100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 52 The Highest Achievement of Chinese Classical Literature

Chapter 52 The Highest Achievement of Chinese Classical Literature

Chapter 51 The highest achievement of Chinese classical literature: "Dream of Red Mansions"

Chinese people mention "Dream of Red Mansions", just like Italy mentioned Dante's "Divine Comedy", the British mentioned Shakespeare's plays, Russian
The Chinese mentioned Tolstoy's "War and Peace".

"Dream of Red Mansions" set up an excellent model and model for future writers

elephant.Many famous writers cannot forget the kindness of "nurturing" in "Dream of Red Mansions" when summarizing or introducing their own creative experience.want
When studying Chinese literature, "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a well-deserved first-choice must-read.

Fallen family background "Dream of Red Mansions"

The novel with the highest achievement in the history of ancient Chinese literature is "Dream of Red Mansions". Its author is the great
Writer Cao Xueqin, continued by Gao E. The author of "A Dream of Red Mansions" Cao Xueqin (1715? ~ 1763?) was named Zhan, and the word Mengruan
, No. Xueqin
, also known as Qinpu and Qinxi.Cao Yin, Xueqin's grandfather, has been weaving in Jiangning for the longest time and is most trusted by Kangxi.Because Cao Yin himself has
He has a high level of cultural accomplishment, can write poems, likes to collect and engrave books, and has a high reputation in Jiangnan Wen, and has also made many contributions to Kangxi.

Fu literati's work.Kangxi made six tours to the south, four of which were stationed in Huajiang Ning Zhizao Mansion, which made Cao's family bright and popular.this
All facts show that the Cao family in the Nanjing era was not only prosperous and prominent, but also had a rich cultural atmosphere.The great writer Cao Xueqin
was born in such a family.

In the 51st year of Kangxi (1712), Cao Yin died of illness, and his sons and nephews Yong and Fu took over as Jiangning weaving. 1722
Years, Emperor Kangxi died.Depend on
Yu Cao's family inevitably participated in the conflicts and struggles within the ruling group and even the royal family, and for some other reasons (such as Jiang
Ning weaving a large number of shortfalls), soon after Yongzheng came to power, he began to investigate Cao's family.In the sixth year of Yongzheng (1728), Cao's family was
After returning to Beijing, his family declined.During the Qianlong period, it was hit again and completely defeated.Xueqin has experienced great changes in the ups and downs of her family, and she is ready to taste

The world is warm and cold.Lived in Beijing as an adult, and lived in the western suburbs in his later years, poor and destitute, "eat porridge with the whole family", and wrote the book "Dream of Red Mansions"

, Died in 1763.

"A Dream of Red Mansions" was originally called "The Story of the Stone".When Xueqin was alive, it was handed down in manuscript.Due to the manuscript after the 80th chapter, in the streaming

"Lost" in biography and "borrowing", so for a long time, it was circulated only 80 times.In the 56th year of Qianlong (1791),

Gao E combined the last 40 rounds he wrote with the first 80 rounds he had modified, and Cheng Weiyuan printed them in letterpress.the second year
(1792), and printed again (many changes were made to the text), so there are 120 chapters of "Dream of Red Mansions" in the world.these two

The printed versions are called Cheng Jia and Cheng Yi respectively.Gao E denies that the last 40 chapters are his sequels, and falsely claims that he has found Xueqin's original manuscript.

After years of textual research, it has generally been determined that the last 40 chapters were actually written by Gao E.

After the publication of the Cheng edition, there appeared a variety of printed editions of more than [-] chapters, such as Wang Xilian's "The Complete Biography of the New Commentary on Embroidered Images of a Dream of Red Mansions", Zhang

Most of these printed copies are based on Cheng's version, such as "Miaofuxuan's Commentary on Stones", Yao Xie's "Additional Commentary on Supplementary Maps to Stones", etc.

Prosperity and decline of the Hehe family are not lovers who do not shed tears

"A Dream of Red Mansions" was produced in the "prosperous age" of Qianlong, but the book focuses on the irreversible decline of the Hehejia Mansion.pregnancy
In the "prosperous age", the author can write about the declining society, which is obviously a deep grasp of the characteristics of the times.in the book

The Jia Mansion has been proud for a hundred years, and it has begun to decline.Among the male masters of Rongning and Ningfu, whether it is "Wen"

There is no one who can support the crisis of Jia's mansion that is about to collapse.is to have a grandfather
The legacy of Jia Zheng is actually nothing but a hypocritical corrupt scholar, and Zhen and Lian are even more sensual and sensual prodigal sons.
It is "one generation is not as good as one generation".The only thing that is different is Jia Baoyu. Although he is not a "prodigal son", as a feudal
The rebel who built Confucianism not only cannot become the "Lord of ZTE", but on the contrary, his thoughts, words and deeds are violently impacting

With this Jia family, he is the rebel of this "family".Jia Zhu, who is praised in the book, may be the one who can inherit the family business

However, he died before the book was opened, which may be the intention of the author.In this situation, Rong

The power of the mansion fell into the hands of Mrs. Wang and Wang Xifeng, and Wang Xifeng, as a typical person whose life purpose was to pursue money and power,

Characters, his perverse actions are actually accelerating the collapse of Jia's mansion.In short, there is no hope for the Jia family.

The protagonist of "A Dream of Red Mansions" is Jia Baoyu, a rebel from the feudal class.Baoyu is both a favorite and a prisoner in Jia's mansion.other title

Born of jade, it has a peculiar origin, which makes the Jia family headed by Jia's mother look at him differently, and regards this "precious jade" as a treasure.

"The root of life"; coupled with his "elegant look" and "beautiful beauty", he was regarded as the jewel in the palm of his ancestors and loved by his ancestors.

An exception allowed him to "hang around inside the curtain" and live with his sisters in the Grand View Garden.But on the other hand, due to Jiamu, Jia
Zheng and Mrs. Wang placed great hopes on him, asking him to read the books of sages and take the road of "being an official and eunuch".

Strict discipline, even merciless reprimand and beatings, made Jia Baoyu deeply feel the pain of losing his freedom.

It was in this situation of being both a darling and a prisoner that he witnessed scenes of scandals and tragedies happening around him, which made him

He has a special and deep feeling about life.Jia Baoyu hates reading and taking exams, chasing fame, once advised him to pay attention to "official career path"
Ji", he was immediately denounced as "bad talk" and "separated" from it.

Jia Baoyu has a progressive thought that completely opposes "male superiority to female inferiority".He believes that "daughters are flesh and blood made of water, and men are made of mud."

"The essence of the mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon, is only fond of daughters, and men with eyebrows and eyebrows are nothing more than scum and scum." These words sound like
It seems to be "overcorrecting", but it fully demonstrates the thoroughness of opposing male superiority and female inferiority.In the Grand View Garden, every unfortunate
Women, whether they are his sisters or maidservants, arouse his great concern and sympathy.

Baoyu's rebellious thoughts are more concentrated in marriage and love.The love tragedy between Baoyu and Daiyu is the central theme of "Dream of Red Mansions".

heart plot.The ruler of the Jia family, according to the principles of feudal ethics and family interests, must choose a wife for Baoyu "Xue Baoyu".

Hairpin", and confirmed that this is a "good match". But Jia Baoyu only has Lin Daiyu in his mind. Baodai and Baodai have lived together since childhood.

Together, the love between them is neither "the order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker", "the right family", nor "the love at first sight".

Love" and the general "talent and beauty", but a sincere love based on common thoughts and tastes.

And their common thoughts and tastes contain a strong opposition to feudal ethics and customs, and the pursuit of individual liberation and equal freedom.

by the essence of democracy.Therefore, their love itself is rebellious, and its ending is destined to be tragic.

Lin Daiyu is another important character in this book. She has no father or mother, and lives under the fence. The third chapter of "The Story of the Stone" in the Jiaxu edition
It is: "Rongguo Mansion adopts Lin Daiyu", Zhi Ping said, the word "adoption" is "too desolate", which just points out the relationship between Daiyu and Lin Daiyu.
Jia's relationship and Daiyu's status in Jia's.It is this status that makes Daiyu have the so-called "little nature" character.she
Sentimental, sick and crying, even sometimes overly sensitive and "unforgiving".

Daiyu is talented and intelligent, she has a rich inner world, and she can write touching poems.She is like Baoyu

, contempt for feudal morality, fame and fortune, she not only never disagrees with all kinds of ugly people and things in Jia's mansion, but also always gives them
ridicule ridicule.Her love for Baoyu is deep and persistent. Although she has already seen the difficulty of this love, especially the "golden jade"
However, she is still pursuing it, and in the end she is willing to sacrifice her life. She is both fragile and strong

Baoyu and Daiyu are two young men and women in the ancient and decadent feudal society. Their thoughts, sentiments and love are fully developed.
It shows the progress and beauty of human social life; and in the specific historical period of the alternation of old and new, it also indicates that

Rarely visible light.This is the fundamental reason why "Dream of Red Mansions" is far higher than "Jin Ping Mei" and other human novels.

The pinnacle of literary treasures and art

The masterpiece "Dream of Red Mansions", like an exquisite long scroll, comprehensively shows the face of Chinese feudal society in the 18th century, and is used as a masterpiece
The artist's unique feelings about life, and art expresses his views on society and life.It is not a history textbook, but it is

It made a conclusive description of the ancient feudal society; it is not a "prophet", but it ruthlessly exposes the darkness of reality and at the same time

The image heralds the faintly visible light.There is no preaching or debate in the book, but it praises the truth and poetry, and satirizes the falsehood.
False and ugly.

Throughout the whole book "Dream of Red Mansions", it describes the story of an aristocratic family.
Big things, more like a trickle of small things.Among major events, some are manifested as "scenes" and "momentum", such as concubine Yuan visits relatives, can
Qing's death; some manifested as intense conflicts involving many people, such as Baoyu being beaten, copying and inspecting the Grand View Garden, etc.these big things,

For artistic plots, not only their specific writing techniques are different, but also their aesthetic tastes are also different.

In the book "Dream of Red Mansions", the successful description of the little things in daily life is its unique achievement.every frown and smile

Words, two handkerchiefs, three small poems, birthdays and festivals, viewing flowers and moon, all written in a subtle, meaningful, quiet and unique way.some as small as

See the big, the meaning is far-reaching;

According to statistics, "Dream of Red Mansions" has written more than 400 characters in total, and many of them are classics with distinctive personalities and ready to come out.

figure. "A Dream of Red Mansions" pays great attention to the art of appearance of characters in shaping the image of characters.In the third episode, several main characters were written
The most famous one is Wang Xifeng: Before I see her, I hear her voice first. In a short space, I describe her status in Jia's mansion,
Her well-behaved and flexible character is vivid on the paper.

It should be pointed out that the last 40 chapters of "A Dream of Red Mansions" are Gao E's sequels.Whether it is the depth of thought or artistic achievement, it is not as good as the previous 80 chapters

Xueqin's original work.Although the tragic ending of Bao Dai's love and the fate of the main characters was written, the whole book finally did not get rid of the happy ending.
old set of tails.The Jia Mansion described by Gao E is "Lan Gui Qi Fang" and "Family fortune restored".This not only completely violated Cao Xueqin's
The original meaning of "Dream of Red Mansions" was changed, which reflected the limitations of the sequel author Gao E.

In terms of art, the last 40 chapters are not as good as the first 80 chapters.

But the sequel made "Dream of Red Mansions" a complete work after all, and played a positive role in its wide spread.

"A Dream of Red Mansions" is the work with the highest achievement of language art in Chinese classical novels.It successfully inherited the ancient literary language,

He also absorbed and refined a large amount of folk spoken language, forming an elegant and popular language style.It is indeed a collection of Chinese classical language arts

A masterpiece of literature.

For more than 200 years, "A Dream of Red Mansions" has not only been widely circulated at home and abroad, but also attracted many scholars to conduct extremely in-depth studies on it.

Research, so that a specialized academic field, namely "Redology" was formed.As people's understanding of "Dream of Red Mansions" continues to
With deepening and improving, "Redology" is also developing and going to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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