100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 30 An Arrow to Asceticism

Chapter 30: An Arrow to Asceticism

Chapter 29 A Sharp Arrow to Asceticism: "The Decameron"

10 young men and women lived in the countryside for 10 days to escape the Black Death, each told a story every day, 10 stories in 100 days
thing. "Ten Days Talk" satirizes the Christian church, praises people's ingenuity, advocates the liberation of individuality, and advocates freedom and equality.

wait.The author also tells us that love belongs to "people" through stories such as "Cute Green Goose", "Crazy Girl Practice", "Simon's Enlightenment" and other stories.
Human nature", pure love is not only the source of happiness, but also the driving force that inspires people to forge ahead.

"Ten Days Talk" by Humanities Writer

Boccaccio (1313-1375) was an outstanding humanist writer during the Italian Renaissance.his early writing, including poetry
and novels, all take love as the theme, and most of them
It is dedicated to Maria (Fiameda), the lover of his youth.However, he sometimes used ancient and legendary themes, and sometimes

Expressed with realistic themes.Its main content is to praise pure love and noble friendship, and to show the beautiful and happy life in the world.

live.At this time, he had already got rid of the flashy and polished writing style prevailing at that time, jumped out of the circle of church literature, and prepared himself for entering the mature stage of creation.

Prepared for art.His friend Petrarch also had a similar experience, Petrarch died in 1374, Boccaccio with
The same kind hurt each other, and the grief was abnormal, and he died of illness the following year.

Boccaccio's creations in his life are relatively rich, including novels, novellas, short stories and poems, but his most influential is the short story.
The collection of stories "Ten Days Talk".This collection of short stories was written between 1348 and 1358.It narrates the 1348 Florentine
There was a kind of black death disease, which spread rapidly and violently. There were many dead, reaching tens of thousands, and the residents of the city rushed to avoid it.There are 3 men, 7 women and 10 handsome and

Well-educated young people took refuge in a villa in the suburbs. For entertainment, each of them told a story every day for 10 days in total and 100 stories were told.
This story, hence the name "Ten Days Talk".Each of these stories is a short story, but they are combined into one, with a large loose space.

Criticizing the church against abstinence, abandoning divinity and praising humanity

The collection of short stories "Ten Days Talk" consists of 3 stories told by 7 young men and 10 girls within 100 days.its basic content
It is anti-church, anti-asceticism.And opposition to the Church often manifests itself in anti-asceticism, for asceticism is the
The central idea of ​​the bishop's teachings.

Asceticism is against human nature, and in Boccaccio's view, one of the basic points of human nature is the requirement for sex.fourth day
At the beginning of the story, a young man who grew up in the mountains and never saw a girl, went to Florence with his father and saw those beautiful girls.
The bright girl wanted to take one home.Although his father kept it from him that it was a "Green Goose," he insisted on one.

The tenth story of the third day is obscene,
But it shows that nature and humanity cannot be imprisoned.Those who fled to the uninhabited desert to practice asceticism and monks, as soon as they met a girl who ran away, they would
Unable to resist the torment of carnal desire, she had to abandon "divinity" and submit to "humanity".Thus "sacred" asceticism changed

A great joke that was ridiculed to the extreme.

In the "Ten Days Talk", from the Pope of Rome down to the male and female monks, while promoting abstinence, while secretly indulging in sexual desire.Boccaccio with permission
Many stories of adultery ridicule the hypocrisy of asceticism and reveal the inside story of the church's obscenity and corruption.third day story,

It is written that Bu Qiao believed in religion in his later years, and Feliz, a monk of the church, advised him to practice abstinence and penance.The place where he practiced asceticism was right next to him

The bedroom of the young wife, Isabeda, was separated only by a thin partition.While Bu Qiao was practicing asceticism, the monk
Tryst with his wife.One is abstinent, the other is indulging; behind abstinence is indulgence, and persuading others to abstinence is for oneself

Indulgence.The profundity and irony of this story are reflected here.

"Humanity" is a battle flag for humanists against "divinity" and a sharp weapon to expose the hypocrisy of the church.Bhagavan

When Yau used it, he often used it in an appreciative manner, describing ecclesiastical and secular adultery, and treating sexual relations as a reality of enjoyment.

The important and sometimes the only connotation of happiness.This is very important for attacking medieval Catholic teaching, especially for attacking the
The great center of international politics of the feudal system, the Roman Catholic Church, had a great fighting role;
The bourgeoisie itself had obscene thoughts from the very beginning, so that it spread into an unacceptable society in the society where the bourgeoisie was in power.

Lost corrupt and degenerate social atmosphere.

The story of the fourth day is the best exciting story in the Decameron.It follows on from the beginning of the day about the "Green Goose"

"The interlude of natural and human nature, raising love to social issues, is particularly brilliant. Prince Don of Salerno

Klein's only daughter, Kismonda, falls in love with the humble but noble Guscardo.Out of the notion of a powerful family, Tang Kelie
Guiscardo was hanged, his heart was dug out, and he presented it to Gismonda in a large golden cup.She took the gold cup and kissed the heart
, burst into tears, and finally committed suicide by taking poison.

The entire content of "Ten Days Talk" tortuously reflects the objective reality of fighting for power for the emerging bourgeoisie.use new standards to measure the
It is a fatal blow to the feudal rulers to come to the conclusion that they are all scumbags; to refute the

The feudal hierarchy and the concept of family status; using the inversion of the noble and the humble, and the incompetent people stealing the high position, pointed out the corruption of the society at that time—by
From this point of view, this book not only opposes abstinence and eulogizes love, but also puts anti-feudalism in a very prominent position.

"Ten Days Talk" is based on European medieval legends and oriental stories, but the author has made new changes and creations to them,
Integrating the realistic content of Italian social life at that time and the author's own humanistic thought.its main ideological tendency
It is to oppose the church and expose the greed, hypocrisy and shamelessness of the monks of the church, as well as the asceticism they practice.in the book

It describes the priest Feesole who seduces widows, and the priest Alberto who is caught and imprisoned on the spot for flirting with women.
Severely punish the nun who committed adultery and the abbot who committed adultery herself, and the priest Cipolla who deceived and stole money...

While exposing the corruption of the church, the authors also exposed the depravity, absurdity and
cruel.Such as the prince Tang Kelie who killed his daughter's lover and dug out his heart and gave it to her daughter to eat, causing her daughter to commit suicide by poisoning herself.

While exposing these scandals and atrocities, the rulers ruthlessly mocked the rulers and made them embarrass themselves, performing a
A farce came out, like the fourth story on the first day, about a little monk who seduced a peasant girl, but was discovered by the dean.

The little monk used a trick to get the dean to do the same thing, so the little monk escaped punishment.

"Ten Days Talk" openly pointed the spearhead at the holy church, slamming and mercilessly exposing all kinds of scandals of the church monks.

In the story of the first day, the Jewish businessman Abraham came to Rome because his friend Yannuo repeatedly persuaded him to convert to Christianity.

Visit the church.As a result, he found that whether the pope, bishop, or ordinary priests, "from top to bottom, there is no one who is not

Shameless, committing the crime of 'greedy'... Rome is not a holy capital, but a big city that accommodates all crimes

furnace. ’ But Abraham still decided to join Christianity, because the church was so pernicious, “It still stands,

On the contrary, it has been carried forward day by day. Doesn't this mean that Christianity is indeed more holy and blessed by the Holy Spirit than other religions? "

—What sharp and wonderful irony!One short story after another, using a teasing style of writing, depicts the monks who are superficially sanctimonious, but behind their backs.
The hypocrisy and despicable behavior of men and women who are thieves and prostitutes in the fields are exposed in broad daylight.

While focusing on exposing, criticizing and satirizing, the author strongly praises kindness, freedom and beautiful human nature, and advocates human equality and harmony.

Personal liberation.Encourage men and women to love freely, and advocate natural lust.In this way, an attack on the medieval nobility and the church was formed.

The great power of the joint autocratic rule clearly reveals the requirements of humanism with free individuality as the fundamental spirit.

Pornography and Pirates Are Popular in Western Europe

"The Decameron" had a profound impact on European literature, on the modern process of the West, and on the development of world thought and culture.In the text

In the history of science, it uses the structure of a big story within a small story, flexible and humorous language style, and has a strong influence on the creation of short stories in later generations.

has a huge impact. While anti-ascetic, "Ten Days Talk" made a bolder and naked description of the relationship between men and women
writing, which caused it to suffer from criticism and criticism in the history of literature, and some countries even regarded it as obscenity in certain periods.

And included in the banned book.However, from the perspective of normal people, these descriptions of Boccaccio are just the natural manifestations of natural life.

, there is nothing dirty at all.Moreover, this point is not without profound inspiration for modern writers to go deep into the relationship between the sexes.

In short, in the Decameron, the light of emerging bourgeois humanism shines everywhere. Immediately after the publication of the book in 1353

Popular in Western European countries.

Since Boccaccio injected new ideas and viewpoints of humanism, these spicy and humorous stories brought out a whole new world.
A great movement unprecedented in the history of human culture - the Renaissance.

Not only at that time, but also had a profound and huge impact on the later Renaissance and even the Enlightenment in the 18th century.this
This work is so militant that religious rulers fidget with thorns on their backs.They not only in front of Boccaccio
Persecuted him, destroyed him, and dug his grave when he was still insane after death, destroyed his tombstone, burned the "Ten Days Talk"
"version of.However, the name of this great Italian writer lives on forever. He is recognized as the pioneer of humanism and the most important figure of the Renaissance.
Early representatives. The Decameron occupies a very important position in the history of European literature.It created the pioneer of short stories in Western Europe.
, is the first realistic masterpiece in the history of European literature."The Canterbury Tales" by Chaucer in England, and in Nagor, France
"Seven Days Talk" imitated "Ten Days Talk" in writing.Shakespeare, Lessing, Goethe, Pushkin and many other great writers

All poets have drawn creative materials from the Decameron.

The Decameron is a development of short stories from the Middle Ages.It is longer than plot narration, but shorter than character creation, and its structure follows the example of "One Piece".
Thousand and One Nights, using the frame weaving method, one story connects another story, every ten stories form a group, more

There is a theme commander.It uses exaggerated, contrasting irony to good effect.The language is rich, concise, vivid and popular, with
The legacy of excellent Roman prose laid the foundation for Italian prose. After the "Ten Days Talk" was published, it was translated into many languages.
The realist literature of Western Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries had a great influence and opened the precedent for modern short stories in Europe.

From the death of Boccaccio to the mid-15th century, no important writer appeared. After the middle of the 15th century, Aliosto and Tasso had

A certain achievement, but it cannot be compared with Petrarch and Boccaccio.Italian humanist literature has moved toward


(End of this chapter)

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