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Chapter 837 Besieging the Giant King

Chapter 837 Besieging the Giant King

"Call Meteor"

"Fire Shock"


"Summon Iron Fist"

Da Liang smashed attack magic one by one at the ice dome released by the Snow Mountain Giant King. The powerful magic impact made the Snow Mountain Giants concentrate on delivering magic power to maintain this solid defensive barrier.

The meteor fire rain continued to release its power, and Da Liang notified Ye Shi to prepare to release the gate of another dimension, and then threw down a fourth-level fire magic.

The fourth-level fire magic, which is equivalent to the meteor fire rain, formed an extremely thick crimson magic beam under the blessing of Master Da Liang's fire and various power-enhancing attributes.

Night opened the door of another dimension in front of the magic beam, and after the fire magic got in, she and Julian also entered the door of another dimension.

Hellflame: Level 4 fire magic. The basic damage of this magic is not as good as Meteor Fire Rain, but its coverage area is very large, which can reach [-] times the coverage area of ​​Meteor Fire Rain, which is far beyond the area of ​​Gem Mountain and also beyond The envelope of the Ice Vault.In addition, the flames of hell are instant fire attribute damage, which is an enhanced version of bursting flames.

A door of another dimension opened in the ice dome, and a magic beam with fire attributes shot out, and then exploded...


The ground covered by the entire icy dome instantly burst into flames.

At the same time, because the ice vault is a closed defensive magic, the attack range of the flames of hell cannot be expanded horizontally, so it spreads upwards along the inner wall of the ice vault.

All the ice elements summoned by the Snow Mountain Giant King died instantly, and the elite snow mountain giants were also screaming from the fire, and the supply of magic power came to a standstill.

Facing Da Liang's magical attack, Frost Dome was just at the critical point where it could be sustained.When the magic power was interrupted, and it was burned and blasted from the inside, huge cracks were immediately formed on the entire dome, and they continued to grow and spread.

The Snow Mountain Giant King roared loudly, asking the elite giants to repair the cracks, but at some point, two more enemies appeared in the dome...

Julian and Ye Shi took advantage of the flames of hell and entered the dome through the gate of another dimension.They hid in the air to avoid the damage of the flames, and then when the snow giant was about to repair the dome, they attacked the dizzy elite snow giant.

Julian started with the Holy Strike. After knocking one Snow Mountain Giant away, he cut another Snow Mountain Giant with an air slash, and then dashed forward and knocked down the third Snow Mountain Giant.

On the other side, Ye Guang came out of the invisible state and entered the shadow attack state. Four swords attacked continuously, killing a snow mountain giant and howling again and again.No matter whether it is its own strength or combat experience, Ye Guang can't fight against three with ease like Julian, but it is still very easy to deal with one.

Julian and Ye Shi fought against the four snow mountain giants, attracting the support of the surrounding snow mountain giants.

The supply of magic power in the Ice Vault was insufficient, and the cracks on the ice wall did not decrease but continued to spread.Finally, under the impact of a huge meteorite, the entire Ice Dome collapsed in chains.

At this time, the meteor fire shower came to an end, and the fire rain, meteorite mixed with huge ice cubes smashed down on the top of Gem Mountain below.

Ye Guang retreated immediately and opened the door to another dimension, and Julian and Julian exited the crash zone in time.

The top of the mountain was flooded with all kinds of falling things.

The steam mixed with smoke and dust formed a huge mushroom cloud that rolled upwards...

Da Liang led his personal guards to avoid the sky above Gemstone Mountain, and made a detour to the side of the mountain top.At this time, the top of Gemstone Mountain was covered by smoke and dust, and the inside could not be seen, but one could imagine that in the face of these multiple attacks, the snow mountain giants must have suffered heavy losses.

The flying team cut in from the side of the mountain top, with Da Liang and Julian leading the way, followed by other personnel, rushing into the smoke one after another.

Fire Aegis
Da Liang strengthened his defense again, and then saw a snow mountain giant appearing in front of him.The snow mountain giant just lifted an ice cube that was pressing on him, but he didn't expect the enemy to rush to him in front of him.

Another casual shot, Da Liang continued to fly forward without stopping.

Julian followed up and slashed the snow mountain giant, followed by Ye Shi, Sophia and the vampire sword guards...

Melee damage, magic damage, and all kinds of attacks killed the snow mountain giants in a circle, and then fell to the ground...dead.

In this way, Da Liang led his personal guards to raid back and forth in the smoke, efficiently killing those stunned snow mountain giants, until Da Liang saw a huge giant with pure white fur.

Snow Mountain Giant King.

Like Tier 15 heroes, good at defense and HP.Looking at the snow mountain giant Wang Sheng's lively appearance, the collapse of the ice wall and the meteor fire rain did not seem to have caused too much damage to the big boss, but they also completely aroused his anger.

The giant king roared in place, and little ice crystals splashed out from his body. When Da Liang rushed over to launch a sneak attack, he was touched by some ice crystals.

Then Da Liang saw that his blood volume dropped a bit, and his body also became sluggish.

Ice Armor: Deals ice damage to surrounding hostile creatures and freezes them.

It's really too strong, even being attacked by the ice armor in the state of Lie Yan command slows down, and the other vampire sword guards are directly frozen when they are touched by these ice crystals.

"Sophia, take your sword guards to attack other snow mountain giants. Julian, Ye Shi, let's kill this snow mountain giant king together."

Da Liang used the method of exorcism to get rid of the deceleration state on his body, and then used the Holy Word to suppress a skill that the giant king was about to release.

Julian flashed out from behind Da Liang, and then appeared from behind the giant king of the snow mountain through the gate of another dimension. After receiving an attack from the ice armor, he slashed at the giant king with a sword.

The giant king wanted to fight back, but was pulled back by Ye Shi with time, and was hit by Julian's sword again.

"Support us from the periphery of the night," Da Liang was afraid that the night would be frozen by the Snow Mountain Giant King, so he didn't let the night participate in the attack. After removing the deceleration status for Julian, he joined the team battle with a fiery gun.

Ye Sefei flies around the periphery of the battle group, using time and space skills to assist in the battle. At the same time, the master-level water magic makes the healing magic she casts very effective, and can easily replenish the declining blood volume.

With all kinds of defensive magic, and with super support, Da Liang and Julian sandwiched the Snow Mountain Giant King in the middle, and used hard-on-hard, injury-for-injury to kill on the spot.

During this period, control skills and attack skills are used alternately.

Although the Snow Mountain Giant King fought back vigorously, his subordinates were all attacked by the blood-sucking sword guards, and it was difficult for him to protect himself, let alone support him.

A monster like a 15th-level hero was besieged by three 15th-level heroes. He was restrained and beaten everywhere. Finally, the Snow Mountain Giant King was chopped down by Da Liang and Julian with a spear and a sword, and a flash of equipment and materials burst out. .

(End of this chapter)

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