start an archangel

Chapter 899 Dismayed

Chapter 899 Dismayed
William once set off a big purge in Shangjiang, which made the human nobles extremely disappointed with the royal family. Fortunately, Howard became king in time to stabilize the internal turmoil of the human race, but soon he disappeared.

Now Abigail's child is likely to become the new king. Whether he will be Howard or William in the future, the nobles have no idea, but just looking at the customs of the black elves, the new king is likely to become a puppet.

There is no better choice for the nobles to compromise at this time.

And when Joyce announced that he would become king, how would the human nobles choose?

Bartlett thought calmly, and was not annoyed by Da Liang's warning.He admitted that Joyce had always had a high prestige. As the crown princess appointed by the previous king, she was the mistress who assisted William in managing Shangjiang. She was in charge of the navy, the lifeblood of the city.Although Shangjiang suffered successive changes, Joyce's prestige did not drop but increased, and he is now the person with the highest status in the Shangjiang clan.

Many nobles are willing to follow Joyce.

Therefore, if the angels opposed Joyce's claiming the king and triggered a civil war in Shangjiang City, Bartlett really didn't have much chance of winning.Especially when the Marquis of Stanley also supports Joyce, Abigail's army can't even get to the surface, let alone support the angels to protect the rights and interests of her orthodox royal family.

The other party has already planned everything, and Earl Daliang's visit here this time is a showdown to force the angels to show their attitude.

Has Howard even given up on the royal family and family?

Bartlett found that the choice he made was meaningless. After repeated consideration, he said: "Angels are kings of Joyce, neither support nor objection. How other cities will choose, you have to fight for it yourself. The angels do not participate in Jiang's reunification by war or peace.

When Joyce unifies Shangjiang, I will disband the Angel Legion.You can use your new royal status to sign a new contract with the angels who are willing to stay, and I will no longer serve Shangjiang.

I hope you can tell me where Howard is, I still like the life of fighting with him. "

Although it didn't get the support of the Angel Legion, it was a good result for the Angels to give up blocking Joyce.As long as Bartlett doesn't intervene, it will be much easier for Joyce to integrate the Shangjiang people.

As for Bartlett disbanding the Angels, Joyce needs to re-sign the contract with the Angels who are willing to stay.Da Liang believes that as long as the Holy Bella shows up publicly, most of the angels will choose to stay here.

The next step... is to convene an imperial meeting to bring together all the city lords in Shangjiang...

Discuss the matter of Joyce becoming king.

The next day, Bartlett assembled the Angel Legion to enter the barracks in the west of the city, and then closed the barracks, no one was allowed to enter and no one was allowed to go out.

The navy, on the other hand, uncharacteristically began to enter Shangjiang City on a large scale, especially some important buildings, and all the defenders were replaced with soldiers from the navy.

The Oath rose into the air.

Soon there was news from Jiading City that Marquis Stanley was gathering his army.

The sudden change in Shangjiang City caused many people to speculate.You know, the last time the navy and Jiading City assembled their troops at the same time, they then attacked Shangjiang City.What are they going to do this time?Some nobles used various channels to find out what was going to happen recently, and the middle and senior nobles went directly to the Admiral's Mansion of the Pudong Fleet to ask Joyce face-to-face.

But Joyce was stationed on the Oath and refused to receive any visitors.

The invisible "true" Imperial Prime Minister could not be seen, but Earl Daliang, who was leisurely wandering in the Admiral's Mansion of the Pudong Fleet, was caught by the nobles.

Forced away Joshua and Abigail, promoted Marquis Stanley as Prime Minister, and assisted Joyce to stabilize Shangjiang City.Da Liang's influence in the aristocratic circle of Shangjiang City was extraordinary, so the nobles who had not seen Joyce came to him one after another, hoping to find out from him what big moves Shangjiang City would have in the near future.

Of course, Da Liang would not say that he would push Joyce to become king. Anyway, the navy had already controlled Shangjiang City, and Bartlett chose to ignore it. The attitude of these nobles is not an attitude.At that time, when the king's flag is erected, they can only follow.Therefore, talking too much to these nobles will instead alert the other city lords.

Da Liang was afraid that Joyce would slip up in front of these nobles of his father's generation, so he asked her to hide on the Oath, while he dealt with these nobles who came to the door in the Admiral's Mansion.

Facing the tense nobles, Da Liang sat in Joyce's office with a relaxed smile and said, "My lords, don't be nervous. The various measures in Shangjiang City are all aimed at welcoming a special mission." .

If we can fully cooperate with the alliance represented by this mission, it can effectively improve our reputation and the competitiveness of maritime trade.

Everyone has also seen that the development of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has reached a bottleneck. The war in the kingdom of death has made it impossible for the City of Sighs to provide us with more mercenaries, so we must seek other partners.

If this cooperation can be negotiated, I believe that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can expand the maritime trade preferential zone by at least five times.Now everyone is doing business with Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, which is definitely a great thing for us.

Therefore, Mr. Joyce attached great importance to the mission's visit, so he acted a little too aggressively in preparing for the reception of the mission. After all, the army was not as convenient as its own navy.

The Marquis of Stanley is also gathering troops, preparing to show the military strength of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to the mission, and increase the other party's confidence in cooperation. "

This explanation seems to make sense, and the cities of Shangjiang are peaceful and there is no contradiction that requires the use of force. The nobles feel relieved a lot.Just what kind of mission was it that Joyce and Stanley welcomed it so grandly?
The nobles turned to Daliang to inquire about the news of this mission. If the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce would expand again, they could raise funds in advance to board this smooth sailing boat.

Facing a group of curious baby-like nobles, Da Liang said: "As for where this mission came from, we still need to keep it a secret for the time being. After all, the less people know about this kind of commercial secret, the better. I hope all adults can understand.

In short, the scale of this business cooperation is very large, and the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce cannot handle it.If you adults want to participate, go back and raise funds to call up the army and show us the strongest side of Shangjiang. "

The nobles continued to ask, but Da Liang kept changing the subject and insisted not to reveal more information about the mission.

Soon, the nobles who had achieved their main purpose left the Admiral's Mansion of the Pudong Fleet.

Not knowing how to fight, but earning money, the nobles who thought they had inside information actively raised funds and gathered their own private soldiers to prepare for the arrival of the mission.

(End of this chapter)

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