Chapter 900
The military changes in Shangjiang City and Jiading City also aroused the vigilance of other cities.

At this time, the cities of Shangjiang were in harmony with each other. Perhaps everyone did not have the strength to give birth to the intention of harming others, but they were never sloppy in their guard.Therefore, when the navy of Shangjiang City and the undead army of Jiading City assembled, other cities also began to secretly concentrate their troops, and inquired about Shangjiang City's news and Joyce's purpose in many ways.

As a result, the news that the nobles got from Da Liang quickly reached the ears of the city lords.

It turned out that the change of Shangjiang City and Jiading City was to welcome some kind of mission, an alliance that was going to cooperate with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.


The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will continue to expand, and let no one live.

Since they couldn't see the motives for launching the war between Shangjiang City and Jiading City, the city owners believed this explanation.However, the armies in each city still maintain a low-intensity combat readiness, and maintain a due vigilance against the powerful human race and undead race.

It wasn't until the envoy claimed by Da Liang that it appeared and caused a commotion in the entire Shangjiang City that the city owners were completely relieved.

Then he became envious and jealous towards Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

This mission is all composed of giant dragons, and most people have never heard of them, and only a few words about them can be found in the oldest biographies.

The purple dragon who is better at magic than elemental creatures, the indestructible crystal dragon, and the most poisonous dragon in the world.

They are the creatures with the highest nascent level in the known world, the entire race is level 15, and because they only appear in legends, they are generally believed to not really exist.

But they came and came to Shangjiang City together.

Three purple dragons, two crystal dragons and one poisonous dragon formed this luxurious mission.

This means that the three top dragon clans do exist and are united together. At the same time, if Shangjiang City really reaches a cooperation with the three dragon clans this time, then it is really going to make a fortune, and there is no way to stop it.

After being grandly welcomed into the city, the Dragon Mission moved into the Royal Palace of Shangjiang City.

Then the convening order of the imperial meeting was sent to the hands of the city lords.

At this time, the arrival of the dragon mission made all the doubts of the city owners disappear, and all the measures of Shangjiang City and Jiading City were really to welcome their arrival.If the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce reached a cooperation agreement with the three 15th-tier dragons this time, then with these giant dragons escorting them both at sea and on land, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce could at least reduce its escort force by [-]% and use these forces to open up trade routes.

What impact will cooperation with the Three Dragons have on each city, and will it make the already depressed economy of each city even more embarrassing? The city owners who were eager to know the answer immediately set off for Shangjiang City after receiving the summoning order.

At this time, the navy has completed control of Shangjiang City, and the army of Jiading City has spread out its troops.

"If there are city lords who object to my being king, are you going to kill them here?"

Joyce, dressed in military attire, walked with Da Liang on the corridor leading to the meeting room. She had just met Princess Ziling of the Zilong clan, the head of the dragon mission, and realized the special status of Da Liang in this dragon alliance. Inspecting Shangjiang City, they have already accepted Da Liang as a single member and become their ally.

That is to say, in this palace, if Da Liang wants to kill anyone, these six 15th-level giant dragons will definitely help.

Da Liang walked beside Joyce, and the heavily armored crusader guards stood on both sides of the corridor. Facing Joyce's question, he replied: "No, this is your palace, you have the final say."


At this time, Joyce, who walked outside the meeting room door, smiled at Da Liang: "Will you open this door for me? My knight..."

"Very willing to serve you, my lord."

Da Liang pushed open the door of the conference room, and Joyce walked in with a regal demeanor, and then Da Liang followed her into the conference room.

At this time, the Marquis of Stanley was already sitting in the position of the former Prime Minister, and other city lords and important ministers had also arrived.After Joyce and Da Liang sat down, all the personnel arrived and the meeting began.

As the host of the meeting, Marquis Stanley first said: "This meeting was proposed by Earl Da Liang. Afterwards, Earl Da Liang will speak and talk about the topics to be discussed in this imperial meeting."

Da Liang was greeting Abigail who was beside him, and when he heard Marquis Stanley calling his name, and everyone turned their attention, he said, "A mission composed of the Purple Dragon Clan, the Crystal Dragon Clan, and the Poison Dragon Clan has arrived. Shangjiang, and lived in this palace. Everyone already knows about this. They came to Shangjiang this time to inspect us on behalf of the three dragon clans. If they are satisfied with Shangjiang's strength, Then we can carry out in-depth cooperation with the three dragon clans."

Grand Duke Joshua asked: "Will the cooperation with the three dragons bring any real benefits to our vice cities? You must know that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's monopoly on the Yangtze River trade route has already violated the interests of our vice cities. Benefit."

Da Liang nodded and said: "Yes, because of the conflicts left in the past, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce did not consider the interests of the city lords when it developed. I didn't realize the seriousness of the matter until the Duke borrowed money from the Marquis Stanley. Some of the economic strategies of Shangjiang City and Jiading City are a bit extreme, the previous conflicts have disappeared, everyone is a member of Shangjiang, and should develop together and make money together."

The matter of Joshua borrowing money from the Marquess of Stanley caused a commotion in the meeting.Chongming City unexpectedly borrowed money from Jiading City one day!At the same time, let the city lords and ministers truly feel the power of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and the wisdom of the former king.

At this time, the Marquis of Stanley was triumphant, but the Duke of Joshua was blushing with shame, but there was no way, people were poor and short-sighted.He had no choice but to pretend that he didn't hear those whispers, and asked Da Liang: "So, the cooperation with the Three Dragons this time will bring real benefits to us deputy cities?"

Da Liang replied: "The investigation of the Dragon Mission is still in progress, and it is still unknown whether we can reach a cooperation. But improving the economy of each city must be done, and it must be done immediately.

Shangjiang City will invest in the renovation of the connecting roads between our eight cities, expand the road surface, and make the transportation of goods more smooth. It will be repaired according to the road standards from Shangjiang to Jiading City.In particular, it was necessary to build a sea bridge connecting Shangjiang City and Chongming City. Since this project involved alchemy, it was handed over to Baoshan City and Chongming City. The construction of other roads was also handed over to the local cities.

The money goes up and down the river, and you both earn money and get a way.

Next, Shuntong Chamber of Commerce cooperates with various cities to invest in the industries you are good at.You only need to be responsible for the production of goods, and all the sales work can be handed over to Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will give priority to selling your goods at the best price.Therefore, you can save the cost in the sales process, and you can also sell the goods at a price that you could not buy before, and at the same time, use the saved manpower and material resources to expand production and earn more money. "

(End of this chapter)

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