100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 65 A Great Book Depicting the Tragic Fate of the Working People

Chapter 65 A Great Book Depicting the Tragic Fate of the Working People

Chapter 64 The masterpiece depicting the tragic fate of the working people: "Les Miserables"

"Les Miserables" truly depicts a broad picture of French social life from Napoleon's defeat in 1815 to the early July Dynasty.

It vividly reflects the suffering and tragic fate of the oppressed working people.Angrily denounced the injustice of the law and the

He expressed his deep respect to the republican heroes of the Communist Party of China.This is a film based on realism with strong romanticism
Art treasures of color.Mao Dun, a famous Chinese writer, compared it with "War and Peace", and called Hugo a "French literary masterpiece".
giant on the altar".

The book "Les Miserables" written in exile

Victor Hugo (1802~1885), the world-renowned French writer, started literary creation in his youth.

The Canadian Republican uprising failed and was forced into exile for 19 years.

The novel is the outstanding achievement of Hugo in exile. "Les Miserables" (1862), "The Laborers of the Sea" (1866) and early creative
"Notre Dame de Paris" is Hugo's three masterpieces; in 1869, he also published "The Man Who Laughs".

The most representative achievement of Hugo's literature is his novel "Les Miserables".And this masterpiece from the brewing conception to the official
Published for 20 years, the original name of the work means

"The Suffering Ones".In the book, Jean Valjean, Fantine, Cosette and street vagrant Gevroche are all unfortunate lower class people.
things.The main content of this book is summarized as follows:

At dusk in the autumn of 1815 in Paris, France, Jean Valjean, a prisoner who had just stepped out of prison, came to the small town of Digne, Bishop Myriere.
In front of Mr.

Ask the old bishop for lodging.Jean Valjean rested comfortably for the night after having a good meal here, and when he left, he took the bishop's

A set of silver cutlery, unfortunately seized by the police.The bishop did not blame him, but kindly warned him: "Do good, do
A good man". But Jean Valjean, who was 46 and seven years old, went to prison. In fact, he was stolen by his sister's two hungry and cold children.
a loaf of bread.

Fantine, a female worker in the book, cannot work because of her two-year-old daughter Cosette.So, she found a customer from Mengfeimei Town on the outskirts of the city.
The shopkeepers, the Thenardiers, asked them to take care of their children.But M. Thenardier demanded from Fantine seven francs a month,

Due to the persecution of life, Fantine had to agree.

After a few years, Fantine's hometown, that is, the seaside town of Monteil, because of the arrival of a Mr. Madeleine, he relied on his own wisdom,

Money Hing

Build factories, help the poor, and prosper Monty. People support him very much, and they write to the king and appoint him as mayor.fantine in

Working in the factory of the mayor of Madeleine, she was fired after a year.The Thenardiers wrote to her and threatened her that if she did not send the money,
About to drive Cosette out, Fantine fell into deep worry. At the same time, she also hated the mayor of Madeleine, thinking that he was the one who relieved her.
hired her.Unfortunately, Fantine was insulted and beaten by hooligans when she went to the street.When the policeman Javert was about to arrest her, the mayor of Madeleine
Just in time, he scolded Javert and left, but Fantine ran up and spat at the mayor, and Madeleine ignored her.he sees Fang
Ting was running a fever and coughing, and ordered Fantine to be sent to the factory's sanitarium immediately.When he knew Fantine's life experience,

Immediately sent 300 francs to the Thenardiers and told them to send the child as soon as possible, but Fantine didn't know all this, she

At this time, seeing his daughter became the mainstay of her existence, and he couldn't help pinning his hopes on the mayor of Madeleine.

But at this time, a very unexpected thing happened.Policeman Javert told Madeleine that he had written against Madeleine, saying he was

Convict Jean Valjean,

Javert also said that he had done wrong, because the fake Jean Valjean had been caught and was about to be tried.This incident shocked Madeleine.he
When he arrived at the court, he announced in public that he was the convict Jean Valjean.He had to leave for a while to do two things.

He rushed to the nursing home to see Fantine, but Javert who came later announced that Madeleine was no longer the mayor, and Fantine's hopes were shattered.
I swallowed.Jean Valjean was taken away.A few days later, residents of the town of Montfermeil saw a
A stranger, led in full filial piety, embraced

Cosette the rag doll walks out of town.The stranger paid the Thenardiers 1500 francs.The stranger is Jean Valjean, who once again

He escaped, rescued Cosette, and took her to settle down in a poor district of Paris in the name of father and daughter.Soon, the shadow of Javert
Appearing next to Jean Valjean again, Jean Valjean had to take Cosette to escape again.

Then came 1832.In the Luxembourg Gardens, there is often a young and beautiful girl walking with an old man. This is Jean

Agen and Cosette.Marius, an aristocratic young man living near the park, fell in love with Cosette.Every time Cosette came to the park, he

Looking from afar.There is also a poor family living near the park, that is, the first Dana family who changed their name. They tried to rob Jean Valjean.

, was arrested by the police.

In June of the same year, a general loved by the people died, and on the day of his burial, the citizens of Paris rioted.Marius
He joined the ranks of the uprising with a group of passionate young people, and soon the uprising team and the military and police launched a fierce barricade battle.marius to coselle

A letter arrives from Tet saying that he is dying, but his soul is with Cosette.Jean Valjean could not bear to make Cosette sad,
He also joined the uprising team, and he wanted to protect Marius.Marius entrusted him with the task of executing the captured Javert.Jean Valjean

Jie Shawei went to a secluded place and let him go.When he returned to the team, Marius was wounded and passed out.he does not

Carrying everything on his back, the young man got into the sewer.The sewers in Paris are criss-crossed and meandering, and people entering it are like entering a maze
Jean Valjean walked with Marius on his back for an unknown amount of time, and finally saw the light.When he struggled to climb to the ground, he met head-on
It was Sheriff Javert.Jean Valjean frankly demanded that Javert send the young man home before arresting him.Javert said

After agreeing, and turning away, he did not arrest Jean Valjean.

Cosette was always by his side as Marius was well healed and cared for.The injury will heal soon, the young couple in love
Years finally got married.

Jean Valjean gave the 50 francs he earned when he was mayor to the newlyweds.Marius did not know that it was the old man who saved
He, he suspected that the source of the old man's money was unknown, so he didn't want Cosette to visit him often.Jean Valjean's pride was wounded
, he told Marius about his experience in prison, but he didn't justify himself.Since then Marius will not let his wife go

Look at Jean Valjean.

When Marius knew the whole truth of the matter, he was extremely ashamed.He and Cosette rushed to the old man, begging for forgiveness

, and is willing to take the old man to live with him.But it was too late, Jean Valjean closed his eyes in their arms, forever

Passed away.

Generally speaking, the novel puts forward three problems that urgently need to be solved in the huge space of 5 volumes-"Poverty makes men poor and poor".

, hunger makes women corrupt, and darkness makes children weak". The novel is based on the fugitive convict Jean Valjean, the prostitute Fantine and her daughter Ke
Taking the unfortunate experience of the three of Seth as clues, it presents a breathtaking picture of the miserable world.this is life at the bottom

Layers of the world of unfortunate people.There they suffered, struggled in hunger and cold, survived humiliation, and died in persecution

.The kind and simple unemployed worker Jean Valjean, in order to feed several nephews, stole a piece of bread in hunger and cold, which cost him 19
The price of years of hard labor.After he was released from prison, he was chased by the police all his life.The innocent working girl Fantine, after being raped
Abandoned again, the society treats each other coldly, and even the right to work is deprived.In order to support her daughter, she can only sell her hair and teeth
, and finally reduced to prostitution, and finally died in shock.Her daughter, Cosette, was tortured at a young age.accompany her
Childhood is abused, humiliated and heavy labor.Hugo truly portrayed this shocking picture, highlighting the

It reflects the tragic fate and situation of the poor people.With righteous indignation, he lodged a complaint against the capitalist society that caused all this.
Litigation and protest, especially ruthlessly tore off the mask of "fairness and integrity" of capitalist law, exposing its tyranny, absurdity,

The nature of hypocrisy.Javert, the policeman, is the incarnation of the cruel and cruel law.He chased Jean Valjean all his life like a ghost, ruining his life.

It destroyed the lives of Jean Valjean, Cosette and others, and brought disaster to them.In the end, he had a mental breakdown and threw himself into the river to die, showing the law

The nature of Law is small and weak.

When the book "Les Miserables" exposes the suffering of the poor, it starts from the bourgeois humanitarian point of view.he
Emphasize the moral role,

Trying to use benevolence to influence to resolve sharp social contradictions.Bishop Myriere and Jean Valjean are idealized characters for this purpose

Myrière transforms society with dedication and kindness.Inspired by him, Jean Valjean converted to religion, determined to do good, and became a

A moralist who is willing to do good and is full of fraternity.Jean Valjean's good deeds have eliminated poverty and unemployment in the small town of Monty.

Become thriving, friendly and harmonious.There is no doubt about the utopian description of the small town of Monteyi and the idea of ​​benevolence and omnipotence in the book.
It is doubtful that it is a kind of class reconciliation and reformist proposition, which has a relatively negative effect.


Hugo's "Les Miserables" gained a huge reputation once it was published.

Paul Melis to Victor Rain, July 1862, 7
Guo's letter said: "It has been 6 days, Paris has been reading "Les Miserables" frantically. The oral discussions and newspaper briefs at the beginning
It is easy to predict that the news will herald great success.People admire, fascinate.No more chirping criticism

And faltered.This complete creation astounds people with its grandeur and noble and benevolent justice

.It surpasses all creation and conquers many readers irresistibly. "

Of course, "Les Miserables" is built on the basis of bourgeois humanitarian thought, with the theory of human nature and abstract super-class

Thought limitations, but the sincere care and sympathy for the suffering of the people, the profound exposure of the feudal autocracy and the church, make the works
The significance of progress is very prominent.The works inherit and defend the progressive ideological tradition of the French bourgeoisie since the Great Revolution.Therefore, for

His thoughts often surpassed his contemporaries, which made "Les Miserables" an outstanding representative of bourgeois democracy in literature and politics.

Hugo himself also attached great importance to this novel. He said: "The book "Les Miserables" is written for the people of the world. I don’t know
Whether everyone will read this book, but I wrote it for everyone. " "I firmly believe that even if this novel is not my work,

The pinnacle, and one of the pinnacles". There is no doubt that the whole world has now recognized "Les Miserables" as a great creation of human wisdom.
make one.

(End of this chapter)

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