start an archangel

Chapter 844 Fairy Garden

Chapter 844 Fairy Garden
The Zilong Sentinel immediately recognized Princess Ziling's favorite accessory.

Regarding the news about Princess Ziling who was kidnapped by the crystal dragon, this purple dragon did not dare to neglect anything, and immediately led Da Liang and Julian to the Fairy Garden.

Soon a sea of ​​flowers appeared in Da Liang's eyes.

On a vast grassland surrounded by the forest, countless flowers are blooming, as small as rice grains and as big as an astrolabe, all kinds and colors decorate the earth colorfully.

This is Fairy Garden.

Fairy Garden is the birthplace of Zilong and the core of the entire magical forest. Zilong built a fairy-tale castle in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers.The roof of the castle is mostly designed in spherical and hemispherical shapes, which shows that the Zilong dragon clan is a very easy-going race, which is different from the arrogant and arrogant personality of other dragon clans.

But being easy-going doesn't mean you don't have a temper.

Approaching the castle, Da Liang could feel the tense atmosphere before the war.There are an unknown number of purple dragons gathered here, and they gather separately in human form or dragon form.

Da Liang, who is very familiar with wars, can see that the entire purple dragon clan has completed all the pre-war arrangements. As soon as the order to attack is given, these purple dragons will advance in echelons and attack the crystal mining area from the air.There are many teams with different responsibilities in these echelons, presumably to concentrate on using a certain type or a certain type of magic.

Zilong's attack can be launched at any time.

After waiting outside the castle for a while, Da Liang was summoned by Zilong patriarch Yeshan.

Entering the castle, Da Liang found that the layout, decorations and the etiquette displayed by the purple dragons all had a strong human atmosphere, which made Da Liang feel more friendly.

Moreover, the purple dragons in the castle are all in the human form, and all the items are in line with the usage habits of the human body.

Walking through the Huajian Stone Road, Da Liang entered the main hall of the castle, and then met Zi Shan's patriarch Ye Shan.

Yew Shan is an old man with gray hair and beard. He is wearing a blue and white magic robe, and his figure is tall and straight without any signs of aging.The filled magic power formed a colorful halo under his feet, showing his profound magic attainments.

After seeing Da Liang, Ye Shan asked with concern: "Master Da Liang, I welcome you to the Magic Forest. I heard that you met my child——Zi Ling?"

Da Liang put up the four-leaf clover, and said: "Yes, this is my first time in the Magic Forest. Because I didn't know the location of the Fairy Garden, I stumbled into the cave of the Crystal Dragon by mistake, and saw Princess Ziling inside. .

She gave me this four-leaf clover and entrusted me to relay to you a sentence she said. "

Patriarch Yew took the four-leaf clover, his expression was a little excited, he asked: "What does Zi Ling want to tell me?"

Da Liang replied: "Princess Ziling said that no matter what decision you make, she will support it."

Patriarch Yew's emotions became even more difficult to control. He shouted angrily at the other Zilongs: "How long has it been! Ziling has been taken captive for so long, and you still can't come up with a way to rescue him? Let me watch her die!"

All the magic mages in the hall are dressed in purple dragons. Faced with the patriarch's anger, the purple dragons were overwhelmed with fear. One of the quite prestigious Zilongs said to the patriarch of the yews: "Patriarch, we have been using long-range vision. Magic monitors the crystal dragon, but Princess Ziling is imprisoned in the crystal mine. Red Baker never leaves the mine. We can't see what's going on inside, and there's no way to teleport it. Send our children to die."

Yew Shan knew that Red Beck was a level 16 powerhouse like herself, and in the narrow environment of the crystal mine, he might not be a match for Red Beck one-on-one, let alone save Ziling.

Patriarch Yew Shan stabilized his emotions, and said with a long sigh: "Yes, the despicable Red Baker used Ziling as a bargaining chip to blackmail us from the land. How could he relax the custody of Ziling. Poor child..."

Then Patriarch Yew said to Da Liang: "Thank you for bringing me the news of the purple spirit, but the magic forest is facing a battlefield, and we are temporarily unable to provide you with advanced studies in magic. You can leave the magic forest temporarily and wait for this After this war is over, you will come back here to continue your magic studies."

Da Liang said at this time: "Why did the patriarch refuse to negotiate with Crystal Dragon? Maybe you can discuss a solution that everyone is satisfied with, so that Princess Ziling can come back safely."

Patriarch Yew said: "Crystal dragons must have the power of obelisks if they want to continue, and the number of obelisks in this world is very small. An obelisk, but the crystal dragon has no chance of winning against these nine planes. And because the nine planes are too large, scattered forces may not be able to breed crystal dragons.

The rest are three small planes with their own obelisks, and these three small planes have bred 15th-order creatures.

The crystal dragon of the crystal mine, the purple dragon of the magic forest and the poisonous dragon of the sulfur cave.

Now Yunzhong City has occupied the crystal veins in order to obtain crystals, hell has occupied the sulfur caves for sulfur, and wiped out the poisonous dragons.Where else can the remaining crystal dragons go besides the magic forest?
They won't go, and we won't let them stay.

Nothing to talk about, only to fight. "

Da Liang got another important piece of information... the poisonous dragon.

Crystal Dragon, Purple Dragon, and Poison Dragon, the three dragons who were born at level 15, all have an obelisk. Now the obelisks of Crystal Dragon and Poison Dragon have been occupied by Cloud City and Hell respectively.

The obelisk is definitely a very, very important thing.

The important thing is that in the past wars between the planes, neither Cloud City nor Hell paid attention to the obelisk. Why are they so eager to start now that even Hell wiped out the poisonous dragon clan.

How is this war different?
This is a competition to become a god. Could it be that the obelisk has something to do with becoming a god?

Da Liang has too little information about becoming a god. The God of Death Institute has just been established, and it will take a while just to study the information of the City of Sighs branch of the original Wizards Guild, let alone reveal new results.

However, both Yunzhong City and Hell wanted something, and Da Liang wanted to figure out what it was for.

First of all... the obelisk in the magic forest must be kept, there can be no battle between the purple dragon and the crystal dragon, and Da Liang can guess a thing or two about the plan of Cloud City City.

Yunzhongcheng let the crystal dragon and the purple dragon fight, the purpose is to lure the hell to take the opportunity to attack the magic forest.In this way, the angel can justifiably support the Zilong whose strength has been greatly weakened.

Even if Hell sees through Cloudsdale's plan as a wrong weapon, the angel will create an atmosphere that Hell may invade the magic forest.The extermination of the poisonous dragon is a lesson from the past. Zilong, who has suffered heavy losses at that time, can only ask for help from the same kind-hearted camp, Yunzhongcheng, in order to guard against the surprise attack of hell.

As long as the angels come to the magic forest on a large scale, there is a way to gain the dominance of the obelisk here.

(End of this chapter)

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