100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 19 The Earliest Medical Works in China

Chapter 19 The Earliest Medical Works in China
Chapter 18 The earliest medical work in China: "Huangdi Neijing"

The oldest surviving medical literature in China, "Huangdi Neijing", this name is often crowned with "Suwen", "Lingshu",

Before the titles of the four books "Tai Su" and "Ming Tang".Since the Northern Song Dynasty, it has often been used as the general term for the first two books.

, which is often abbreviated as "Nei Jing".Most of the whole book is compiled in the form of questions answered by the Yellow Emperor, Qi Bo and other seven courtiers. "Inner Classic" book,
It has a profound influence on Chinese medicine and philosophy.It systematically expounds the theoretical system of Chinese medicine, stipulates and influences the

The development direction, theoretical characteristics and methodological characteristics of later generations of medicine play an extremely important role in the development of Chinese medicine culture.
Its role is known as the "Patriarch of Medicine", and it is still effective in guiding the practice of Chinese medicine.It is an important ancient philosophical work

do. "Nei Jing" has also attracted widespread attention internationally and has been translated into many languages.

Pseudo-entrusting the Yellow Emperor's "Nei Jing" into a book

"Huangdi Neijing" is a theoretical classic of early Chinese medicine, referred to as "Neijing".It was first recorded in Liu Xin's "Seven Strategies" and Ban Gu's
"Hanshu?"Yiwenzhi", originally 18 volumes.The medical sage Zhang Zhongjing "wrote plain questions, nine volumes, and 81 difficult problems... as a treatise on exogenous febrile disease and miscellaneous diseases"

", when Jin Huangfumi wrote "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Classics", he said that "today there are nine volumes of Acupuncture Classics, nine volumes of Suwen, and two volumes of 98 volumes, that is, Neijing
", "Nine Volumes" was called "Lingshu" in Tang Wangbing's time. In Song Dynasty, Shi Song presented the "Lingshu Jing" collected by his family and published it. Obviously,
"Nine Volumes", "The Acupuncture Classic", and "Lingshu" are actually one book with many names.

The "Nei Jing" is named after the Yellow Emperor, but it is not really written by the Yellow Emperor.Huainanzi once pointed out: Most people in the world respect the past and despise the present.Therefore it is Tao
Those who must be entrusted to Shennong and Neidi. It has long been confirmed that the "Nei Jing" was not written by the Yellow Emperor, but when was it written?out of

Who made it?In this regard, opinions have been divergent throughout the ages, but no consensus has been reached in the end.For example, Sima Guang pointed out: "Su Wen" is called
The real Yellow Emperor's book is probably impossible.He believes that "during the Zhou and Han Dynasties, doctors rely on Chong'er".Looking at the scholars of the past dynasties, in "

Regarding the time when the Canon of Internal Medicine was written, there are roughly the following points of view. If some were written in the Warring States period, some were written between the end of the Warring States period and the Qin and Han Dynasties
Which one was written in the Western Han Dynasty, or which was published later, etc., is still one of the most intensely debated issues among scholars.at this
Among the debates, there is one point that is generally recognized by everyone, that is, what Lu Fuzhi, a medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty, said: "It depends on its will, and it is almost not a temporary one.
Word.What he wrote was not written by one person. "

"Hanshu?Yiwenzhi includes "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", "The Yellow Emperor's External Classic", and Bian Que's Internal and External Classics.Why is it divided into internal and external
The classics, like "Yi" has internal and external hexagrams, "Spring and Autumn" has internal and external biography, "Zhuangzi" has internal and external chapters, "Han Feizi" has internal and external hexagrams, "Han Feizi"

There are internal and external reserves.Therefore, it is known that medicine is divided into Huangdi Neijing, Waijing, etc., and there are only order names without any profound meaning.Today's "Yellow Emperor

The Wai Jing has long been lost, but the Huang Di Nei Jing still exists.

After the "Huangdi Neijing" was completed, in the process of its transmission, copying and dissemination, not only the content was scattered, but also mixed and supplemented.
The content of the book has also been added during the annotation process.Therefore, what is the original text?What is rumor?It is difficult to distinguish what is mixed

The chaotic situation has caused difficulties for researchers to distinguish and identify, and there are sometimes disputes.

Origin of medical theory and medical technology

"Huangdi Neijing" has been widely spread, and its main contents are "Suwen" and "Lingshu".

In the 6th century A.D., the first comprehensive annotation of "Su Wen" was made in the Yuan Dynasty. At that time, the seventh volume was lost early, so there were only 8 volumes.AD 762,
Annotated by Wang Bing, called "Huangdi Neijing Suwen", 24 volumes, 81 articles, of which, except for 72-73 articles with missing articles, added by Wang
"Old Collection" 7 articles. In the 11th century, the Medical Book Bureau of the Northern Song Dynasty re-collated and commented on Wang’s annotations, and renamed it “Chongguang Buzhu Huangdi Nei
"Jing Su Wen" has become the blueprint and basis for the study of publications in the past dynasties after the Song Dynasty, and there are dozens of publications.

In "Hanshu?In Yiwenzhi, the "Lingshu" is called "Nine Volumes". Around the 6th century AD, its names include "Nine Needles", "Nine Volumes"
It is a biography of different titles such as "Xuanxu", "Nine Spirits", and "Lingshu".During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties, various annotations of "The Acupuncture Classic" were published
It was passed down, and it was listed as a medical textbook in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the medical decrees of Japan and North Korea, but it was not passed on to later generations.As mentioned earlier, Song Shi
After Song engraved and published "Lingshu" (1135), it became the only engraved version of "Nine Volumes" handed down to the world, although there are 12 volumes and 24 volumes.

are different, but the content of the articles is not much different.

"Huangdi Neijing" is very rich in content, "Su Wen" focuses on human physiology, pathology, principles of disease treatment, and the relationship between human beings and human beings.
Nature and other basic theories; "Lingshu" focuses on human anatomy, viscera and meridians, acupoint acupuncture and so on.common ground

All of them are theoretical discussions of relevant issues, and do not involve or basically do not involve specific prescriptions and techniques for disease treatment.Therefore, it

It has become the theoretical source of the development of Chinese medicine and the theoretical basis for medical scientists of all dynasties to discuss diseases and health.
Those who are different and controversial but rarely deviate from them are almost all seeking the "Nei Jing" as the yardstick for their arguments.This is modern anthropology
To learn to study Chinese medicine, you must first study the "Nei Jing".If you do not have a basic grasp of the gist of the "Internal Classics", you will have a hard time understanding the traditional Chinese medicine.

It is impossible to understand and implement the understanding, diagnosis, treatment principles, drug selection and prescription of various clinical diseases that have been learned.

A very important point in the "Huangdi Neijing" is that it openly declares a break with witchcraft.Chinese medicine is still in the concept of ghosts and gods in the Shang and Zhou dynasties
Thought dominates, not only the cause of disease must seek the factors of ghosts and gods, but also the treatment of witchcraft. The author of "Nei Jing" in
"Su asked?It is emphasized in "Five Viscera": "Those who are bound by ghosts and gods should not be virtuous; those who are evil to needles and stones should not be clever.

"The intention is to profoundly clarify their positions and views on the development path and direction of this relational medicine.
Followed by medical scientists, thus promoting the continuous development of Chinese medicine basically along the materialistic view of disease.

The second is the achievements in human anatomy and physiology research.To understand human diseases, we must first understand human beings themselves. "Nei Jing"

It is likely that the authors were directly involved in the anatomical research of the human body, and carried out the dissection of the human body surface and internal organs on the spot. "spirit
pivot?"Jing Shui": "If you are a man of eight feet, the skin and flesh are here, and you can measure it from the outside, and you can get it from the dead. It can be dissected and viewed.

The firmness and fragility of the internal organs, the size of the internal organs, the number of valleys, the length of the pulse, and the turbidity of the blood... all have a large number." For example, the anatomy of the digestive tract, "

Lingshu has detailed the geometry of lips, the distance from lips to teeth, stomach capacity and body size, the shape and quality of cardia and pylorus, and the length of small intestine
, how to flex, capacity, ascending, transverse, descending, capacity, weight, shape and quality of the anus, etc., the size and length of the large intestine
The size, capacity, shape and mutual relationship are basically consistent with modern human anatomy.

Another example is about the functions of the digestive system, the function of blood circulation around the body, and the functions of the genitourinary system.

More general, but there are many scientific assertions.For example, the relationship between blood and veins is not only divided into meridians (large blood vessels),

Collaterals (branch vessels of large blood vessels) and grandchildren (small blood vessels), and it is clearly pointed out that blood vessels run through the human body through diet digestion

The production of substances such as nutrient essence, especially emphasizes that this kind of operation in the human body is "like a ring without reason", going round and round, never ending.thing
In fact, they had scientific predictions about the blood circulation system of the human body.

Then there is the advanced medical technology. "Nei Jing" is a theoretical monograph, but individual parts also involve medical technology.such as the book

It not only describes water bath therapy and enema technique, but also discusses thromboangiitis obliterans-the surgical treatment of gangrene relatively correctly.
Surgery, amputation, etc. "Nei Jing" has designed and used the medical technology of tube needle (hollow needle) to puncture and put ascites, which is
This is a relatively successful attempt to improve the treatment of ascites and relieve the suffering of patients.Needle puncture to put ascites, although failed to create a radical cure for ascites
However, as a medical technology, it continues to be developed and applied in later generations.So far, although the equipment conditions and technology have been

Great progress has been made, yet the principle is exactly the same.What is valuable is that the "Nei Jing" also records the technical requirements for making cylinder needles.

The book also emphasizes disease prevention and early treatment.Chinese medicine has attached great importance to promoting human health to prevent diseases since ancient times

The idea of ​​pursuing its principles begins with the "Neijing".For example: "Deficiency, evil and evil (referring to pathogenic factors) should be avoided from time to time" repeatedly emphasized

.Another example is to emphasize: a brilliant medical scientist should treat the disease before the disease, not the disease that is already sick.If you wait until the disease has developed
Giving medicine treatment later is like going through a well when thirsty, and making weapons after the war has already begun. Isn’t it too late?
?He also said: A brilliant medical scientist must "save its germination" to treat diseases.And criticized medical experts for some long-term illnesses
Yi made the conclusion of "incurable", pointing out: "Although the disease lasts for a long time, it can still be cured (it can be cured), and those who say it is incurable will not be cured."
Its root also. "

The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine consists of a dialogue between the Yellow Emperor and one of the six equally legendary ministers.

Although the most famous part is the one in which the Yellow Emperor asks the question and Qi Bo answers, in other parts these ministers also participate in the conversation.dialogue closed

To provide a broad basis for medical science.The whole book is based on their understanding of the universe, the immediate environment and the relationship between the human body and emotions.
, the relationship between living habits and health, the relationship between the body, the relationship between life process and pathological process,

on the relationship between disorders and symptoms, and on how to make diagnosis and medical treatment by evaluating patients in all these contexts
Decisions provide insight. "Su Wen" does not go into detail about the treatment details, but "Lingshu" discusses the role of acupuncture and moxibustion in the circulatory system.
application problems in the system.

Although the "Nei Jing" has a lot of content to be studied and discussed, its scientific content and actively explored ideas are among its more than 2000 texts.

The source of vigorous vitality for years.

"Internal Classics" not only created in the development of Chinese medicine more than 2000 years of continuous research and use by medical scientists to solve medical problems
It is an effective record of theories and techniques, and it has been studied and used by Korean, Japanese and Southeast Asian medical scientists for guidance and
It has a history of more than a thousand years.At the same time, "Nei Jing" has long been widely collected by European and American Sinologists, private collectors, and national libraries.

It has been collected and handed down, and has been partially translated or fully translated into English, French, German and other texts.In contemporary science, the rapid development
Today, "Nei Jing" is also more valued by human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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