start an archangel

Chapter 850 Agreed

Chapter 850 Agreed
Da Liang replied: "That's what the Patriarch Yew said. Besides, King Beria of Hell is in the Fairy Garden at this time. He not only confirmed the role of the Obelisk, but also signed a peace agreement with the Magic Forest. At the same time I am willing to provide some help for the crystal dragon to regain the crystal vein."

The conversation between Princess Ziling and Da Liang made Red Baker realize the seriousness of the matter.

In the past, the Obelisk Tower could not be destroyed and could not leave its own plane, so the Crystal Dragon did not attach much importance to the Obelisk Tower.And when the obelisk tower could be destroyed, Red Baker knew that if the crystal dragon took too long to regain the crystal mine, the crystal dragon would completely lose its foundation.

Red Baker began to become anxious, he interrupted the conversation between Da Liang and Princess Ziling, and asked, "Will Hell help us regain the crystal vein?"

Da Liang didn't continue to play tricks, he said directly: "Hell will not directly send troops to help you, and they will not provide you with any help until you return to the crystal mine.

It is I who help you.

First of all, let me introduce my identity. At the same time, I also hope that you will strictly help me keep the secret. I don't want too many people to know that I participated in this incident. Everything is done by you Crystal Dragon yourself.

My name is Da Liang, an earl and lord of the main city of the human race on the main plane.

In addition, I also have an identity in the kingdom of death, Eviscerate, the bishop of the church in the foggy area of ​​​​the city of sighs, the deputy speaker of the Holy See Council of the city of sighs, and the mentor of death.

I am the King Belial invited in this capacity. "

When they heard that Da Liang was able to invite King Beria to the magic forest, Red Baker and Zi Ling felt that this was not an ordinary magic mage.Although they also speculated about Da Liang's identity, they didn't expect his identity to be so prominent.

The nobles on the main plane might not be considered anything, but the bishop and deputy speaker of the City of Sighs meant that Da Liang was the number three figure in the city of the dead monarch, and his status as a fugitive patriarch or heir to the patriarch was not much different.

The head of the Red Baker bowed to Da Liang: "Master Bishop, I apologize for my negligence. May I ask how you can help us regain the crystal veins, is it the sad monarch..."

Da Liang said: "The sad monarch doesn't know about this matter. Helping you is purely my personal kindness. I don't want to see two noble dragon clans fighting here, and then one or both of you will be wiped out.

My plan is like this, everyone knows that a war is taking place in the kingdom of death, and the biggest battle in the city of Evernight is about to break out, the two sides of the war are..."

Da Liang told Crystal Dragon and Princess Ziling about his home-changing plan, and then said: "I will go to Eternal Night City as a reinforcement for the City of Sighs, so I am eligible to stay in Eternal Night City when the Cathedral of Eternal Night City retreats." Inside. If Patriarch Red Baker agrees with my plan, I can provide you with space beacons, and let the purple dragons open the portal to send you into the cathedral fortress.

Then you severely taught the angels, using the cathedral fortress as a bargaining chip in exchange for crystal veins.

The Battle of Eternal Night City is very important to Cloud City, and there is an obelisk tower in the cathedral fortress.If one is changed, Yunzhong City is likely to be changed.

You want the crystal mine back again. Before the angels attack the crystal mine again, Zilong is willing to form an alliance with the crystal dragon, and Hell is willing to provide positioning and teleportation support.

Crystal Dragon, Purple Dragon, and Hell all got what they wanted. "

Red Baker is very interested in Da Liang's plan, so there is really a high chance of getting the crystal veins back, but...

"Are you sure that Cloud City will exchange the crystal veins for us."

Da Liang shrugged his shoulders: "Of course I'm not sure...but it's better than fighting the Zilong Clan here. It's also at the risk of being wiped out. Do you think it's better to fight with the Zilong or with the Angels?" Some?"

The crystal dragons are like broken pots in the magic forest. If the purple dragons persuade them, they will have a habitat.

Now Da Liang gave them another feasible plan, to cut off the Yunzhong City in the kingdom of death, and replace one tower with another.Then pull Zilong and Hell to fight the invasion before Cloudsdale steals the tower again, there is no better solution than this.

Red Baker didn't think much of it.Fighting against the purple dragon, the crystal dragon who is the invading party is somewhat guilty. Fighting against the angel ensures that every crystal dragon can show its desperate end.

"I agree with this plan. We will take back the crystal veins with our own hands. Thank you very much, bishop..."

Da Liang said: "Just call me Master Da Liang, I am a magic mage in the magic forest, a friend of the Purple Dragon Clan."

"You are also a friend of Crystal Dragon. I guarantee that as long as Crystal Dragon can regain the crystal mine, you will be the most popular and respected friend of Crystal Dragon."

Finally got the crystal dragon done, Da Liang stood up and said: "It seems that the crystal dragon and the purple dragon are going to change from enemies to allies. In this chaotic world, the two dragon clans can work together to survive the crisis. Red Baker Patriarch, can we take Princess Ziling away, Patriarch Yew misses her very much."

Take Zi Ling away?

Red Baker was a little hesitant, if the other party was deceiving him in all this, the purpose was to deceive Zi Ling away?
But if it is true, if the crystal dragon wants to regain the crystal vein and keep the crystal vein, it must get the full support of the purple dragon. If it continues to hold the purple spirit, it will definitely cause a gap in the hearts of the purple dragon clan.

Red Baker stepped out from the throne, he first apologized to Princess Ziling, and then said: "From the beginning to the end, we never had any thought of being an enemy of the Zilong clan, but doing something wrong is doing something wrong.

I will personally escort Princess Ziling back to Fairy Garden, and apologize to Patriarch Yew, and I am willing to accept any punishment from Zilong Clan. "

In order to get the support of the Purple Dragon Clan at the most critical time, the Red Baker Patriarch completely let go of the arrogance of the Crystal Dragon.

At this time, Princess Ziling was the happiest one.From the moment she was taken captive by the crystal dragon, she was ready to be killed. Even when Da Liang said that she would save her, she didn't believe too much in the promise of a magic mage.

But three days later, only three days passed.

The mage kept his promise.

She is free, and the head of the Crystal Dragon will personally send her back to the Fairy Garden, and everything is like a dream.

"Thank you, Master Da Liang. You did it, you really saved me." Zi Ling stood up and curtseyed to Da Liang, with excitement and excitement on his face.

At this time, Red Baker asked suddenly: "Master Daliang, if I disagree with your plan, what will you do? Since you left last time, I always feel that there are things in this crystal mine that don't belong here, but I Can't find it."

Da Liang said: "I'm sorry, Patriarch Red Baker, I did let one of my subordinates sneak into the crystal mine, and you couldn't detect her effectively after testing. I made a plan to forcibly rob Princess Ziling. If you don't agree with me At the beginning of the war between Zilong and Crystal Dragon, as soon as your attention leaves Princess Ziling, this subordinate of mine will teleport her away from here."

Red Baker was still guessing at first, but he didn't expect that someone actually sneaked in. It was completely silent, so he just had a feeling that he didn't know if it was an illusion.

"Where is she? Can I see her?"

"of course can!"

Da Liang snapped his fingers, and the shadow dragon Yao Yesu suddenly appeared beside Princess Ziling, startling all the dragons.

(End of this chapter)

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