100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 35 The Declaration of the Independence of the Natural Sciences

Chapter 35 The Declaration of the Independence of the Natural Sciences
Chapter 34 Declaration of the Independence of Natural Sciences: "On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres"

"Theory of the Movement of Celestial Spheres" overthrew the earth-centered theory that had ruled in astronomy for more than 1000 years with the scientific sun-centered theory, causing
It brought about a great revolution in human cosmology.Based on a large number of astronomical observation facts and the principle of relative motion, Copernicus explained
The apparent motion of the planetary motion, demonstrating that the sun is the relatively immobile center of the planets, and that the universe is infinite, proclaiming the theological cosmology
The bankruptcy of the universe marked an epoch-making leap in the process of human understanding of the universe.

Lifelong study of astronomy "On the Movement of Celestial Spheres" published

Nicolaus Copernicus was a great Polish astronomer in the 16th century. Copernicus was born in Torun, Poland on February 1473, 2

In 1491, Copernicus entered university studies at the age of 18.After school, he devoted himself to studying astronomy, mathematics and geography, etc.

course.In the age of Copernicus, the Renaissance movement had risen, and the thought of humanism deeply moved Copernicus' heart.
The new trend of thought on the Internet aroused his great enthusiasm. In 1496, Copernicus went to Italy to study, and Italy was his first astronomical observation.

The place.At that time, Italy's industry and commerce were very developed, and it was the birthplace of the Renaissance. Copernicus was influenced by ancient Greek philosophy.

Inspired by the theory of the heart, he accepted the new ideas of the Renaissance and laid the ideological foundation for the creation of the heliocentric theory.

After graduating from university in 1503, Copernicus returned to Poland from Italy. In 1503, he returned to Poland and became his master in Ritzberg

Jiao's uncle worked as a secretary and personal doctor, during which he founded the heliocentric theory and sent a manuscript of his theory to

Circulate to his close friends.Through observation and measurement, Copernicus wrote a short essay titled "Yao Shi" around 1512.

Clarified his heliocentric theory.

"Yao Shi" is not enough to fight against the powerful geocentric system. He is determined to devote the rest of his life to writing a more complete and more comprehensive book.
A mature treatise, used to dispel the fog that has long shrouded people's heads.After another 10 years of hard work, Copernicus

On the basis of a large amount of observation data, he finally wrote his immortal masterpiece "On the Movement of Celestial Spheres".When this book is poured with a lifetime of energy
When the finished work was finally published in May 1543 after many hardships, Copernicus, who was seriously ill, was relieved and passed away a few days later.
Open the world.

The Age of Heliocentric System Science

"On the Movement of Celestial Spheres" is divided into 6 volumes.Volume [-] is the essence of the whole book, which makes a comprehensive and concise exposition of the theory of heliocentric earthquakes.That
The specific content is:

Chapter 1 is about the spherical shape of the universe; Chapter 2 is about the spherical shape of the earth; Chapter 3 is about how the earth and water form a unity
sphere; Chapter 4 discusses the uniform and eternal circular motion or compound circular motion of the celestial sphere; Chapter 5 discusses whether the earth performs circular motion and whether the earth
The position of the ball; Chapter 6 is why the sky is bigger than the earth, and its incomparable; Chapter 7 is why the ancients believed that the earth lived in the center of the universe;

Chapter 8 is against the geocentric theory; Chapter 9 is about whether the earth still has a kind of motion and the center of the universe; Chapter 10 is about the celestial body
Order; Chapter 11 is the description of the three movements of the earth; Chapter 12 is the arc length of the circle; Chapter 13 is the side of the plane triangle
and angles; Chapter 14 is a spherical triangle.

In volume two, Copernicus discusses the alternation of day and night, the cycle of seasons, the rotation of the sun and the signs of the zodiac caused by the three movements of the earth.
Appearance and other phenomena.Volumes [-] to [-] use rich astronomical observation data and sophisticated mathematical tools to study the sun and moon respectively.
motions of the sphere, the planets in the solar system, and the outer planets, and gives mathematical methods for calculating their motions and predicting their positions

It must be explained that because the revolutionary significance of the first volume is the most profound, it has the role of rectifying the origins of religious theology and ideological ignorance.
It is mainly the first volume that has had a huge impact on human history.copernicus in

Kai Zongming
Righteously wrote: First, we should point out that the universe is spherical.This is because the sphere is the most perfect shape of all things;

Because this shape has the largest volume, it is suitable for covering everything; because the partial shapes of the universe, that is, the sun, moon, and stars, are all in this shape.
; for all things tend to this shape, like the drops of water and other liquids in the air.Therefore, no one doubts that the sky

should be given this shape.The earth is also spherical because it is at its own center in any direction.

The height of the celestial poles varies in direct proportion to the distances we measure on earth, which would never be the case if the earth were not spherical.thus

It can be seen that the earth is finite and spherical.Copernicus further stated that the eclipse that occurred in the evening in Poland was seen by the inhabitants of the east

No, and the residents in the west cannot see the solar and lunar eclipse that happened here in the morning.Eclipse at noon, our east dwelling
The people in the west see the time later than the residents in the west.Navigators have noticed that the sea is also of this shape.

Everybody knows
Therefore, water, like land, always tends to be low, and sea water will not flow beyond the limitation of the curvature of the earth to a higher place on the shore.

Therefore, the land is farther from the center of the earth than the sea is, insofar as it is higher than the sea.Therefore, Copernicus believed that the earth and water have a common

have the same center of gravity and coincide with the volumetric center of the earth.Because the continents are heavier and the fissures are filled with water, the water capacity
Much smaller than the land, although the area of ​​the water may be larger.The earth is united with the water that surrounds it, and its shape

Should be the same as its shadow.And during a lunar eclipse, it can be seen that the shadow of the earth is a series of ideal arcs.

Copernicus came to a revolutionary conclusion: the shape of the earth is exactly

It is a perfect circle as imagined by philosophers.

Regarding the motion of celestial bodies, Copernicus said that we should think that the motion of celestial bodies is circular motion.This is because the rotation
Motion is an inherent property of a ball, reflecting the spherical shape.The shape of the ball is characterized by simplicity, without a starting point,

There is also no end point, and the parts cannot be distinguished from each other when rotated.And the spherical shape is also caused by the rotation itself.But

Because there are so many celestial bodies, their movements are also varied.But the most obvious of all the movements is the Sunday rotation, the alternation of day and night.
.The Greeks believed that, except for the earth, the entire universe rotated from east to west in this way.This movement is the movement of all things in the universe
The public measure of motion, time is measured in days.There is also a movement from west to east that is opposite to the Sunday movement.

The sun, the moon and the five major planets all have this kind of movement, the year is determined by the movement of the sun, and the month is determined by the movement of the moon.

recognized time scale.The five planets also have similar cycles.But there are various differences in this movement of them.the earth is
Is it also doing circular motion?
You know, we're on Earth
Look at the rotation of the sky; if it is assumed that the earth is moving, it will appear that extraterrestrial objects are moving in the opposite direction.due sunday

The movement of rotation will also appear that the extraterrestrial object is moving in the opposite direction.Due to this motion of the diurnal rotation, other than the earth

It seems that the whole universe is slowly turning.If instead of assuming the movement of the sky, the earth turned from west to east, then all serious
Those who think seriously will find that our conclusion is correct.

Copernicus then explained the position of the earth.He said that almost everyone believed
, the earth is the center of the universe.

After explaining the motion and position of the earth, Copernicus explained its size.He said that the sky is bigger than the earth, and it is incomparably huge.Earth

This pet giant is still insignificant compared with the sky.The moon is the closest to the earth, and this space is sufficient for the moon

.The earth takes the moon around the sun between the orbits of other planets, one cycle per year; the center of the universe is close to the sun, and the sun is

At rest, any movement of the sun can be better explained by the movement of the earth, although the distance between the sun and the orbit of the planets
They are not too small in comparison, but the universe is so large that the distance between the sun and the earth is still insignificant compared with the distance to the fixed star celestial sphere

Copernicus also explained the order of the six planets discovered in the solar system at that time.He believed that the order of the celestial sphere from far to near
As follows: the farthest is the star sphere, which contains everything, and itself is motionless.It is a necessary parameter for the position and motion of other celestial bodies

test background.Some people think that it also has some kind of motion; but we will explain this change in terms of the motion of the earth.

release.Among the planets, Saturn is the farthest, turning around in 30 years; followed by Jupiter, turning around in 12 years; then Mars, turning around in two years
One week; the fourth is the earth that turns once a year and the moon that is with it.Venus ranks fifth, turning around in 9 months;

The sixth is Mercury, which turns around in 80 days.In the center is the sun.In this magnificent palace, in order to illuminate everything at the same time, we also

Can you put this light in a better position?The sun is called the lamp of the universe, the heart of the universe, and the master of the universe.

According to Copernicus, there are three kinds of motions of the earth: the first type of motion is that the earth rotates around the axis day and night from west to east, due to this motion
move so that the entire universe appears to move in opposite directions along the equator.The second movement is the anniversary of the center of the earth and everything on the earth
Rotate, that is, move from west to east on the ecliptic between the orbits of Venus and Mars.The third type of motion is the motion of the inclined plane.this kind

The motion is also an annual rotation, but it is prograde, that is, it is opposite to the geocentric motion because its motion is the same as the geocentric motion cycle and square
In the opposite direction, and cause the earth's axis and equator to always point in one fixed direction.

The main points of the heliocentric theory expounded in "On the Movement of Celestial Bodies" are: the earth is not a stationary celestial body, and it is not at the center of the universe

In terms of position; the earth is just an ordinary planet, which has both rotation and rotation around the central celestial body; the sun is at the center of the universe

, which illuminates the entire universe and governs the planets around it.

Ni's heliocentric system is completely based on reliable astronomical observation facts at a new stage of natural science development, and it operates
A systematic scientific theory established with rigorous mathematical methods.In the work "On the Movement of Celestial Spheres", it is reliable to
Experimental facts, rigorous mathematical methods, and theoretical knowledge systems have shown that modern natural science is fundamentally different from its ancient counterparts.

The characteristics of the budding generation.

The publication of "Theory of the Movement of Celestial Spheres" was an epoch-making event in the history of modern science. It correctly depicted a picture of the solar system.

It laid a solid foundation for the establishment of modern astronomy.The public publication of the heliocentric system declared the bankruptcy of the theological cosmology

.Therefore, when Engels evaluated the revolutionary significance of Copernicus's theory, he said that the immortal work of Copernicus

Publishing is a challenge book issued by natural science to religious authority, and a declaration by which natural science declares its independence.

(End of this chapter)

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