start an archangel

Chapter 843 Four Leaf Clover

Chapter 843 Clover

Now, Da Liang has a general understanding of the situation in the Magical Forest. After learning that it was Cloud City that had taken over the Crystal Dragon's crystal veins, he also guessed what the angels would do next.

Drive away tigers and devour wolves.

The angels attacked the crystal dragons but did not destroy them, because they knew that after losing the obelisks that continued the race, the remaining crystal dragons would definitely invade the magic forest with the obelisks.

When the crystal dragon and the purple dragon in the magic forest fought to death, it was the time when Yunzhongcheng invaded the magic forest.

And why did Yunzhongcheng plot the crystal dragon and the purple dragon?
Incorporate two dragon clans?

Certainly not, Crystal Dragon probably hates Cloudsdale now, how could he join them again.

The rest is that Yunzhongcheng wants to grab something from Crystal Dragon and Zilong. The good thing that both dragons have is undoubtedly the obelisk.

Da Liang didn't know if his guess was right, but one thing was certain: as long as the crystal dragon and the purple dragon had a decisive battle, the angel army would arrive at the end of the battle.

Princess Zilong, Zilong, was very puzzled by Da Liang's words. She asked, "Do you think we can't beat the Crystal Dragon? Impossible! Even when the Crystal Dragons were all victorious, they couldn't defeat us, not to mention that they lost most of their clansmen. I will win in the end."

Da Liang said: "Of course the Purple Dragon Clan can defeat the Crystal Dragon, but after the war between you and the Crystal Dragon is over, will you still be able to resist the invasion of Cloud City?"

Zi Ling said in surprise: "Yunzhongcheng wants to invade us? How is that possible! Although our Zilonglong clan has not officially formed an alliance with Yunzhongcheng, we also belong to the good camp. In the previous war between the good and evil camps, our Zilonglong clan Soldiers were also sent to fight for the kind race. Angels are the embodiment of justice, and they will never invade the magic forest for no reason."

Da Liang didn't expect that Zilong belonged to the kind camp, and considering that the holy Bella was very familiar with the magic forest, he thought that the Zilong clan did belong to the kind side.

If what Zi Ling said was true, Yunzhongcheng would not attack the races of the good camp for no reason, so why did Yunzhongcheng drive the crystal dragon into the magic forest?
Da Liang asked, "Is it because the Crystal Dragon is a member of the evil faction that Cloud City attacked the crystal vein?"

"No, these self-important guys look down on any race and don't participate in the camp's struggle. Both the good camp and the evil camp have tried to win them over, but they have always remained neutral." Zi Ling looked aside, already Some impatient patriarch Red Baker sent a crystal dragon to try to interrupt their conversation.Zi Ling handed Daliang a four-leaf clover, and said: "Although the hope is slim, I am very grateful for your willingness to rescue me. Take this four-leaf clover to the Fairy Garden, and you will be summoned by my father. You tell him you met me here and take me to convey: I support whatever he decides."

Da Liang got a four-leaf clover from Zi Ling, and the Crystal Dragon who came over also used brute force to break through the magic barrier released by Da Liang.

"Enough, don't try to rescue Princess Ziling from here." Crystal Dragon separated the two of them arrogantly, and then said to Da Liang: "The patriarch asked me to tell you that we have done our best for peace. Leave your Name, and then go back and tell the patriarch of Yew, the crystal dragon has no intention of invading the magic forest, we just need a habitat to restore the race, and when we regain the crystal veins, we will leave."

Da Liang took a step back and said, "My name is Da Liang, and I will try my best to help the two great dragon clans resolve this dispute peacefully. Please treat Princess Ziling kindly. If she gets hurt, there will be no room for reversal in this war."

Crystal Dragon replied: "Princess Ziling will be treated according to her status here."

Da Liang saluted the Red Baker patriarch from a distance, and then walked out of the crystal mine.After circling for a week in the crystal mining area and taking a group of photos, I flew towards the forest in the northeast.

Ye Guang evacuated from the crystal mining area, and Julian and Sophia also led the guards to join Daliang.

Da Liang asked the vampire sword guard to expand the security circle, and then said: "The relationship between the magic forest is very complicated now, and Cloud City seems to be staring at this plane, so we must be very careful in all actions. Sophia brought the vampire sword guard in the crystal mining area Monitor the movements of the crystal dragons from the outside, pay attention...don't leave the forest, even if the crystal dragons enter the forest, don't follow them too much, they are all 15th-level creatures, and the first priority is to protect their own safety.

Ye Shi and Julian followed me to the fairy garden, where all the purple dragons in the magic forest were. "

All the subordinates nodded in agreement, and Julian asked, "Does your lord know where the Fairy Garden is?"

Da Liang took out the four-leaf clover, the green and thick leaves were like emeralds.At this time, the four-leaf clover seemed to be summoned by something, and kept swinging in one direction.

"I think I should know."

Taking Ye Shi and Julian with him, Da Liang flew in a straight line following the direction guided by the four-leaf clover, and was intercepted by a purple dragon after flying over half of the map.

Da Liang finally saw what Zilong's dragon form looked like.

To be honest, Zilong is the most dragon-like dragon that Da Liang has ever seen.Although the crystal dragon I saw not long ago didn't have dragon wings, but when I stood there, it looked like a dragon.

And Zilong... looks a bit girly.

Although it is also the body structure of a dragon, Zilong can't feel the unique domineering aura of the dragon clan at all.

Like the name, Zilong has purple dragon scales and is slightly thinner than ordinary dragons.These are not the key points, the key point is that Zilong's eyes are very big, as if wearing colored contact lenses, the pupils are round and bright; the eyelashes are long and naturally curved.Such eyes are angry and staring, and they can only be said to be cute.

No wonder Zilong likes the human form, their dragon form is too kawaii, what kind of magic will they use in fights in the future, they can turn their opponents to the ground in the blink of an eye, and then go up to mend their feet.

For the Dragon Clan, this look is a bit embarrassing.

Da Liang recalled Zi Ling, and wondered what this noble and elegant Princess Zilong would look like after changing back to her dragon form?
The Zilong encountered in the front was a peripheral patrol of the Fairy Garden. After seeing Da Liang and Julian, he did not directly attack.Because no matter how bright the magic mage dresses or the appearance of the Archangel Julian, they are all friends of the Zilong Dragon Clan.

Zilong Sentinel saw that Da Liang was the main one of the two, and he shouted to Da Liang: "Magic Mage, the Fairy Garden is ahead, please report your name and purpose of coming."

Da Liang took out the four-leaf clover and replied: "I am Da Liang, the magic mage. I brought the news of Princess Ziling and took us to see the patriarch of Yew Shan."

(End of this chapter)

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