100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 36 The Romantic Fiction of Gods and Demons

Chapter 36 The Romantic Fiction of Gods and Demons

Chapter 35 Romance novel about gods and demons: "Journey to the West"

In a sense, "Journey to the West" is a novel with the characteristics and characteristics of Chinese culture, and it is the expression of various forms of Chinese culture.
The current image teaching material.The magical and miraculous artistic realm shown in the works also provides people with beautiful enjoyment.in real and imaginary
In the magical and magnificent description, the author organically combines reality and non-reality, and brings the story into a magical framework

, not only makes the story colorful, but also makes the plot bizarre and magical, making it hard to put it down.

classic novels of gods and demons

Wu Chengen (1500? ~ 1582?), styled Ruzhong, named Sheyangshanren.Born in Shanyang, Huai'an (now Huai'an County, Jiangsu), a novelist in the Ming Dynasty.

Wu Chengen was born in a family that was reduced from a school official to a businessman.
"Success", but he was not appreciated repeatedly, and he only made up a year-old Gongsheng student very late. He once served as a county magistrate in Changxing, and soon abandoned his official position and returned to the village. Shan
His comedic character and his love for unofficial anecdotes made him express his injustice and indignation towards reality in mythological novels. "Journey to the West"
"It was probably made when he was at home in his later years.

In 629 A.D. (Tang Taizong Zhenguan III), the monk Xuanzang (602-664) went to Tianzhu (India) to learn Buddhist scriptures. He trekked tens of thousands of miles and lasted seven years.
In ten years, more than 600 Buddhist classics were retrieved.This is a religious event of great historical significance, but also a rich adventure

nature of international exchanges.After returning to Chang'an, Xuanzang taught his knowledge every day, and his disciples wrote "Da Tang Western Regions" based on the opportunity.later by
His disciples Huili and Yancong wrote "The Biography of Master Tripitaka of Daci'en Temple in Tang Dynasty".

Xuanzang went through all kinds of hardships and dangers in the process of learning Buddhist scriptures, which itself has a strong legendary color.
There are mythical stories inserted, so Xuanzang's quest for Buddhist scriptures has become a historical story rich in religious myths widely circulated among the people.In Song Dynasty,

The art of "talking" is prevalent, and there are so-called "four schools of thought".
theme.There is also the zaju "Journey to the West" by Yang Jingxian in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties.

Volume 13139 of "Yongle Dadian" contains a story of "Dream Cutting the Jinghe Dragon". The plot is similar to Wu Chengen's "Journey to the West" ninth

The first half is roughly the same; in addition, the North Korean Chinese textbook "Pu Shi Tong Yan Jie" written earlier than "Yongle Dadian"

, as a comparative reading in Chinese and Korean, it also selects the text telling the story of Journey to the West, and notes its source as "Journey to the West"
".These two materials can show that there must be a Pinghua-style work telling the story of Journey to the West, and its time is the latest

When it was in the early Ming Dynasty.Wu Chengen in the middle of the Ming Dynasty was based on the above-mentioned historical facts, legends, scripts, dramas and a fairly complete Pinghua.
In fact, after re-creation, this novel of gods and demons "Journey to the West" was written.

One teacher and three apprentices learn from the path of heroism

"Journey to the West" is a full-length novel of gods and demons full of romanticism written by Wu Chengen on the basis of his predecessors' creations.

The book consists of 100 chapters and consists of three parts.The first seven chapters describe the birth of Monkey King and the havoc in the Heavenly Palace, which is the most exciting part of the book;
Twelve chapters, writing about Tang Seng’s birth and the origin of learning scriptures; No.13 returns to the end of the book, writing about Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, Sand Monk protecting Tang Seng

The experience of going to Xitian, Monkey King slaying monsters along the way, one teacher and three apprentices went through hardships, arrived in Xitian, and finally became a "right fruit".this
It is the main part of "Journey to the West".

In this work, the most commendable is the image of Monkey King.Sun Wukong is a monkey born out of a rock.he has no father
No mother, no worries, no worries, after learning a whole body of skills, enter the Dragon Palace to get the baby Ruyi stick, enter the Netherworld Senluo Palace, and live and die

In the book, he and monkeys are listed as "but those who are famous will be hooked up", and he threw down the book and said: "I'm accounted for! Accounted for! This time I won't subdue you
Nevermind! "This is a very important one: the secular society has always been superstitious that everyone is bound by the book of life and death in the hands of Hades, but Monkey King
Completely get rid of this constraint and become an unrestrained, truly "immortal" who is beyond the three realms and not in the five elements.then

The heavenly palace was making a big disturbance, and the heavenly soldiers and generals were helpless.The Jade Emperor had no choice but to adopt a policy of appeasement, recruiting Wukong to the Heavenly Palace, and enshrining him as the emperor.

"Bi Mawen".When Monkey King understood the meaning of "Bi Mawen", he returned to Huaguo Mountain in a rage, and set up the "Equal to Heaven" tree.
The Heavenly Soldiers came to arrest him, but he was defeated. The Jade Emperor was forced to make him the "Sage Equaling Heaven" in an attempt to "receive him

If you don’t have the evil heart, you will not be arrogant.” But the goal was not achieved, and Monkey King made a big peach party in Tiangong and returned to Huaguo Mountain.
Finally, the Jade Emperor subdued Sun Wukong with the help of Tathagata Buddha.This Sun Wukong, who is making troubles in the Heavenly Palace, is a man full of rebellious spirit.

The shining phenomenon of God.He is supernatural, fearless, despises all authority, and pursues absolute freedom, which reflects extremely strongly.

The anger and resistance of the author and the broad masses of the people against the dark reality of feudal society, at the same time, it also shows the author's heroism towards our nation.

passionate praise of doctrine.Sun Wukong was subdued by the Tathagata Buddha, and later he was put on a tight band on his head, which more vividly expressed the dark situation.

The historical fact that the power of the Chinese nation is strong and the intelligence of the Chinese nation is imprisoned highlights the tragedy of the Chinese nation.

In the process of protecting Tang Monk from the West to learn Buddhist scriptures, Monkey King slays monsters and eliminates monsters, helps those in need, overcomes ninety-nine and 81 difficulties, and finally completes the mission.
The great cause of learning from scriptures.The image of Monkey King has been given a new meaning.Among the demons who hinder the study of scriptures, many are disguised,
But Monkey King always kept a clear head, and with his piercing eyes, he saw through all kinds of disguises time and time again.
Eliminate false appearances, "beat" out the original form of demons, and eradicate them completely.The most typical example in the book is the Three Dozens of Bone Demons.also,
In the process of eliminating demons, Sun Wukong has to overcome resistance from Tang Seng and even Bajie from time to time. For this, he has suffered great entrustment.
Yi, made a great sacrifice.However, this did not shake his determination to eliminate demons.The purpose of Sun Wukong to eradicate demons is mainly to

In order to protect Tang Seng to the west, but at the same time, it is also to save the people of Li and eliminate harm for the people.In short, along the way to eliminate demons

The strange Monkey King shows the precious spirit of eliminating all evil and doing everything.People's love for the image of Sun Wukong is also because of the

Appreciation for this precious spirit.

"Havoc in Heaven" is the most exciting chapter in "Journey to the West", and it is also one of the most realistic chapters in the whole book.the sky in the text
The Jade Emperor, various myths, and the "Peach Conference" where Sun Wukong disturbed the Jade Mother are all written with ups and downs and fascinating.

The characters are more vivid.The work successfully shaped a monkey
Like an elephant, he has both a social personality and the magic power of a god and demon, unpredictable, and at the same time has some characteristics of monkeys, such as anxiety.

Irritability, agility, etc., Wu Chengen harmoniously integrated these, making the image of a monkey who is witty, bold, and daring to fight come alive.

superior.At the same time, Monkey King is the organic unity of monkeys, gods and humans.The gods and Buddhas in the sky, both with people's imaginary gods

The appearance of the Buddha also has the character characteristics of the feudal rulers in the world, such as the fatuous, cunning and domineering.

During the spread of the "Journey to the West" story, Tang Seng's image and status have changed: from the main role to the secondary role;
From a positive image full of magic, it has become an object of criticism to a certain extent.In "Journey to the West", Tang Seng

It shows the religious morality of benevolence and charity, but at the same time it also shows the pedantic incompetence of not distinguishing right from wrong, and not distinguishing the truth from the false.
This kind of incompetence also constitutes a satire on religious creeds.In a sense, the image of Tang Seng is not so much a monk.
Couple, it is better to say a corrupt Confucianism.Bajie has an honest and lovely side, but at the same time he is greedy for immediate interests, fond of
The fault of being lazy.In many ways it stands in stark contrast to Goku.In the work, this is a well-meant mocked by the author
image.Drifting Monk is an image of a loyal and honest traveler, who only wants to escort his master to the west, and his spirit of hard work and hard work,

It embodies the simple quality of the working people in ancient my country.

The highest achievement in the world

Lu Xun said that "Journey to the West" "sarcasm and teasing are based on the state of the world at that time".In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Daoliu Yuke was highly respected, and he became an official with alchemy.

There are many glorious people.However, "Journey to the West" rarely talks about Taoism, and the perfunctory Buddhist stories are also disrespectful.
The above is the confluence of the three religions, just as Lu Xun said: "Sakyamuni and Laojun are in the same stream, and the true nature and the primordial spirit are mixed together, so that the disciples of the three religions can follow each other.
It should be attached. "If we regard the incompetent Jade Emperor and the entire group of gods in "Journey to the West" as the faint
The symbol of the ruler and the ruling group, the demons and the monsters are regarded as the symbol of treacherous officials, cruel officials, and local gentry.

The pen of "ridicule" is pointing to the dark reality of the entire feudal society.

In the history of Chinese literature, "Journey to the West" is undoubtedly a novel of gods and demons with the highest artistic achievement.

Rich imagination and bold exaggeration make the works full of strong romantic color.Sun Wukong's 72 transformations, a somersault one hundred and eighty thousand
Thousands of miles away, golden eyes, changeable golden cudgel, plantain fan that can fan out the flames of the Flame Mountain, etc., all show the author's amazing


In terms of art, several artistic images such as Wukong and Bajie are worthy of praise.

They have not only the natural attributes of animals, but also the thinking and feelings of human beings, and the two have reached a perfect unity.Monkeys are more sensitive
Sun Wukong's appearance and movements are completely monkeys, but he is also a very smart "person".Therefore, people

The dual attributes of monkey and monkey have just reached a harmonious unity in Wukong.Similarly, Bajie's appearance and movements are pigs,

His human thinking and emotions are clumsy and slow. Therefore, the dual attributes of humans and pigs are also reflected in Bajie.
The body is very coordinated.One is a "human" who is as elf as a monkey, and the other is a "human" who is as clumsy as a pig.
level of art.

Lu Xun said in "Journey to the West" that "every miscellaneous solution to the problem".In modern times, some scholars have also emphasized its "playful pen and ink" and "humorousness".

, as the artistic style of "Journey to the West", this is very prominent.The main characters in the works, such as Wukong and Bajie, whether they are

Shrewd or clumsy can have comical qualities.The language of the work, whether "character" language or narrative language, is also

Very humorous. The effect of "sarcasm and ridicule" in "Journey to the West" is achieved through this funny and humorous artistic technique


"Journey to the West" has been widely spread since its publication, and there are many versions.Many characters and stories in the book have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
household name.Many literati have written many articles around "Journey to the West".Some abridged it into "Tang Sanzang Journey to the West Biography of Shi'er"

, some imitated "Journey to the West Biography"; various sequels appeared one after another, such as "Continued Journey to the West", "After Journey to the West", "Journey to the West"

"Ji Sui" and so on, and so on.The book also aroused people's interest in the theme of gods and monsters, and many novels on the theme of gods and monsters were influenced by it
And creation comes out.The influence of "Journey to the West" abroad is also quite extensive.according to
According to incomplete statistics, there are translations of "Journey to the West" in more than 20 languages ​​in the world, which shows that "Journey to the West" has really gone global.

(End of this chapter)

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