start an archangel

Chapter 853 Returning to Eternal Night City

Chapter 853 Returning to Eternal Night City

There are too many uncontrollable factors in the war, but the only certainty is that the crystal dragon will not pose a threat to the magic forest in the future.A stable and friendly purple dragon clan is the biggest gain of this trip to the magic forest for Da Liang.If he can pull Crystal Dragon at a critical moment, then he will enjoy a very high status in this Dragon Alliance.

Therefore, Da Liang decided to do his best to help Crystal Dragon regain the crystal vein.

Returning to the kingdom of death, after inspecting everything in the City of Sighs, Da Liang took his personal guards to the City of Eternal Night as the Deputy Speaker of the City of Sighs.

Along the way, Da Liang synthesized the information from the City of Sighs and the players, and gained a general understanding of the current situation in the City of Eternal Night.

In this battle, the cyan allied forces deployed tens of millions of troops outside the city of Eternal Night, completely enclosing the No. [-] main city of the undead. In addition, the peripheral troops responsible for sniping the reinforcements of the Lord of Death prevented most of the reinforcements from entering Eternal Night. In the city, you can only use low-level soldiers on the spot to slowly smash against the sea of ​​skeletons of the cyan coalition army.

Before destroying these undead army guarding the main road, the Death Lord cannot support the Eternal Night City battlefield on a large scale.

Therefore, the direct support obtained by the mourning monarch is the high-level arms and hero units sent into the city through the portal, but in the continuous space interference of the cyan coalition forces, this support is also very limited.

In the confrontation of the low-level army, the mourning monarch who hastily fought could only rely on the original death army in Eternal Night City. move.

The Angel Legion, commanded by the supreme angel Gabriel, is also constantly getting support from Cloud City. The angels exuding holy light and the bone dragons of the blue allied army easily seized the air supremacy outside Eternal Night City, mourning the monarch's army It can only rely on the city's ground air defense system, which controls a small airspace.

In previous wars, when angel legions appeared in the sky, hell would definitely send demon legions to fight against them.But now... when hell is willing to lend a helping hand, the mourning monarch refused the support of the demon army out of resistance to the fallen angels.At this time he wanted to get the support of hell, but the fallen angels were busy preparing for the civil war in hell.

What is even more unpredictable is that Hell actually wiped out the poisonous dragon clan that belonged to the evil camp.A dragon clan who was born at level 15 will be destroyed as soon as it is said, the reason is because of the sulfur in the sulfur cave.

There are more sulfur resources in hell than sulfur mines, okay? I've never heard of a lack of sulfur in hell.

In short, the evil camp has never been so chaotic, without a backbone, fighting each other and killing each other.

Under the request of Cloud City, the academic world factory contained the endless maze of the dungeon, and the stone wilderness of the orcs contained the swampy wetlands of the swamp tribe.

Under various internal and external factors, the kingdom of death has become truly isolated and helpless, and the war can only rely on themselves.

The situation in Eternal Night City is that one family is sad and one family is happy.

The cyan coalition, whose overall strength is at a disadvantage, has created an absolute advantage in Eternal Night City.There are many low-level troops, many high-level troops, many heroes, and many ultimate creatures.

Although in the comparison of the 16th-level heroes, the cyan coalition has only Gabriel, Lucas and Boswell, and Evernight City has four dead monarchs, but three versus four, the cyan coalition has no obvious disadvantages, and Cloudsdale's The supreme angels also prevented the death monarch from using his power excessively in this war.

In the case that the death monarch did not personally participate in the battle, the cyan coalition army would not use its own level 16 heroes.Once there is a major crisis in the death monarch, no one can guarantee that the fallen angels and hell lords will not appear on the battlefield.This war will be a conventional military confrontation decisive battle, the winner will get the first victory in this plane war, and the loser will not be injured.

After all, the long war has just begun, and no one wants to have a direct confrontation between tier 16 heroes so soon.

Of course, if there is an opportunity to seal the enemy's Tier 16 heroes, no one will be soft.


Cyan Allied Forces Eternal Night City Battle Command Post.

Boswell told Lucas about his entire attack plan on the map. At this time, the defenders outside Eternal Night City had been eaten away by the cyan coalition forces, and the reinforcements of Eternal Night City were blocked hundreds of kilometers away. , can only travel a few kilometers a day.

The cyan coalition forces have already occupied all the important places around Eternal Night City, and the army of the mourning monarch cannot get out, nor can the reinforcements enter.The air is also under the control of the cyan coalition forces. Under the escort of the space battleship, Angel's Super Cross Fortress has advanced to the front line of the battlefield.

Now the time is ripe for a general attack on Eternal Night City.

Looking at the jagged battle lines on the map, Lucas couldn't help admiring Boswell's war commanding ability.

Although Lucas served as the commander of the coalition forces, he was only responsible for the coordination between the Wizards Guild and the southern lords. It was Boswell who actually commanded the coalition forces. situation.

Conquering Eternal Night City, Boswell had never thought about it before.Even after being promoted to the 16th-level hero, his biggest wish is to become independent from Eternal Night City, and a small piece of territory is divided to become the eighth death monarch.

However, his demands were not met, and the proud Monarch of Moaning was only willing to give him a seat in the Holy See Council of Evernight City.

Now Boswell is very much looking forward to what the other party will feel when he meets the mourning monarch.A lord who was humiliated by him led an army to capture his Eternal Night City, and a mourning lord in exile naturally had no right to call himself the number one lord.

And when the cyan coalition forces occupy the entire territory of Eternal Night, he, Boswell, will definitely become the new first monarch.

The battle situation in Evernight City is very good, and President Lucas is of course very happy. With a piece of land where wizards can perform public activities, the Wizards Guild can devote itself to research.

While Lucas and Boswell were discussing their division of labor, a wizard came in and reported, "The elders of the City of Sighs branch are here."

Boswell was in a very good mood, and he said to Lucas: "I don't know how the City of Sighs branch did it, but as promised by their elders, City of Sighs did not support Eternal Night City on a large scale, only Not long ago, the chairman of the city of sighs brought an insignificant bone dragon reinforcement. The branch of the city of sighs is the best one in all theaters, and the chairman has a disciple that I envy.

The elders of the City of Sighs branch have a special status. I will arrange the attack, and I will leave it to you to speak freely here. "

(End of this chapter)

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