100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 2 The First Wonderful Book in the World

Chapter 2 The Most Wonderful Book in the World
Chapter 1 The Most Strange Book in the World: "Book of Changes"

The "Book of Changes", which "renews the third generation, and the three ancients", has a unique and important position in the development history of Chinese culture.Cong Zhe

From the perspective of academic thought, it has simple dialectics; from the perspective of historical records, it is one of the earliest classics in our country, and it is also a world

An ancient book of influence. "Book of Changes" is respected by Confucianism as "the head of the group of classics", and Taoism is respected as "one of the three mysteries".

Speeches by King Fuxi's hexagrams

The 10 volumes of "Book of Changes" that have survived to this day include "Book of Changes" and "Zhuan of Changes".When did the two Buyi hexagrams come into being?Who is Yi Chuan

do?There are still different opinions.According to legend, "Historical Records Zhou Benji" written by Confucius said: Xibo was imprisoned, "Gai
Yi "Yi"
The gossip is 64 hexagrams." "Historical Records of Justice" explained: "Gan Chiu Du" says: "The one who hangs down the yellow policy is Xi, and the Yi hexagram is the one who plays virtue.

Kong Ye is the one who fulfills fate". "Yi Zhengyi" says: "Fuxi made hexagrams, Wen Wang hexagrams, Zhou Gong's lines, Kong Shiyi". According to Sima Qian

It is said that Wen Wang Yi Gua is an earlier record.Scholars in ancient and modern times generally believe that the Bagua philosophy is the philosophy of the Zhou people.

However, there are still different views on the writing era of "Zhouyi".There is the theory of the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and there is also the theory of the New Year of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and even
There is a saying about the early years of the Warring States Period.

"Yizhuan" is also called "Book of Changes", or "Yi" for short.It is an ancient divinatory book in ancient China, the author is probably a person from the Western Zhou Dynasty

Divination officer.Including "Book of Changes" and "Book of Changes" two parts. The "Jing" mainly contains 64 lines of 384 hexagrams, and each hexagram and line has its own explanation.
It is hexagrams and lines.Used for divination. "Biography" is the various interpretations of "Book of Changes" made by Confucian scholars. There are 10 articles, also

It is called "Ten Wings". "Yi Zhuan" used "Qian Kun", "Yin Yang" and "Gang Kun" to explain the changes in the objective world.
"soft" and other categories and propositions. "Yi Zhuan" and "Xi Ci" believe that everything in the world is changing, "poor changes, change
If it works, it will last for a long time. "The so-called "poor" means that things develop to the apex, and "change" refers to the change from the apex to the opposite.

" means to start a new development after becoming negative, and "long" means that it can exist for a long time after these changes have taken place.

go.In this way, the simple dialectical thinking in "Book of Changes" was developed.

It is said that Confucius liked to study "Book of Changes" very much in his later years. Because he read the bamboo slips many times, he broke the strap connecting the slips three times.
Again, this is the origin of "Wei Bian Sanjue".Confucius said: "If you add me a few years, I can learn "Yi" after fifty years, and there is no big mistake.
"("The Analects of Confucius Shuer"). That is to say, let me live a few more years. If I study "Book of Changes" when I am 50 years old, I can save my life.
wrong.Sima Qian also said: "Confucius liked "Yi" lately, preface "Zu", "Xi", "Xiang", "Shuo Gua", "Wen
Yan" ("Historical Records Confucius Family"). Confucius also used "Yi" as the content of teaching students, "Confucius passed "Yi" to Qu

"("Historical Records Biography of Zhongni's Disciples"), Shang Qu (word Zimu, native of Lu) is one of Confucius' outstanding students.

In Confucius' view, there is something that remains unchanged in essence, that is, the sky (Qian) must be above, and the earth (Kun) must be below.
Those above must be respected, those below must be humbled.This kind of thought of ordering the upper and lower levels and distinguishing between superior and inferior has become the basis of Confucian political thought.

The head of the scriptures, the source of the avenue

"Book of Changes" is a book of divination. Its direct function is to judge good and bad luck and give enlightenment and guidance to fortune-tellers. This is anti-science in itself.
The superstition of learning, therefore, its basic system is idealism.Moreover, it responds to all changes with the same, claiming to summarize and
It contains all the principles and laws of the universe, the past and the present, which itself is metaphysical.However, it also contains

It has rich elements of simple materialism and profound dialectical thought, especially the most prominent dialectical thought.

The basic symbols in "Book of Changes" are "—" and "--", which are called "yao", "—" is a yang line, and "--" is a yin line.every three

One line forms one symbol, which is called "Gua", and the combination of Yin and Yang lines composes eight symbols, called Eight Diagrams, which are

Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui are the eight "Jing Gua".The two hexagrams of the gossip are repeated to form 64 symbols, which are 64 hexagrams, called "Bie Gua"

. Each of the 64 hexagrams contains six lines, so the "Book of Changes" consists of 384 lines.The arrangement of the six lines is from bottom to top with the beginning,

Two, three, four, five, and up indicate the position order, the yang line is called nine, and the yin line is called six.Gua Ci refers to the words and sentences explaining the hexagram images, and Yao Ci refers to

More than under the hexagram image, explain the words and sentences of the line image.The content of hexagrams and lines can be roughly divided into three categories: one is about the changes of natural phenomena,
It is used to compare personnel; the second is to talk about the gains and losses of personnel; the third is to judge good or bad.

Although "Book of Changes" is a divination book, it contains profound theoretical thinking and simple dialectical concepts in its mysterious form.

First, to a certain extent, it reflects the results of people's understanding of the opposite phenomena that existed in nature and society at that time.

There are more than 30 pairs of opposing concepts in the Book of Changes.Among them are: Thailand or not, modesty and Yu, loss and benefit, etc.these concepts
Concept is no longer simply used to distinguish specific things, but a phenomenon that combines different kinds of things in nature and society.

Include it and give a simple explanation.

Second, it believes that yin and yang are the root of all things in the world, representing the two most basic opposing forces in the world.

Like humans and animals, the world is produced by two sexes (namely yin and yang), and all things change in the contradiction between yin and yang forces.
When it reaches a certain stage, it will go to its opposite, which is the opposite of the extreme.

Third, under the premise of affirming the authority of the gods over human affairs, the "Book of Changes" pays more attention to the subjective initiative of people.

Of course, these simple dialectical ideas in "Book of Changes"

Thinking factor, from the level of theoretical thinking, has not yet got rid of the shackles of perceptual image thinking.

In the late Warring States period, the study of "Book of Changes" has gradually become a specialized knowledge, and some texts that systematically explain "Book of Changes"

The sequels were collected and merged into "Yi Zhuan".The rise of Confucian classics in the Han Dynasty formed the "Yi Xue" which specially interpreted the biography of "Book of Changes".

After more than [-] years, many schools have been formed, such as the school of mathematics and the school of righteousness. In modern times, some people confuse it with modern
modern natural science.Many famous philosophers have established their own philosophical systems based on the ideological materials provided by the "Book of Changes"

. "Book of Changes" not only specifically refers to the interpretation of the "Book of Changes" by Confucian scholars at the end of the Warring States Period or during the Qin and Han Dynasties, but also refers to the interpretation of the "Book of Changes" in subsequent dynasties.

Works interpreting the "Book of Changes", such as the annotations of the Book of Changes by Cheng Yi and Su Shi in the Northern Song Dynasty, and Yang Wanli in the Southern Song Dynasty.

"Yi Zhuan", also known as "Yi Da Zhuan", is the oldest commentary, explanation and supplement to "Book of Changes".
Complement and play, including "Zu", "Xiang", "Xian", "Classical", "Shuo Gua", "Xu Gua"

, "Miscellaneous Gua" has a total of ten chapters, so it was called "Ten Wings" in ancient times.

"Yi Zhuan" is the interpretation of "Book of Changes" in form

However, it often rises to the level of philosophy for generalization, and uses it to systematically

Explain the author's philosophical point of view. "Yi Zhuan" creatively puts forward the first Confucian system of the formation of the universe, and establishes the concept of "one
It is a simple dialectical system with a complete form as the core content. It has the following aspects:

First, the theory of the formation of the universe that "it is easy to have Tai Chi, and it is the birth of Liang Yi".

"Yi Zhuan" believes that the formation of the universe is an ever-evolving biochemical process.Therefore, "Xi Ci Upload" wrote: "Yi has Tai Chi

, It is to give birth to two appearances, two appearances give birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip. "This remark formally explains the method of divination. Since the "Yi Zhuan" is written
Some believe that divination is established in accordance with the natural evolution process, so what it symbolizes is the process of the expansion of the universe.

In addition, "Yi Zhuan" also discusses the six natural objects of wind (Xun), thunder (Zhen), mountain (Gen), Ze (Dui), water (Kan), and fire (Li).
Auxiliary role in the creation of all things.It is believed that after the birth of all things, under the cooperation of natural conditions such as mountains, wind, thunder, water and fire,

With use, all things can change and grow.

Human beings, like everything else, are products of the natural evolution of heaven and earth.After the creation of all things, human society emerged.human society is
produced after natural formation.

Second, "Book of Changes" has made a more systematic development of the dialectical thought of "Book of Changes".

It abstracts the concept of yin and yang as the highest category expressing the unity of opposites, and uses the viewpoint of interdependence and transformation between yin and yang to define

Summarize and summarize human knowledge about nature and society, and put forward the important proposition of "one yin and one yang are called Tao".

Third, about the view of harmony between man and nature in Yi Zhuan.

"Yi Zhuan" made a more comprehensive explanation of the relationship between heaven and man for the first time in the pre-Qin period, and proposed that "wealth makes heaven and earth, and complements heaven and earth."
"Theory of harmony between man and nature". "The Book of Changes" spoke highly of the role of human beings in nature, and referred to the status of man in nature as equal to that of heaven and earth.

The height of juxtaposition is collectively called "three talents" or "three talents".It is believed that the effect of human beings on all things can be compared with that of heaven and earth.
Standing in three is an indispensable condition for the creation of all things.Fully affirmed that since the emergence of human society, human beings have

The role played in the changes and developments established by the historical performance. The theory of "three talents" not only reflects the relationship between heaven and man

The awakening of rationality also reflects human beings' introspection and understanding of self-worth.

Fourth, the theological thought of Yi Zhuan.

It is worth noting that due to the limitation of the scriptures in the annotations, Yi Zhuan had to be limited to the scriptures in many places.

Although some amendments have been made to the statement of Destiny Theology, there are still some reservations.If it believes that a gentleman restrains evil and promotes good deeds
Because it is the performance of conforming to the sky, and you can get the good fate bestowed by the sky.Although it is proposed here that people can put
You control your own destiny, but you leave the final decision to God.

"Book of Changes" believes that "Book of Changes" contains all the truths of things in the world, reveals the truth of things, and integrates all the truths in human history.
All valuable creations are attributed to the enlightenment of hexagrams.And think that hexagrams will continue to inspire human creativity.

Civilization and cultural splendor

"Book of Changes" is an important philosophical work in ancient my country. As one of the most important classics of Confucianism, it is not only important to Confucianism

, and had an important influence on other schools and factions in ancient Chinese history.

Starting from their own standpoints and viewpoints, they give inheritance, transformation, interpretation and development in one way or another. Many of them have commented on "

Zhouyi to elucidate his own world outlook and methodology, thereby promoting the development of Chinese philosophy.Many of its ideas are

The development of dialectics in ancient China laid a theoretical foundation.

The content of "Book of Changes" extensively reflects the production and living conditions at that time, and is an important document for studying the history of this period.this
In addition, "Book of Changes" has high scientific value, and this contribution has had a great impact on the development of ancient Chinese astronomy, mathematics, and medicine.

It had a profound impact and inspired the creation of calculus and binary mathematics in the modern West. "Book of Changes" is a wonderful book today with its
Mysterious and mysterious, it still exudes a charming charm.

The mysterious and mysterious "Book of Changes" is indeed a very precious cultural heritage of China and the world.its treasures, yet to be

Because people continue to search and dig, it will emit more dazzling light.

(End of this chapter)

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