Two level 15 heroes show off their magical energy to each other.

The rapidly rising temperature melted the snow into water, and the heavy snow on the top of Gem Mountain turned into heavy rain.

The Snow Mountain Giant King felt the energy gathered in the fire cloud, it roared again, he threw a thick magic beam into the sky, other giants followed suit and threw magic and stone balls at the enemies in the air, and the ice element released thunderbolt cold together ice.

All kinds of attacks flew up in the sky, most of them pointed at Da Liang who was releasing meteor fire rain.

Julian stretched the light shield to the maximum to block Da Liang's front, and the vampire sword guards also released force field shields to form a barrier in the air to cover the energy gathering of the meteor fire rain.

At this time, the night was restored to the demon form, and with a wave of the sword, a door of another dimension opened downward in the sky.

Mastering master-level air magic and advanced space science, Ye Guang releases the door of different dimensions faster, and the door opens wider. The dimensional door with a diameter of ten meters blocks most of the routes of long-range attacks.

The magic and stone balls got into the gate of the different dimension and disappeared, and other fish that slipped through the net did not cause too much trouble to the vampire sword guards.

The fire cloud in the sky continued to grow bigger and stronger.When the Snow Mountain Giant King was about to organize another attack, a door of another dimension opened above their heads, and magic and stone balls smashed down densely.

The magic effect was produced, and the snow mountain giants were overwhelmed by the magic they released, and then a powerful and wide-ranging ice ring exploded.

It was the ice magic released by the Snow Mountain Giant King. Even though the Snow Mountain Giant was extremely resistant to water-type magic, his blood volume plummeted and his limbs became stiff after being blown up.

Ye Shi fully demonstrated her ability to control the field in the battle. She not only blocked the first attack of the Snow Mountain Giants, but also disrupted their second attack.

After the snow mountain giant experienced its own magic attack, the bright meteor fire rain also completed its energy gathering.


Fire rain and meteorites pressed down on the entire top of Gemstone Mountain.

The Snow Mountain Giant King let out a louder roar towards the sky, and the blue ice attribute magic circle burst out, and then solidified on the top of the mountain to form an ice dome.The other elite snow mountain giants also released their magic power, and the ice swords around them began to grow wildly, turning into icicles to support the dome and form a pillar.

The fire rain and the meteorite hit the ice wall, the ice was melted and cracked, and then recovered after the mana was replenished.

And with the collision of magic, repeating this process
Two large magics competed for power.

It also let Da Liang know what it's like to confront a real level 15 hero head-on.

spell magic?
Da Liang, whose specialty is magic mage, is really not afraid of anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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