start an archangel

Chapter 849 Negotiation Messenger

Chapter 849 Negotiation Messenger

Princess Ziling is the successor of the future magic forest, and the patriarch of Yew is getting older and older.When the body began to be unable to control the power of the law, Princess Ziling had a special status in the magic forest as a purple dragon who could receive the power of the law of the patriarch of the yew tree.

Red Baker also hopes that this negotiation will have a weighty Zilong present, not a magician with a history of deception.

Under Red Baker's signal, Princess Ziling was brought up.

For three days, Princess Ziling did not change much. She maintained an elegant demeanor and was respected by the crystal dragon.And when she saw the Zilong envoys, especially Da Liang, her originally calm expression was full of doubts.

After accepting the salute from the Zilongs, Princess Ziling walked in front of Da Liang: "What happened, it seems that you have been authorized by my father. How did you do it? You are just a magician."

Da Liang smiled and said: "I just proved to Patriarch Yew that I have a way to resolve the crisis in the magic forest peacefully. Princess Ziling, we are here to take you home."

"Peaceful solution?" Princess Ziling couldn't think of any way to get Crystal Dragon to let her go, unless Zilong agreed to their land request, but she knew that her father would never agree, even if she became the patriarch. , none of them can lay the seeds of disaster for the future of the magic forest, especially when the Zilonglong clan is facing the handover of the patriarch.

However, since the patriarch sent such a formal negotiating team, it means that the magic mage's method has been approved by the patriarch.

What is he trying to do?
Princess Ziling said: "I respect my father's decision, and I hope you will not damage the interests of the Zilong clan."

Da Liang bowed to Princess Ziling, and assured him: "We are here this time to persuade the Crystal Dragons to leave the Magical Forest voluntarily."

The conversation between Da Liang and Zi Ling did not use sound shielding magic, so all of them were heard by the head of the Crystal Dragon patriarch, Red Baker.

When Red Baker heard that the purpose of the purple dragon mission this time was not to promise land to the Crystal Dragon Clan, but to let them leave the magic forest.Red Baker, who was originally kind, suddenly became furious: "Do you purple dragons think that we crystal dragons are so easy to bully? Let me tell you, we will never leave the magic forest. As long as I am here, this is the home of crystal dragons. "

Da Liang turned around and said to Red Baker with his head held high: "Patriarch Red Baker, if this is the home of the Crystal Dragon, then what is the Crystal Vein? Now it is the Crystal Dragon who is occupying the land in the magical forest that belongs to the Purple Dragon, and neither is the Zilong Dragon Clan." It's easy to bully. Now the fairy garden has gathered an army of purple dragons. We are here to explain that the patriarch of the yews expresses sympathy for your experience and wants to make a final effort for peace.

If you think this is the home of the Crystal Dragon, then we have nothing to talk about.

Zilong will definitely wipe out the invaders, completely.

You should know that we can do it, and your bargaining chip is that Princess Ziling and the Zilong Dragon Clan will suffer major damage in the war.But I want to tell you, don't take your chips too seriously, and don't use the fate of the crystal dragon to get angry with us. "

Faced with Da Liang's tit-for-tat language offensive, Red Baker, who knew he was in a weak position, took back his anger: "I'm very sorry, the anger made me say something I shouldn't have said. The Crystal Dragon has no idea of ​​living in the magic forest forever. My home is in the Crystal Forest. The mine, as long as we can capture the crystal mine, we will definitely return the land here.

If the Purple Dragon Clan agrees to our temporary residence in the Magic Forest, we can sign a peace agreement, and we can also provide the Purple Dragon Clan with crystals.

But if the purple dragons ask us to leave the magic forest, we can't do it. Only here can we continue the crystal dragon race and accumulate the power to regain the crystal veins. "

Da Liang made a crystal chair for himself and Princess Zi Ling, and after sitting down, he said: "If I have a way to get the crystal dragon to get the crystal vein back from Yunzhongcheng, do you still plan to stay in the magic forest?" ?”


You just said you want land from the magic forest, why did you suddenly switch to getting crystal veins from Yunzhongcheng?

Both Red Baker and Zi Ling looked at Da Liang, is this possible?

The territory that Yunzhong City worked so hard to win, you want it if you say you want it, you think you are the supreme angel.

In fact, although Red Baker said that he must accumulate strength to counterattack the crystal veins, he knew that it was almost impossible.Cloud City is too strong, and Crystal Dragon was kicked out in its heyday. How long will it take for them to develop to compete with Cloud City.

Red Baker said to Da Liang: "Don't joke with me on this matter, I will not listen to your nonsense and let Crystal Dragon leave the magic forest."

"Are you talking nonsense? Listen to me first." Da Liang waved his hand, and the purple dragons behind him built an information barrier together.Then Da Liang said: "According to the accurate information we have now, the purpose of Yunzhong City's attack on the crystal vein is not the rare resource crystal, but your obelisk tower. In the same way, Hell's attack on the sulfur cave is not for sulfur, but also for Obelisk.

Now both Cloudsdale and Hell have some ideas to try to realize through the obelisk, and these experiments may have destructive effects on the obelisk..."

Red Baker said at this time: "The obelisk cannot be destroyed."

Da Liang said: "Patriarch, the obelisk can't be destroyed now because we don't have the power to destroy it. When a higher power appears, we don't know whether the obelisk can be destroyed. The same goes for Cloud City and Hell. Because they don't know the effect of this force on the obelisk, they experiment with someone else's obelisk."

Red Baker didn't believe Da Liang's words: "A higher level of power? It doesn't exist..."

Princess Ziling said: "A higher level of power must be divine power. Patriarch Red Baker, if gods exist, so must divine power. I don't know what the crystal dragons have been doing during this long period of time. Our Zilong clan has already started No one knows what the obelisk will look like if a lot of divine power hits the obelisk.

According to what we know, Cloudsdale and Hell are far beyond all planes in the study of godhood.Since they snatched the obelisk, it must be because the obelisk played a vital role in their research.

If the divine power can really destroy the obelisk, then I think the crystal dragon should take back the crystal vein as soon as possible, otherwise you may completely lose your own obelisk.

The obelisk..." After a short thought, Princess Ziling turned to Da Liang and said, "I always thought that Yunzhong City and Hell's attack on the crystal dragon and the poisonous dragon was not simply for resources. If their goal is the obelisk, Then everything can be explained clearly.

Moreover, the Obelisk of the Magical Forest was also targeted by them. It seems that what you told me last time was correct.

The crystal dragon's invasion of us was itself a plot by the weak purple dragon of Cloudsdale.

Is that how you persuaded my father, Master Da Liang? "

(End of this chapter)

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