start an archangel

Chapter 852 Dragon Magic

Chapter 852 Dragon Magic
Dragon Magic:

Dragon Power Impact: Level 1 dragon magic, create a stylish dragon power, impact on the enemy, there is a chance to cause death blows, dizziness to mentally weak creatures, the magic effect is related to intelligence, and the range is related to knowledge.

Enslavement: Level 2 dragon magic, combined with the impact of dragon power to subdue monsters, the enslavement time is related to the ratio of knowledge and target power.

Bloodline Stimulation: Level 3 dragon magic, let the enslaved monsters enter a berserk state, and there is a high chance of death after the berserk state ends.


Dragon magic is not learned through skill books. It must be taught by Zilong who has mastered dragon magic. First master the pronunciation of dragon magic and then slowly increase proficiency until the release of magic is fully mastered.

Therefore, Princess Ziling chose several more practical magics for Da Liang among the many dragon magics. In addition, Princess Ziling also taught Daliang the dragon language magic derived from dragon magic.

Dragon language magic is to use dragon language to release ordinary magic on the premise of mastering dragon language.

Although Zilong's dragon form is cute enough to melt, the dragon magic they created is very domineering, and the dragon language magic also strengthens the ordinary magic.

In order for Da Liang to see the dragon language magic intuitively, Zi Ling released a dragon language thunderbolt lightning.

After this second-level magic of the air system was strengthened by Dragon Language, it changed from an arrow shape to a dragon shape at the moment it was shot, and it continuously absorbed electric energy from the outside to strengthen itself when it was flying. continuous damage.In Zi Ling's hands, an ordinary second-level magic not only doubled its power, but also changed from point damage to range damage.

The Purple Dragon Clan is indeed a race that is good at magic. Watching them release all kinds of magic efficiently and casually, Da Liang, who was originally confident in his magic ability, instantly felt like a country upstart who had just entered the city.

For the same magic, the one released by Zilong is stronger than you, so you can't accept it.

However, the release of dragon language magic is not an easy matter, just learning the dragon language is a very high threshold for Da Liang.The game's built-in translation ability has no auxiliary effect on the release of dragon language magic. If you want to translate ordinary magic into dragon language, you need to speak dragon language proficiently and accurately.

【You have mastered elementary dragon language】

[You learned elementary dragon language magic]

After the peace agreement between Zilong and Crystal Dragon was signed, Da Liang stayed in the magic forest to study magic.In addition, he also let the magic mage hero Vincent, with a group of magic mages with good aptitude who had learned one or two magic skills during the war, enter the magic forest.Fairy Garden will specially arrange Zilong to teach them magic, and some magic mages will be promoted to hero units here.

The magic forest returned to peace and tranquility, the purple dragons returned to their aura, and the flying figures of these beautiful dragons appeared again in the sky above the forest.

Da Liang got a residence in the fairy garden castle, and went back and forth between the residence, the magic tower and the magic training ground every day.

In order to repay Da Liang for saving her life, Princess Zi Ling devoted herself to imparting her knowledge of magic and answering questions about magic.The two of them can be seen everywhere in the fairy garden, wearing blue and white magic robes, practicing dragon language and magic.

The free time passed quickly, and Da Liang, who had been following the battle of Eternal Night City, received the news that the war was about to break out.

Crystal Dragon and Zilong act quickly, Zilong is preparing for a large cross-plane portal, and Crystal Dragon is preparing for a battle that will determine their own destiny.

Da Liang is going to return to the kingdom of death, and go to the cathedral of Eternal Night City to respond to the crystal dragon.Before leaving, he deliberately went to the crystal mine to see the crystal dragon fetus given to him by the Red Baker patriarch.

Standing in the crystal mine, looking at a large cluster of crystal clusters in front of him, if the patriarch Red Baker hadn't said that it was a crystal dragon fetus, Da Liang would never have connected it with the crystal dragon.

This is the first crystal dragon bred in this crystal mine after the crystal dragon fled to the magic forest, and was given to Da Liang by the Red Baker patriarch.

At this time, he has not yet fully formed, and his power is sleeping in the crystal.

Red Baker smiled and said to the impatient Da Liang: "Master Da Liang, if it weren't for the fact that every crystal dragon is the most precious combat power for us now, I would like to give you any member of the clan. Now we can only wait The child hatched.

You can rest assured, I can feel that there is very strong energy in this crystal dragon womb, he must be a very strong crystal dragon. "

Da Liang, who had been read through his thoughts, smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Patriarch Red Baker, a decisive battle is about to break out in Eternal Night City, and I will rush to the Cathedral of Eternal Night City right now. Please be prepared, when the cathedral is about to break out , you must quickly enter and drive the angels out, you must let them see your strength, and let them know that under your protection, it is absolutely impossible for the angels to take down the Cathedral of Eternal Night City."

Red Baker regained his serious expression. He knew that the battle to break out of the Cathedral of Eternal Night City was definitely the most difficult battle, and as long as Yunzhong City had a little way, it would never give up the crystal veins.Crystal Dragon will face the onslaught of the angel army in the cathedral. Whether they can block the attack of the angels will determine whether they can regain their homeland.

Many crystal dragons will die in battle, or most of them will die or even be wiped out.

But Crystal Dragon will never give up this opportunity.

"Thank you very much for everything you have done for us, Master Daliang, I have one thing to ask you."

Da Liang said: "Patriarch, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you."

Red Baker sighed and said: "I don't know what the end of this war will be. Cloudsdale is really too strong. If we don't defend the Cathedral of Eternal Night City, it means that all the crystal dragons died in battle, and I was also killed by them." Got it. If this happens, I ask you to get the Purple Dragons not to dismantle this crystal mine. Just say...

In other words, as long as the crystal dragon can be continued in the magic forest, we are willing to become the vassal of the purple dragon. "

Dragons regard their own face as extremely important. All dragons are ultimate creatures. It has never happened before that a dragon became a vassal of another dragon.

But although Da Liang's house change plan has a very high success rate, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.Even with the terrain advantage, Red Baker doesn't have much confidence in winning the Angel Legion, which is capable of conquering and fighting.

He had prepared for the worst.

Crystal dragon becoming a vassal of Zilong may be a shame to the dragon clan, but it is better than being exterminated.

But will the Purple Dragon Clan agree?
Red Baker didn't know, so he could only ask Da Liang, whom Zilong regarded as his guest of honour.

Da Liang couldn't be sure, after all, the dragon clan had their own racial views, so he could only say: "If this really happens, I will try my best to persuade Zilong."

(End of this chapter)

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