Chapter 97
Chapter 96 Stunning Masterpiece of the [-]th Century: The Tin Drum

The astonishing masterpiece "The Tin Drum" has indisputably entered the list of world literary masterpieces in the 20th the book

Full of

The bizarre story is full of absurd words, but the author has a serious attitude, expressing his understanding of the ugly history of Germany before and after World War II.

The irony with the grotesque beings is profound and breathtaking.

Tramp Fiction Classic Satire Book

Günter Grass was born in Danzig (now Gdansk, Poland) in 1927.

The best of the rising class of writers.Its representative as the trilogy of Danzig, including "The Tin Drum", "Cat and Mouse", "Dog
Moon" (a translation of "Inhuman Years" 1963).The three works are independent chapters and a system, and there are many similarities in artistic style.

Its characteristics represent a unified stage of development in the writer's creation.The purpose of the author's creation is to smash the German
The cult of the Nazis took shape and was only really imminent in the 60s.In addition, there is a long fairy tale novel "Plaice".

The novel "The Tin Drum" consists of three parts and 46 chapters.The first one, the place where the story takes place is Danzig, and the time is from 1899 to 1939
In 1933, it was mainly based on the rise of Nazi forces in Danzig after Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, became Chancellor of Germany.part two, land
The point is still Danzig, time from 1939 to 1946, the background is the major military operations of World War II, the Nazi Party's euthanasia program (
Destroying the mentally ill, demented children and other patients as "life not worth living"), massacres in the gas chambers of concentration camps
The Jews, the "July 1944" incident in which military officers assassinated Hitler in [-], the resistance movement, and the former German state that was assigned to other countries after the war
Germans on German soil were deported.The third chapter is set in Dusseldorf, and the background is the post-war American, British and French occupied area, that is, West

During the period of material scarcity in Germany, the black market transactions of ordinary people, the devaluation of the Reichsmark and the use of U.S. military cigarettes as the commodity exchange unit of value,
Currency reform in West Germany, passage of the Basic Law and economic recovery following the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany, from 1946 to 1954.

tells a story of Niobe.Niobe is a wooden sculpture of a ship's prow with a nude witch as a model.its miraculous calendar
History has shown that whoever gets involved in it will face disaster.The author obviously used this woodcarving as a metaphor for Danzig, and offered a warning.At the time
The Federal Government of Germany insisted on negotiating a peace treaty based on the restoration of the German borders of 1937, Grass in the novel
Call it an attempt at the "Fifth Partition of Poland".Such a bold attack on the policy of the authorities caused this novel to suffer from the sticks of the authorities.
Son, it is no wonder.Therefore, the irony of this work can only be understood with sufficient knowledge of the history involved.


Among many absurd stories, this book hides its political inclination.These stories are written by the protagonist Oscar Matzer

Rattle narrates.Oskar Matzerath forcibly committed to nursing and nursing home for murder of nurse Sister Dorothea,

Observe whether he is mentally ill.He asked Bruno, the male nurse, to buy "clean" paper, and then beat him on the hospital bed with white painted railings.

Drum recalls, narrates past events, and writes down his confession.Therefore, this is an autobiographical or No.1 novel.oscar in

Born in the shadow of two 60-watt electric bulbs and a moth that swarmed at the bulbs.He had a premonition of darkness in the world (Nazi period is coming)
, wanting to return to mother's belly, but the umbilical cord has been cut. On his 3rd birthday, his mother gave him a tin drum for children to play with.he does not

Self-mutilation (War-weary soldier method) to join the adult world, fell into a cretinized dwarf, 94cm tall
, no longer grow up, but the intelligence is three times higher than that of adults, and unexpectedly acquired the ability to sing broken glass.he sings
The sound of broken glass also has a long-range effect (this is a reference to the "miracle weapon" V-1 and V-[-], which Nazi Germany called "final victory".

parody of the V-2 missile).

Oskar lived in the world of the petty bourgeois on Rabes Road in the Longfur district of Danzig where the Germans lived.He found,

In his mother (Polish worker) and Kashubei peasant woman's daughter Agnes with his father (German Rhinelander), colonial merchant

Store owner Alfred Matzerath and his uncle Jan Bronski (worked in the Polish post office and became a Polish citizen)
There is a triangle relationship between them.These two men were his possible or supposed fathers, but since he had a pair of

With blue eyes, he thinks Jan is more likely to be his biological father.He witnessed the small citizens in the neighborhood successively attached to the Nazi forces.

Matzerath was a man who yelled, laughed, and clapped, and he also yelled, laughed, and clapped. He joined the Nazis in 1934

Party, but still watching the wind.He put on the party hat first, then the brown shirt after a while, then the party trousers, and finally

Put on your leather boots and go to a Nazi rally in full party uniform.Oscar was under the Nazi podium, as a drummer (Hitler in the beer

Before the coup in the tavern, he was also called the drummer by the party members) blindly beating his own drum. In 1935, Nazi Germany passed legislation to deprive Jews of
Left unprotected by the law, some are pinning their hopes on the intervention of the Catholic Church. On Easter 1936, Oscar was in St.
Xin Church saw that the baby Jesus on the lap of the Virgin Mary was exactly like himself, so he hung a drum on Jesus, hoping that he would beat the drum to gather together.

The crowd, but the miracle did not appear.His mother had a tryst with Yang once a week, and afterwards she went to church to confess to the priest, and after the confession she was pregnant.
New passion goes on a tryst.She accidentally became pregnant with Matzerath's child, did not want to give birth to the child, and died of overeating. 1938

In the "Crystal Night" in January, the Nazis smashed, looted and burned Jewish houses, shops and synagogues. The Jew Marcus saw his play

The furniture store was destroyed and committed suicide. Facing the atrocities of the Nazis, Catholics sang "Where there is faith, there is hope, there is love".

On September 1939, 9, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, the Nazis in Danzig attacked the Polish post office, and Jan Bronski was captured
Oscar, who was at the scene, pretended to be a German child abducted by Poles and betrayed his imaginary father.Matzerath invites neighbor

Madame Gütruczynski's youngest daughter, Maria, looked after Oskar and managed the shop. Oscar, 16, impregnates Maria, 17
pregnant.The shrewd Maria had an affair with Matzerath and married the leader of the Nazi Party, and gave birth to Oscar's son Ku
Walter.The decadent Oscar becomes the lover of the scruffy woman Lena Greve.The dwarf Bebra, originally a circus clown,
Said that "inner exile" did not cooperate with the Nazis. At this time, he became the captain of the front troupe under the Nazi Propaganda Minister Goebbels.profound
Scar went to the western front with the troupe to work as a soldier, and fell in love with the sleepwalking girl Roseweta; Bebra contacted the officer who conspired against Hitler.them

Go to the "West Wall" to visit the cement bunker and witness the "crazy guy" (Hitler's soldier in WWI)
nickname), Lieutenant Herzogling was originally a painter (Hitler also worked as a painter in Vienna in his early years), and Sergeant Lanx used a machine gun

Shoot the nun who went to the beach to pick crabs.Oscar lamented the "mysterious, barbaric, boring" 20th century.Allies land in Normandy
Lu, Rosweta was killed.Oscar returns to his hometown, and he calls himself "Jesus" and becomes the leader of the "Scatterers" gang.
year against the organization.The Soviet army bombarded Danzig, and Matzerath swallowed the swastika and died.When burying Matzerath, Oskar was killed by Kuhl

Te hit the back of the head with a stone and fell into the grave, his nose was bleeding and he began to grow taller.Receipt of the Matzerath family home and shop
Concentration camp survivor Feingold used disinfectant water (a metaphor for "denazification") to treat Oscar to no avail.maria with oscar and

Kurt went to Dusseldorf to join her sister Gust.

Oscar recovered from his illness and was discharged from the hospital. He has grown into a 123-meter-tall chicken-breasted hunchback, just like Nietzsche's so-called blond-haired, blue-eyed superman who dominates the world

In stark contrast, it is also a metaphor for Germany after the defeat.Maria and Kurt run a black market business.Oscar first worked as a stonemason
Carve tombstones and later act as models. In 1949, West Germany passed the Basic Law, and Adenauer of the Christian Democratic Union became Chancellor.height

The 178-meter-high female model Ula acts as a nude Madonna, and the 123-meter-tall nude Oscar with chicken breasts sits on her lap as the nude Madonna.

The Holy Child Jesus, instilled inspiration into trendy painters, and created a piece of "Our Lady of [-]".It is this kind of political satire that makes
"The Tin Drum" was denounced as "obscene and indecent", and Glass was branded as a "brained anarchist".
hat.After Oscar's marriage proposal to Maria was rejected, he became depressed again, unrequitedly in love with the nurse Dorothea whom he had never met, and had sex

Repression drove him to do absurd things.He organizes a 3-piece jazz band, witnesses post-war depressive groups at the Onion Cellar, where

The tearless century relies on chopping onions to make round teardrops, and to get emotional venting. The "Western" show company promoted him as a drummer Ming
However, the boss of the company turned out to be Bebra, a dwarf who is good at playing tricks on politics.Bebra left him a large fortune after his death.Oss

The card is rich but the heart is empty.He took the dog for a walk and picked up a ring finger with a ring on it. He dipped it in a large bottle of alcohol and treated it.

worship and repent.It turned out that it was the ring finger of Sister Dorothea who was murdered by her love rival.Oscar puts pushy Vitra on
Report to the police station.He called himself "Jesus" when he was arrested, and his intention was to get a piece of pure land - nursing and nursing homes

A hospital bed with white painted railings for recalling and thinking about the past.Oscar passed his 30th birthday, and the truth about the nurse's murder

But the nursery rhyme from his childhood still lingers in his ears: "Black cook, are you there? Yes, yes!" The shadow of fear and fear looms

with him.I don't know what to do after leaving the hospital.

The Tin Drum by Günter Grass is an unfinished modern tramp
The irony of current events is sharp and tricky, and it reminds people of the poet Heine.

famous book charms belated honor

This novel by Grass had an impact on Germany and even the world. The bizarre stories in the book amazed future generations.
The irony of the ugly history of Germany's World War II between the lines is amazing.

Looking at this book, it is very imaginative, vivid, touching, and refreshing. It was awarded the "Siqi Society" award, 3000 marks. 1959

In autumn, the International Book Fair in Frankfurt am Main opened, and Glass and The Tin Drum appeared at the book fair.he gives the impression that
Both witty and humorous, but also serious.As for the comments on the novel, there are applause and applause on the one hand, and on the other hand, they are beaten to death with a stick.Not coming

An award committee in May awarded the Grass Prize for Literature, but the city government of Bremen decided to oppose it on the same grounds as Metternich's 1835 proposal.

The reason for the ban on the works of young German writers such as Heine by the Federal Parliament is exactly the same.However, the novel still sells well, and 25 years on

A total of more than 300 million copies have been printed in China. Before 1963, translations in 11 languages ​​have come out. In 1980, "Iron Skin" was put on the screen.

The Drum won the foreign film Oscar at the Hollywood Film Festival in the United States, and the English translation of the film and novel became popular in the United States.from the 80's

From the end of the century, "The Tin Drum" experienced a revival in Eastern Europe and Russia.All this shows the vitality of the novel.

It can be said that Günter Grass's novel "The Tin Drum" reflects the early days of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The achievement of literary creation has become a recognized literary masterpiece in the world in the 20th century.The Tin Drum by Günter Grass
In 99, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature by the Royal Swedish Academy.

(End of this chapter)

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