100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 31 Chinese Long Chapter White Chapter Historical Fiction

Chapter 31 Chinese Long Vernacular Historical Fiction
Chapter 30 China's first full-length vernacular historical novel: "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is my country's first vernacular long historical novel.Describes the unpredictable political and military affairs of the Three Kingdoms period

Struggle with diplomacy, summed up the success or failure experience of each group, and emphasized the three main points of winning people's hearts, recruiting talents, and emphasizing strategy

element's extreme importance.There are more than 900 characters with names and surnames in the book, especially Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, etc.

, Zhou Yu,

Lu Su and others wrote the most successful.The work is written in half-literal and half-white language, "the text is not very deep, and the words are not very vulgar", concise and clear,
Both refined and popular tastes have always been praised.

According to the official history Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Luo Guanzhong in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties created this great work on the basis of official historical records and folklore (including operas and Pinghua).
The great historical novel "Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms".Gao Ru of the Ming Dynasty said in "Baichuan Shuzhi" that "Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms" "

According to the official history, collecting novels, soliciting essays and diction, mastering good fashion", this actually sums up the process of writing this novel.

The author of "Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is Luo Guanzhong, a great writer in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties.Luo Guanzhong (approximately 1330~1385), for the Shanxi Taitai

Yuanren, known as Huhai Sanren, rarely socialized with others in his life, and loved literary creation.It is generally believed that "Record Ghost Book Sequel" is the

It was written by Jia Zhongming.To Zhengjiachen is 1364 A.D., the 22nd year of Zhongming.As Luo Guanzhong, who is "forgotten friends" with Jia Zhongming

, when the year was Pentecost, it can be inferred that Luo Guanzhong was born around 1330.If the age of death is 70 years, the year of death should be 1385
years later.He is a great writer of novels and dramas. His existing works include "Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Sui and Tang Dynasties", "Romance of the History of the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties", "Pingyao Biography", and operas include "Song Taizu Dragon Tiger Phoenix Cloud Meeting".

Chen Shou's "Three Kingdoms" is the official history that records the history of the Three Kingdoms.Pei Songzhi in the Northern and Southern Dynasties quoted more than two hundred

He collected a variety of historical materials about the Three Kingdoms and made annotations for "Three Kingdoms", which greatly enriched the content of this official history. "Three Kingdoms" and Pei

Songzhi's notes are the most important historical basis for creating "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Furthermore, on the stage of drama that began to take shape in the Song Dynasty, there were already repertoires that dealt with the stories of the Three Kingdoms.

In the Yuan Dynasty, with

There are dozens of dramas based on the stories of the Three Kingdoms, and excellent works such as Guan Hanqing's "Single Sword Club" have also been produced.And to
"Quanxiang Sanguozhi Pinghua", one of the five kinds of Pinghua published during the Shunzhi period, is the finalized version of a story of the Three Kingdoms, which is basically confirmed.
It defined the pattern of the Three Kingdoms story, which was of great significance in the process of writing "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

The earliest edition of "Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that can be seen now is the engraved edition of the Jiajing Renwu Year (1522) in the Ming Dynasty, the so-called Jiajing edition.Complete
Book 24 volumes, 240 chapters, titled "Historical Biography of Chen Shou, Marquis of Pingyang in Jin Dynasty, edited by Luo Guanzhong later learned", formerly Yongyuzi (Jiang Daqi) Hongzhijia

Yin's "Preface" and Xiuranzi (Zhang Shangde)'s "Introduction" in the Renwu Year of Jiajing.

After the Jiajing edition, a large number of new editions appeared.During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, Mao Zonggang processed and revised the Jiayuan script, and set it as 120.
Hui, each time with a neat two-sentence recitation (originally a rough sentence), there is a long "Reading the Three Kingdoms" at the beginning of the volume

.Mao Zonggang's revised version has become the most widely circulated version of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Respecting Liu and Restraining Cao to entrust ideals

The story of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" began at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, that is, in 184, when various warlords and landlords suppressed the Yellow Turban Uprising.

After the vicious and brutal Dong

Zhuo also aroused the condemnation of the other 17 warlords.As a result, Dong Zhuo was killed and Cao Cao came to power.He took the emperor to order the princes, and flattened the north.

Fang Qunxiong, and then marched into the south of the Yangtze River.Liu Bei and Sun Quan jointly fought against Cao Cao, defeated Cao Cao in the battle of Chibi, and established the situation of the Three Kingdoms.

Since then, the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu have been fighting continuously, winning and losing each other.Finally, in 280, the Western Jin Dynasty destroyed Shu, replaced Wei, and destroyed Wu, and returned to unification

. "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" reflects the turbulent history of the above-mentioned hundred years.The novel focuses on depicting the Wei and Shu
, Wu Three Kingdoms sharp complex and thrilling political, military and diplomatic struggles, condemn Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao and other rebellious officials and thieves, praise

Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang and other wise masters expressed the orthodox thought of respecting Liu and suppressing Cao, as well as the desire to oppose division and seek unity.

This book was created by Luo Guanzhong in the Ming Dynasty by combining official history and folklore.The structure of the novel is huge and the layout is rigorous,

The clues are numerous and clear, the plot is twists and turns, and full of wit.There are more than 400 characters described in the book, many of whom have distinctive personalities.
The literary image of Ming Dynasty has become a well-known figure among women and children.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" clearly expresses the author's political ideal and the wishes of the people.Although there is a saying in the book that "when divided for a long time, it must be united".

However, the tendency to oppose division and support reunification is

Obvious.But what kind of person or political group should emerge to unify the world is the key to the ideological content of the book.

.Cao Cao in history played an active role in unifying the country; but what "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" bestowed on Cao Cao was treachery and cruelty

Not only did he write about his political character of "being a traitor under the pretense of being a prime minister in the name of a Han Dynasty", he also wrote about his character of being a traitor of the Han Dynasty by killing Lu Bo.
The extravagant family and other plots have written his moral character, thus creating a typical character with the theme of "I would rather let me lose the world, and don't make me lose the world."

The image of a traitorous hero with the creed of "Everyone in the world bears me" made him concentrate all the bad characters of feudal rulers. Opposite to Cao Cao
Another warlord, Liu Bei, in the author's writing, has all the good qualities and becomes a "death rather than injustice"

The wise and wise monarch is in stark contrast with Cao Cao.In this way, the tendency of "supporting Liu and opposing Cao" throughout the book is formed.
sex.In the works, Liu Bei loves the people like a son, is loyal and benevolent, respects the virtuous and corporal, and strives for the revival of the Han Dynasty all his life;
In the regiment, the monarchs and ministers are like brothers, and the generals are all loyal and righteous.Therefore, in terms of military and economic strength, they are not as good as Sun and Cao.
Under the situation, he was finally able to occupy Xishu and stand on a tripod with Sun Cao.For all this, the work is full of praise.Obviously, Liu Bei

And the entire Shuhan Group, in fact, is entrusting the political ideals of the author and the people, hoping to have a Mingjun like Liu Bei
, A virtuous minister like you Kong Ming, and let them unify the world.This is also the essence of the tendency of "supporting Liu and opposing Cao".Of course, so
The ideals and aspirations of the book have not been realized, and neither Liu Bei nor Zhuge Liang has completed the great cause of reunification. Therefore, the whole book has some kind of tragedy.

sex color.It is also a deep sustenance for the author to express such ideals and wishes when the Yuan and Ming Dynasties changed.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" enthusiastically extols loyalty, bravery and wisdom.The works have successfully shaped a group of people who are active in the political and military arena.

of outstanding figures.Guan Yu, as a famous general of the Shu Han, in addition to his bravery, more importantly his loyalty.He was trapped in Cao Ying, not for the sake of beauty
Moved by color; in order to find Liu Bei, he rode thousands of miles alone, passed five passes and killed six generals. This is his loyalty to Liu Bei.In order to express Guan Yu's
Righteousness, the work even writes that he Huarong explained Cao Cao's righteousness, and he does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy for righteousness.Zhuge Liang, in order to assist Liu Bei to create a great cause, a piece of

Loyalty, dedication, death.At the same time, he is the incarnation of wisdom, in the complex and complicated struggle, he has shown the superhuman strength.
predictability.For these, the works all give enthusiastic praise.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" also has obvious feudal dross.For example, the historical cycle theory and orthodox ideas strengthened in the Mao version
etc., are all backward feudal views of history.In addition, there are many descriptions of feudal superstitions in the works, which of course should be expected.
to deny.

The story of the Three Kingdoms affects future generations

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a long historical novel based on the historical stories of the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms era, is the first chapter in the history of Chinese literature.
Back to body novels.It has undoubted pioneering and exemplary value in the history of novels.

In the creation of historical novels, the first problem that needs to be solved is the conceptual arrangement of "virtual" and "real". "Three Kingdoms

"Created on the basis of official history and widely collected legends, combined fiction and reality, cleverly conceived, and achieved great success.clear
Ren Zhang Xuecheng said that "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has "seven realities and three falsehoods" and criticized it; but if you don't understand the mechanical quantity,
Then, perhaps it shows that the backbone and frame of the book are historical facts, while the specific plot and character

The frame is fictional: this is the success of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".For example, after visiting the thatched cottage three times, there is indeed a saying in the official history that "the first master Sui Yiliang,

Wherever you go three times, you see." The records in "Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang Biography" are historical facts, but the specific plot of "three visits" is not
It is completely fictitious based on historical data and legends.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has created a large number of lifelike characters.Especially some of the main characters, all of them have outstanding personalities,

The image is vivid, flesh and blood.This is just as what Mao Zonggang said in "Reading the Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms" "It is not surprising to see talent and not to be an enemy;

If you are against talent, you will be surprised.”

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is often regarded as an excellent ancient military literature.The battle of Chibi described in the works and other famous
Battle examples have not only become the subject matter of many later operas, but also an important reference material for the study of ancient Chinese military thought.

The language and writing style of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" are also very characteristic.Yong Yuzi (Jiang Daqi) said in the "Preface": "The text is not very deep, and the words are not deep.

Very vulgar, the facts are recorded in fact, and it is almost history.For everyone who wants to read and recite it, everyone can know it, just like the meaning of the so-called Lixiang ballads in "Poetry".

"Gao Ru's "Baichuan Shuzhi" said: "It is neither vulgar nor imaginary, easy to observe and easy to enter, not the ancient writings of Shi's family, but to pass on the spirit of humor...,
"The text is not very deep" and "not vulgar and not virtual" are the very prominent language characteristics of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Among the historical novels in our country, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has an unparalleled status in terms of great influence and wide spread. "

Taoyuan Jieyi", "Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage", "Heroes' Meeting", "Borrowing the East Wind", "Burning the Red Cliff", "Going to the Meeting Single-handedly", "

Stories such as "Empty City Plan" are brilliant and popular, and have always been well-known and popular in my country.

Of course, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" also has obvious failures in art.This is mainly to highlight a certain character in character creation.

Point and write too "too much" - too much to go too far.As Mr. Lu Xun said: "As for writing about people, there are quite a few mistakes, so that I want to show

Liu Bei is tall and thick and seems fake, like Zhuge is wise but close to a demon. "("A Brief History of Chinese Novels") In addition, some

Aside from the plot, it is obviously also a major shortcoming in art.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is an outstanding pioneering work among Chinese chapter novels, and it is also the most accomplished full-length historical novel in my country.

It not only shows a magnificent, strange and turbulent historical picture scroll, but also a wise and philosophical political and military history.

Book.According to records, peasant uprising leaders Zhang Xianzhong, Li Zicheng, Hong Xiuquan, etc. "all took the battle case in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" as their only

"One Secret Book", from which to learn the strategic thinking of attacking the city and conquering the land and fortifying against dangers combined with management and management, in the employment and decision-making

Learning, governing the masses, self-cultivation, contingency, strategy and other aspects were used for reference and exerted, and thus achieved success.For example in Japan, many companies

People in the industry highly praise "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and some large enterprises and companies use "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" when training administrative personnel.

Romance" is listed as one of the must-reads.

(End of this chapter)

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