100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 39 The End of Chivalry

Chapter 39 The End of Chivalry

Chapter 38 The final work of chivalry literature: "Don Quixote"

"Don Quixote" is of great significance to the development of European novels and marks a new stage in the development of European novels.

part.The works pay attention to shaping the character of the characters and weaving the plot, and express the complexity of the characters through the alternation and development of the plot

The main method of creating a typical work is to use exaggerated and comic expressions to highlight the character characteristics of the characters.

"Don Quixote" Chivalry Novel

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, a famous Spanish writer, was born in 1547 in a poor village in central Spain.

A noble family has experienced ups and downs.One of the great humanist literary masters of the Renaissance.

Cervantes began literary creation in the 16s.

The first volume of Don Quixote was published in 1605.

The second volume of Don Quixote was published in 1615.

He died suddenly in Madrid in 1616, after publishing his last novel, The Adventures of Bercheres and Sismonda.

"Don Quixote" is the masterpiece of Cervantes, which is a work reflecting the social reality of Spain from the perspective of humanism.

Taste.With humor and irony, he exposed and flogged all kinds of ugliness in the Spanish Middle Ages, and pointed out that the feudal society inevitably
dying trend.

Cervantes publicly stated his purpose in writing this book in "Don Quixote": "My purpose is nothing more than to make the world hate the absurd.

Knight novels". As a product of medieval chivalry, knight literature is a concentrated reflection of chivalry in the mature stage of feudal society.

reflect.By the early 17th century, it had already become a historical relic in various European countries.However, the Spanish feudal rulers
In order to meet the needs of establishing autocracy and external expansion, they still tried their best to promote chivalry.Therefore, beautify reality, deify knights' feats, and deify knights' morality.

German idealized chivalry literature was all the rage in Spain at this time, flooding it.Cervantes was deeply aware of the danger of chivalry literature
Harmful, determined to "eliminate the prestige and influence of knight novels in society and among the masses", and make the absurd knight novels

Learn to "clean up".So in "Don Quixote", he exposed the absurdity and danger of the knight legend to his heart's content, and ridiculed
Knight ideal and chivalry system.It fights fire with fire, deliberately imitating the technique of chivalry literature, and vividly depicts Don Quixote.

The ludicrous fascination with chivalry novels, and all kinds of grotesque adventures resulting from it, satirizes the ranger knight

All kinds of absurd acts of knights, so people can't help laughing, completely denying knight literature.

knight ranger absurd pathetic

The full name of "Don Quixote" is "The Gentleman with Fantastic Fantasies, Don Quixote de la Mancha".

It describes a dilapidated little nobleman named Quijano in La Mancha, Spain. He is almost 50 years old and because of reading knight novels

Fascinated, he built a fictional world of knights in his own mind.So I got an old helmet
Put on armor, hold a spear, mount a lean horse, named himself Don Quixote, and the lean horse Losinante, so as to imitate the knight
According to the usual practice, I imagined a pigherd girl as a noble lady as my lover, and I went to find a farmer named Sancho Panza as a servant.Everything is ready, go out of the house, and go knight-errant according to the plot of the knight novel.don quixote is completely lost
Feeling of reality, living in a fantasy world created by him.He was full of whimsical thoughts in knightly legends, and
Fantasy as reality; in his ranger "adventure" experience, countless ridiculous things happened.He regards windmills as giants,

Using hotels as castles, imagining sheep as an army, many ordinary things in real life are imagined by him as legends in knightly legends.
Fantastic phantom, he got carried away and rushed to kill without hesitation, getting bruised and bruised all over his body, and suffered a lot.Even so, he still does not wake up
Enlightenment, insisting that all this is caused by the magician and his opposition.He went out to range three times before and after, and it was not until his death
Wake up, recognize the absurdity and deceitfulness of knight novels, and make a will, his family property will be inherited by his niece, but there is one condition,
If she marries, she must choose a man who has not read any novels of chivalry.In this way, the work "Don Quixote"
This work not only satirizes the knight novels that were rampant in Spain for a while, but also effectively attacks the outdated knight system and decadent feudalism.


Among the works, Don Quixote is a very contradictory and complex artistic model.He is a satirical image of a fallen nobleman.his head

My mind is full of wonders,

He is a

A fighter who strives for ideals.He defended truth and justice with extraordinary courage, with unshakable belief and indomitable will

Spirit.He pursued freedom, yearned for equality, opposed feudal privileges, and sympathized with the oppressed people.

He to
Sancho drew a blueprint for a "golden age" in which property is common, everyone is prosperous, peace and friendship, survival and enjoyment.this itself
It contains his criticism of feudal tyranny and his hatred of the world where "the world is declining and evil is rampant".

Somerset Maugham commented: "Humans

Never before has the imagination created a character who resonates so deeply with noble humanity as he (Don Quixote)
. "

It can be seen from this that Don Quixote is a dual image, both sublime and great, and at the same time ridiculous,

Poor side.His progressive thinking is expressed in the form of outdated and reactionary chivalry.walk in feudalism

In the era of decline, he only dreamed of restoring chivalry and idealizing chivalry. This is a historical mistake in itself.
Necessarily makes him an antiquated, comical character.He is divorced from reality, and everything starts from imagination.his motives are good

Good, but not understood by others, often get the opposite result to the wish, and even cause disasters to others.

He subjectively wants to uphold justice, but his actions are often unjust,
Actions always end in failure, and I have suffered and been ridiculed.From the dual character of Don Quixote can be
It can be seen that this is a true reflection of the social contradictions in Spain in the transitional era between the old and the new, and it is the relationship between the ideal of humanism and the reality of Spain.
contradiction.This contradiction will inevitably lead to the protagonist's tragic ending.

Contrary to Don Quixote, Sancho is illiterate, but he is more correct and smarter than the learned Don Quixote in every way.

He embodies the shortcomings of small private owners such as selfishness, narrowness, and short-sightedness.

Excellent quality of kindness, hard work and hard work.He clearly realized that Don Quixote's behavior was absurd, and thought of the generosity and loyalty of his master.
The advantage is that you have to be loyal to the end despite all hardships, and not betray you.

Yet Sancho's character develops and changes.With the journey of the ranger, his mind has become broadened, and he has gradually overcome the difficulties of being practical and realistic.
The habit of the practical, prudent small proprietor.During his tenure as the "governor", he judged cases fairly, enforced the law like a mountain, and had a clear distinction between love and hatred.
Showing great ingenuity, the desire to make a fortune has been replaced by a great passion to transform reality.

At this time, Sancho has become magnanimous and open-minded, which reflects his character as a man.
Dignity and a moral victory.

satirical classic handed down masterpiece

Born in Spain in the 17th century, "Don Quixote" spans time, space, and borders. For centuries, it has traveled all over the world.

It was warmly welcomed by people of all nationalities.

Cervantes' "Don Quixote" is "one of those masterpieces that make you blush if you haven't read it, and appreciate it even if you can't enjoy it."

"Don Quixote" is an excellent satire.Its ironic art is very unique.It deliberately adopts the technique of chivalry novels, with

To achieve the purpose of satirizing the knight system and knight novels.The absurdity of the whole process and the piety and conviction of Don Quixote constitute a

became profoundly ironic.

"Don Quixote" adopts contrasting techniques to shape the characters.Don Quixote and Sancho are a pair of opposite and complementary images.one

One is tall and thin, the other is short and fat; one rides a thin horse and holds a spear, with a sad face;
One is crazy and fantasizing, the other is sober and practical.The stark contrast makes the characters' comedic features more prominent

.In terms of language use, Cervantes also used a lot of contrasting techniques.On the one hand, deliberately imitating the tone of a knight and putting on airs;

On the one hand, it is the real language of the people. Don Quixote's crazy words and Sang Bing's truth complement each other everywhere.Furthermore, real life
The contrast between vivid details and bizarre illusory images, the contrast between absurd and funny farce scenes and unpretentious real life pictures, etc.
Both deepen the ironic meaning of the work.

The structure of the novel is based on the journey of a knight-errant, interspersed with some stories that are independent and related to the theme as supplements, deepening the novel's

Theme of.However, the interspersed stories are too lengthy and often interrupt the continuity of the main line, resulting in a lack of rigorous structure.
It is the shortcoming of the work.

Cervantes portrayed the character in an exaggerated and idealized way. On the one hand, the writer laughed at his outdated ridiculousness.
On the one hand, he expresses the ideal of humanism through him.The times did not provide writers with an ideal to transform society
It is impossible to point out a correct path to the ideal, and he can only pin his hope on the idealized knight.this is the time
The limitations of the times are also the limitations of Cervantes himself.

The social significance of "Don Quixote" has gone far beyond the writer's purpose of satirizing knight legends, and has a deeper and wider content.

It broadly and profoundly reflects the true picture of Spanish social life at the end of the 16th century.

"Don Quixote" marks that the creation of modern European realistic novels has entered a new stage.

And "Don Quixote" has also become a term with a highly typical and specific meaning--a term that has become an inconsiderate, misbehaved
It is synonymous with being out of routine, indulging in fantasy, pedantic and stubborn, and lagging behind the historical process. This artistic image is indeed immortal.


(End of this chapter)

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