start an archangel

Chapter 848 Convincing Zilong

Chapter 848 Convincing Zilong
Belia looked around and thought that Zilong's confidentiality restrictions were complete and said: "I didn't want to tell this secret, but in order to stop Cloud City, I can only tell you something about the obelisk.

Becoming a god... I think the Zilong dragon clan has also conducted research on this aspect during this long period of peace, but since you don't know the usefulness of the obelisk, I know that you haven't touched the level of gods yet.

The obelisk is very important for the study of becoming a god, but when we touch the power of God, neither we nor the angels can be sure whether the obelisk is still indestructible. After all, the artifact in our mouth still has no power. beyond the law level.

So we can't experiment with Heroic World and Hell's obelisks.

So Yunzhongcheng robbed the crystal vein, and we robbed the sulfur cave.In order to fully surpass us in the research progress, the angels also proposed the idea of ​​the kingdom of death and the obelisk of the magic forest.

This is the reason why I came to the magic forest. Stopping the plan of Cloudsdale from becoming a god, or slowing down their speed, is self-help for the fallen angels.

I don't think Patriarch Purple Dragon will let the angels do destructive experiments on your obelisk. "

The indestructible feature of the obelisk is for the power of the known world, just like the 16th-order creatures who understand the law and can't die, are they still indestructible under higher power?

Zilong would never experiment with his obelisk.

Patriarch Yew suddenly discovered that the obelisk of the Magical Forest could not be placed in the garden casually for people to admire casually, and the immediate crisis must be resolved first.

In this situation where the enemy is not the enemy, and the friend is not the friend, the Zilong clan must try its best to preserve their own strength to protect their own obelisk.

Patriarch Yew stopped the attack on the Crystal Dragons, and at the same time arranged elites to protect the Obelisk.

Then he said to Beria and Da Liang: "I'm not sure if what you said is true, but I will not use our obelisk as a bet. For the continuation of the race, I choose to believe you...

What do you want to do?As long as Zilong is not dragged into the war, we can cooperate with you as much as possible. "

Da Liang said at this time: "I still hope that the patriarch can appoint me to represent the Zilong Dragon Clan to negotiate with the Crystal Dragon. And promote an alliance between the Zilong and the Crystal Dragon, cooperate with the Crystal Dragon to recapture the crystal mines, and at the same time assist the Crystal Dragons to guard the crystal mines. "

Patriarch Yew frowned and said, "You want us to help Crystal Dragon fight Cloud City? will only be cheap to hell."

Beria said: "We can sign a law-level agreement with the Zilong dragon clan. Hell will not attack the magic forest. Of course, Zilong must also promise to remain neutral in the future war between good and evil. In addition... if Earl Daliang's If the plan goes well, the Purple Dragon Clan doesn't need to participate in any wars."

"what's the plan?"

Da Liang told Patriarch Yew about his home-changing plan: "The war in the kingdom of death is too important to Cloudsdale, they must let the cyan coalition gain a firm foothold in the kingdom of death, let the good camp see the results of the battle, and lay a solid foundation for the future." The war establishes a strategic advantage. If the crystal dragon becomes the force that decides the outcome of the battle, I think Cloudsdale is likely to return the crystal mine first, and then seek the crystal mine after taking down the Cathedral of Evernight City.

And before re-laying the crystal veins, Yunshangcheng will definitely not think about the magic forest.

Hell is willing to provide positioning and teleportation for Crystal Dragon in the war against Cloud City. If Zilong is also willing to help Crystal Dragon, it is almost impossible for Cloud City to lay down the crystal veins.

In addition, after Yunzhongcheng got the obelisk tower of the kingdom of death, it has objects for experiments. It is not in urgent need of other obelisk towers, and it will not fight desperately with the crystal dragon in the crystal vein. "

Patriarch Yew thought back and forth about the whole plan, and this was indeed the best solution for Zilong to avoid war with Crystal Dragon.As long as Zilong and Crystal Dragon can keep peace, many Zilong will survive, and Princess Ziling can come back safely.

Finally, the Patriarch Yew said to Da Liang: "I grant you the title of Special Magic Advisor of Fairy Garden, and I will negotiate with Crystal Dragon on behalf of the Purple Dragon Clan. If this incident can be resolved perfectly, you will become the most respected and respected person in the Magic Forest." Welcome friends."

Finally got the Zilong Dragon Clan done, and the rest is to persuade the Crystal Dragon Clan.

Next, Da Liang witnesses the signing of a peace agreement between Hell and the Magic Forest.

in the contract of law

"When there is a conflict between Hell and the Magic Forest, both parties should exercise restraint and try to resolve the dispute through negotiation. When a war has to break out, they have to declare war, and a formal declaration of war must be submitted a week in advance.

The magic forest withdraws from the good camp and remains neutral.

When the magic forest is attacked by Yunzhongcheng, Hell needs to provide positioning teleportation to fight against it, and it is not allowed to attack the Zilong clan during this period.


The contract was signed, and when the obelisk was threatened, the Zilonglong clan chose the continuation of the race.

The peace agreement between Hell and Magic Forest came into effect, and Da Liang flew back to the crystal mining area with an escort team composed of purple dragons.

Unlike the last time he pretended to be a messenger, this time Da Liang was truly authorized by the Zilong Patriarch.

The crystal dragons thought war was coming when hordes of purple dragons appeared in the sky.But Zilong did not attack the crystal mining area, but landed on the ground together and became a magic mage.

Da Liang faced the clusters of crystal clusters in front of him who didn't know whether they were crystal dragons or crystals, and said loudly: "I am Da Liang, a magic mage, and I was appointed as a peace negotiating envoy by the Purple Dragon Clan. Hope, please allow us to enter to meet the Red Baker patriarch."

After Da Liang's voice fell, several crystal dragons stood up, and they heard "peace", which is the most beautiful word for the crystal dragon clan in troubled times.

The news of the Zilong messenger's arrival soon spread to the crystal mine, and the leader of the Red Baker impatiently invited the messengers to the crystal mine.

When Da Liang saw Red Baker again, the first thing he faced was Red Baker's questioning: "You said you were a magician, why did you say you were Zilong last time? If Zilong asked a liar to be a messenger, I Doubt their sincerity."

The purple dragons were separated behind Da Liang, which gave Da Liang a lot of confidence: "Last time I didn't say anything, but you guys dragged me here and decided that I was the envoy of the purple dragon clan. In order not to provoke anger, I You guys, just follow your will.

In fact, you should be grateful that I pretended to be the envoy of the Purple Dragon Clan last time, allowing me to see the plight of the Crystal Dragon, and then persuaded the Yew Clan leader who didn't want to talk to you at all, to have the idea of ​​negotiating with you.

Otherwise, what came today was not Zilong's negotiating team, but the overwhelming Zilong army. "

Seeing the size of the Zilong Clan negotiating team this time, Red Baker realized the sincerity of the Zilong Clan, and since Da Liang is the representative of the Zilong Clan, Red Baker did not pursue the deceit last time too much. Agree to our land claims on behalf of the Yew Patriarch."

Da Liang didn't answer Red Baker immediately, but said: "We require Princess Ziling to be present during the negotiations..."

(End of this chapter)

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